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Friday, October 16, 2009

THB: Drug-Free Pain Relief

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By Melanie Segala - Executive Editor Friday, October 16th - Issue #204

THB An Appalachian Home Remedy That Soothes Painful Hands

After years of typing on a keyboard for most of the day, your hands can really feel it -- as in joint and knuckle pain and swelling in the fingers. If you want to avoid the daily use of prescription and OTC drugs, try the down-home remedy of folks in the Appalachian Mountains. They've been making tea from alfalfa leaves and seeds for generations. Due to its high content of plant steroids, alfalfa has anti-inflammatory properties that help people with pain and swelling in their fingers and hands.

Here's a simple alfalfa tea you can make at home and sip on at work. Bring a quart of water and two or three alfalfa leaves to a boil. Add a small amount of mint or lemongrass to enhance the taste. Steep for 30 minutes and enjoy!

While your weary hands are being soothed, you'll also be treated to a rich source of healthy trace minerals. Drinking two to three cups can provide the anti-inflammatory action your tired hands and fingers need.

Alfalfa leaves can be found in most health food stores. Look for a product that is certified organic to ensure that it does not contain pesticides.

But don't stop there…

THB 3 Simple Steps to Prevent the "Typist's Malady"

Typing all day or any repetitive arm and wrist motion puts a lot of continuous stress on your hands, wrists and arms. This can lead to numbness and tingling in the fingers along with pain, stiffness and swelling -- or what we know as carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS).

These symptoms can become severe, even spreading to the elbows and shoulders. In extreme cases, the entire arm becomes so weak that weight cannot be supported. But the good news is, there are a few easy steps you can take to reduce the pain, prevent it from getting worse, and even lower your risk of getting carpal tunnel in the first place.

  • Naturopath Douglas C. Lewis recommends contrast hydrotherapy to increase circulation to your wrists. First, dip your hands and wrists into hot water for 3 minutes and then cold for 30 seconds. Repeat 3 to 5 times, once or twice daily. Dr. Lewis says this will improve nutrition, eliminate wastes, and help decrease pain.
  • Make sure your diet is rich in vitamin B6. Several studies have shown a link between CTS and vitamin B6 deficiency. Good food sources are sweet potatoes, avocados, brown rice, sunflower seeds, chick peas, salmon, pork, chicken, turkey, potatoes, bok choy, barley, bananas, and mangoes.
  • Put your sleep hours to good use by wearing a splint for added support. This will relieve pressure on the median nerve in your wrist and help with your activities the next day. Splints are available at most drug stores.

THB Why You Shouldn't Blame Your Brain for So-Called "Brain Diseases"

I'm reading a fascinating book right now by Dr. Mark Hyman. It's called The UltraMind Solution. In it, he challenges us to put aside everything we think we know about brain disorders like depression, anxiety, dementia, autism and ADHD. Instead, he says look to the body for the cures to "brain breakdown."  Dr. Hyman should know. It happened to him.

He went from being a brilliant medical student and doctor to a shell of his former self - trying to get through each day while suffering from depression, anxiety, memory loss and an inability to concentrate. 

How did this happen?

Piece by piece, cell by cell, body system by body system, he searched for answers by combing through research, consulting with doctors and scientists, and experimenting on himself. What he found is a revelation. The problem didn't start in his brain at all. It started where most "brain doctors" don't even look - his body.

In the process of healing himself, Dr. Hyman made another remarkable discovery. Most brain diseases have their root cause in the rest of the body - in treatable imbalances in the body's key systems.   

Hundreds of his patients  who thought they were doomed to a lifetime of prescription drugs for a broken brain have been set free. In an enlightening article, Dr. Hyman shares one of his 7 keys to help you on your journey back to health and wellness. You can read it by clicking here.

THB Your Opinion Matters

In Wednesday's Undercover, I recommended a topical product called Soothanol X2 for back and arthritis pain.  I was so impressed with the list of ingredients it contained and the testimonials I read, I couldn't wait to tell you about. While I still believe in Soothanol X2 100%, I'd like you to read a couple of the comments from readers.

