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Saturday, October 31, 2009

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Sleep Your Way to Better Health?

The Amen Brain Health Report

Renowned Brain Expert Gives You . . .

Six Sure-Fire Tips to Sleep
Your Way to Better Health —

Perhaps Even a Longer Life

Special Health Update
By Christopher Ruddy
Newsmax CEO

Dear Friend,

You can sleep when you're dead . . .

Young people often use this saying to justify their long, sleepless nights of playing and partying.

But it's not just the young among us who don't get enough zzz's. Sleep problems can occur at any age — and take many forms.

Do you or a loved one:

  • Have trouble falling asleep?
  • Go to sleep easily but then wake up repeatedly during the night?
  • Have a problem going back to sleep if you do wake up?
  • Find it hard to drag yourself out of bed in the morning?
  • Feel tired throughout the day?
  • Snore or suffer from sleep apnea, a common condition in which you have pauses in breathing or take shallow breaths while you sleep?

All of those problems arise because sleep deprivation decreases blood flow to your brain, says brain expert Dr. Daniel Amen, medical editor of our newsletter The Amen Brain Health Report.

And without adequate sleep, your brain cells don't have the chance to repair themselves. Your brain function becomes impaired, as you'll see shortly. Sometimes tragically impaired.

Plus, sleep deprivation leads to lost productivity and absenteeism that costs American businesses a whopping $150 billion each year. Especially during today's trying economic times, it's crucial to know you can . . .

Sleep Your Way to Better Earning Potential

If you get less than seven hours of sleep a night, you have lower activity in your temporal lobes. This limits your ability to pay attention, learn, solve problems, and remember important information.

Plus, when you don't get enough sleep:

  • You feel tired in the workplace, which impairs your performance.
  • You're more likely to be in an unfriendly mood, leading to issues with co-workers, customers, employers, or employees.
  • Your accuracy declines sharply.

These work issues — and others Dr. Amen details in his report Sleep Your Way to Better Brain Health that you can get for FREE — can undermine your career and earning potential seriously.

Click Here Now to Receive Your Free Report.

Plus, sleep is important in many other ways . . .

Sleep Your Way to a Better Sex Life

That's right. When you don't get enough sleep, you're much less inclined to want to get intimate with your spouse or partner. And how do you think this affects your mood?

Plus, when you're sleepy, you're more likely to skip family events or fail to participate in healthy recreational and social activities.

You'll miss out on these vital social and intimate connections that keep your brain young.

As Dr. Amen points out, this can be particularly troublesome for those in their golden years. That's because research shows that a lack of social connections and bonding can speed up your brain's aging process.

Dr. Amen also wants to show you how to . . .

Sleep Your Way to Optimal Weight

If you have problems with your weight, you seriously should consider getting more sleep. Dozens of studies point to a connection between lack of sleep and weight gain or obesity.

This is true not only for adults but also for children.

Dr. Amen will fill you in on research involving two hormones — leptin and ghrelin — that are regulated by sleep and involved in appetite.

Perhaps you've noticed, as one research study did, that sleep deprivation makes you choose junk carbs such as candy, cookies, and cake over more healthy fruit, vegetables, or dairy products.

As important as all this is, the scariest thing is that lack of sleep is hazardous to your health. Not only can skimping on sleep literally stunt growth in young people but also chronic sleep loss is also associated with a number of disorders.

Fortunately, with Dr. Amen's help, you can . . .

Click Here Now to Receive Your Free Report.

Sleep Your Way to Lowered Risk of
Physical and Mental Disease

Here are just a few of the disorders you can avoid or help with proper sleep habits:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Attention Deficit Disorder
  • Alzheimer's disease
  • Parkinson's disease
  • Stroke
  • Psychosis

So let's turn it around: Instead of "you can sleep when you're dead," the reality is this — You should sleep if you want to stay alive.

