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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

THB: Big Pharma's Dirty Little Secret

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By Melanie Segala - Executive Editor Tuesday, October 6th - Issue #201

THBA Must-Read for Statin Takers

Statin drugs are a $20 billion business for Big Pharma. At least 13 million people in the US are daily users. But there's a dirty little secret that the drug companies don't want you to know. Statins can dangerously lower an essential nutrient in your body -CoQ10. According to Dr. Al Sears, "CoQ10 is nothing short of a miracle heart energizer."

Drug companies know about this side effect, but they downplay it so that sales are not affected. Most doctors aren't aware of the link between statins and falling CoQ10 levels, so they fail to recommend CoQ10 supplements to their patients. This leaves you, the statin taker, with muscle pain and a higher risk of heart disease, low energy, compromised immunity, and even Alzheimer's!

Dr. Sears has a simple action plan you can follow to make sure you are getting enough CoQ10 every day.

  • If you are over 30 and in good health take 30 mg per day.
  • If you are over 60, take 60 mg per day.
  • If you take statin drugs or have high blood pressure, heart disease or chronic fatigue, take 100 mg per day.

You also need to take your CoQ10 supplement with food or a teaspoon of almond butter, olive oil or fish oil to maximize absorption.

And speaking of your heart...

THBEat More for Your Ticker

More than half of all Americans are overweight. Carrying these extra pounds puts you at a greater risk of a number of health problems, starting with heart disease and high blood pressure. But here's something that most people don't know, you can eat more to lose excess weight and protect your heart. Just make sure you're eating the one food that will shed the pounds -protein. Not only will you lose weight, it will be easy and healthy.

Protein is the only macronutrient your body needs each day. And high-quality protein is the key to good nutrition and health. When you eat more protein every day than your body needs to meet its daily demands, two things happen. 1) Your body stops storing fat because it's being well fed. 2) It begins burning its fat stores.

So if you want to drop some pounds, how much protein should you be eating every day? Dr. Sears recommends 1 gram of protein for every pound of lean body mass. That would be about 6.3 ounces of protein for 180 pounds of lean body mass. He recommends protein sources like wild salmon, grass-fed beef, eggs, cheese, milk, beans and nuts -organic if possible. And make sure you eat protein at every meal.

But what about fats and carbs?

THBGood Fat/Bad Fat

Natural fats are a healthy part of a balanced diet and shouldn't be avoided. But make sure your dietary fat comes from grass-fed animals, eggs, nuts, and unprocessed vegetable oils. Why is grass-fed meat so important? Because when animals eat their natural wild diet, the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fats is what it should be -healthy and balanced. That's a big plus for your heart.

Grain-fed animals on the other hand, cause your omega-6 fats to soar to unhealthy levels, and that's a cause of heart disease. The same is true for trans-fats, the manufactured fat found in processed foods that keeps them "fresh" longer. Trans-fats increase triglycerides, lower "good" cholesterol levels and raise "bad" LDL levels. You need to avoid them at all costs!

Here's another surprise...

THBYou're Being Scammed

"Low-fat" foods are usually bad for your heart. That's because more carbs are added to them to improve the taste after the fat is removed. The added carbs are the worst kind - they're refined and processed - and another cause of heart disease.

Processed carbs, especially starchy ones make you fat and diseased. When you eat carbs, make sure they are fresh and grow above the ground -unlike starchy tubers and root vegetables. And forget the grains too. These starchy foods can have the same effect as processed carbs - they cause your blood sugar to surge and can lead to type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Here are a few guidelines for you, based on the Glycemic Index:

  • Avoid all grains including cereals and corn.
  • Avoid potatoes and other tubers that grow below the ground.
  • Avoid "low-fat" foods.
  • Avoid foods with added sweeteners.

Instead, eat fresh vegetables like green beans, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, eggplant, mushrooms, peppers, spinach and squash. They have a GI score of 0.

Cross Heart Attack and Stroke Off Your List of Things to Worry About...

Once you have your first stroke or heart attack, your chances of another are very high. But they don't have to be!

You can get rid of the most common cause of heart attack with a remedy costs just pennies. And it's available at your local grocery store.

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I've seen it work countless times. Over the last 20 years, I've treated hundred of stroke victims. But when I give them this simple preventative cure, they go on to live happy and productive lives – without the fear of having another stroke.

To find out how you can get the same protection click HERE...

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