Here's what Dave, RN had to say:

I too tried it. Pretty much no real effect. Ben Gay and the like worked just as well for me. I really wanted it to work, but no go.

And from reader Roy Y., RMT:

I tried this on myself and on many of my clients, but I got none of the relief you advertised from anyone I tried it on. Is it on certain ethnic groups or something I'm missing. I understand the ingredients and it should work, but it didn't.  You [manufacturers of Soothanol X2] should offer a lower price for health care practitioners like some other companies do.

To Dave, Roy and others who had no luck with Soothanol X2:

I'm sorry this product didn't offer you relief. No product, Soothanol X2 included, will work for everyone. That's why it's so important to purchase products with a money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied. 

Some people find that Soothanol X2 burns too much on application. However, this can happen with any product containing cayenne/capsaicin. The effect varies widely based on the individual's sensitivity - this sensitivity can diminish over time with continued use. 

Dave mentioned in his comment that he uses BenGay for pain relief. This is not a good substitute for an all-natural product. Ben Gay has additional chemicals that can penetrate your skin and contribute to a toxic build-up in your body. One of the ingredients, a gelling agent called carbomer 940, is also used in floor polish. I still advise you to use a natural product without chemical additives. 

Rest assured that Soothanol X2 does work overwhelmingly well for the vast majority of users. Here's just a sampling of what many have to say:

From Debbie P.

It [Soothanol X2] arrived a couple of days ago, and I've been using two drops each morning on my left hip, the one causing me all the pain; one drop on the appropriate spot in the small of my back, a second drop on the side of my hip where the bone's closest to the surface.

The first day I applied the drops, then went about doing my chores, which involve feeding and watering my indoor animals, cleaning their litter pan, sweeping up a little bit, feeding and watering the feral cats that live in my garage, and taking care of the wild bird feeders. These activities usually involve quite a lot of moaning and groaning and swearing, but at some point that first day, I realized that I wasn't moaning or groaning or swearing.

Then, later on, I went to the grocery store. I didn't end up supporting my weight by leaning on the shopping cart the way I usually do. Wow!

From Adam P.

I bought from you Soothanol X2. That is really fantastic, like magic. A painful shoulder problem I have had for years, which meant I could not move my arm above my head or rotate my shoulder without severe pain, was reduced to the extent that both these movements were possible after just one application. I also had a swelling on my achilles tendon, again it just wouldn't go away and was painful. Again just one application and the pain went away and the swelling went down. Infrequent applications to these problems have seen vast and steady improvement. I have also used the product on a sports injury my son suffered and rapid healing was the result. This product seems not to be just a pain killer but a cure as the improvements stay without re-application

Soothanol X2 comes with a massive recommendation from me.

From Sally B.

I tried Soothanol X2 today for the first time about 15 minutes ago. My knees have been driving me crazy for days and I decided to try this to get some relief because the other things I tried weren't working. I can't believe how fast this stuff works and how well! My knees feel all warm and tingly and the aches are almost completely gone and getting closer to completely gone every minute... This is a great product that I'll be using from now on and I'm so glad that I got the opportunity to try it.

From Mary S.

I cannot tell you how many people have heard my story......but I am one happy camper.  While I used this on a sprained wrist I was overjoyed; then to have it calm the pangs of neuropathy was wonderful. But this week took the cake--after having a molars roots removed I suffered and then I thought Soothanol...I rubbed it on my cheek, my jaw and under my jaw....Relief!!!! and Sleep!!!
A Wonderful product.

From Jim C.

Good stuff, stops pain as described. Nothing else helped,  Thank you Soothanol!!

If you're a healthcare professional who wants to sell Soothanol X2 in your practice, the manufacturer NorthStar offers a discount. You can call 1-800-913-2592, Monday-Friday, 9-5, EST for information.


Scientists accidentally create amazing pain reliever...

  • Begins to ease away pain on contact
  • Back, hip & joint pain soothed away
  • Natural flower extracts, side-effect free
  • No pills to swallow

SO POWERFUL, JUST A FEW DROPS IS ALL IT TAKES! Learn more about this new and improved formula and ease your pain on contact!

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