Sleep Your Way to Safety on the Road

Every day, millions of people hit the road while feeling drowsy. In fact, in a recent poll, 28% of respondents admitted to nodding off or falling asleep behind the wheel. About 5,500 people in the United States die each year because of driver fatigue.

Don't be one of them!

Sleep deprivation can slow your reaction time, cloud your judgment, affect your vision, impair your brain processing, and increase aggressive behavior.

And last but not least, you can.

Sleep Your Way to Better Brain Habits

Obviously, losing sleep causes brain drain.

Beyond that, you'll tend to make bad lifestyle choices after a night of insufficient sleep.

When you don't get enough sleep, you'll tend to want more caffeine and junk food, smoke more, exercise less, and drink more alcohol.

All these habits are terrible for your brain's function, so I'm sure you can see by now how important it is to ensure you sleep well each and every night.

Sleep is so important that Dr. Amen wants you to enjoy his recent report Sleep Your Way to Better Brain Health as a Free Gift.

Besides more details on the six ways to "sleep your way to better health," you also will receive:

  • A chart that details how many hours of sleep you and your loved ones need by age
  • A personal sleep journal to help you determine whether you have problems sleeping (and some of the things that may be contributing to the issue)

This report, Sleep Your Way to Better Brain Health, is your FREE GIFT for simply "auditioning" Dr. Daniel Amen's Brain Health Report, our latest Newsmax health newsletter. Go here now.

Meet Daniel G. Amen, M.D.

Dr. Amen

Daniel G. Amen, M.D. is a clinical neuroscientist, psychiatrist, and brain imaging expert who heads the world-renowned Amen Clinics. He is a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association and has won several writing and research awards.

Dr. Amen has published 19 books, numerous professional articles, and a number of audio and video programs. His books include Change Your Brain, Change Your Life, Preventing Alzheimer's, Healing Anxiety and Depression, Healing the Hardware of the Soul, Making a Good Brain Great, The Brain in Love, and the New York Times bestseller Magnificent Mind at Any Age.

He is an internationally recognized keynote speaker and the star of the very popular PBS television special Change Your Brain, Change Your Life.

Your Access to a Better
Brain Starts Now

With Dr. Amen's newsletter, Newsmax has embarked on a new journey into the world of your brain.

You'll see how your brain determines the well-being of every aspect of your life. Experience increased happiness and fulfillment in your love life and personal relationships, improvement in your work, and much more.

You'll not only read about breakthrough techniques for strengthening your brain health . . . but also get access to actual case studies from one of the nation's leading brain experts.

You'll find all this, and more than I can ever include here, delivered monthly right to your e-mail — or your mailbox if you prefer.

Whichever delivery option you choose, you'll love each issue of Dr. Daniel Amen's Brain Health Report. You'll find it chock-full of brain-enhancing information and simple strategies to help you claim the happy, healthy, and successful life you truly deserve. Seeing the functions and problems involved with each brain system will help you understand yourself and others in a totally new way.

Let's face it . . .

Without Your Brain,
There Is No Life

But with critical information regarding every aspect of brain health right at your fingertips — well, just imagine the type of life you can create for yourself.

And as a new subscriber to Dr. Daniel Amen's Brain Health Report, you'll have access to the most up-to-date and crucial health information — 100% focused on keeping your brain functioning at its greatest capacity.

And not mediocre, rehashed information presented by just anyone.

No . . . Dr. Amen is one of the most extraordinary minds in brain research today.

Each month, you'll receive:

Main Feature Article. This is where Dr. Amen addresses an issue focused entirely on the brain — and techniques to help you improve yours.

Each month, he'll cover a range of topics such as:

  • Brain exercises to keep your mind sharp
  • Brain-healthy nutrition that's easy to live with
  • Better brain habits for a happy life
  • Stopping anxiety and depression from stealing your serenity
  • The truth about attention deficit disorder and the brain
  • Memory disorder help for you and your loved ones
  • Tips to improve insomnia and chronic pain
  • Natural supplements to boost your mental functioning
  • Physical exercise strategies for optimal brain health
  • And much, much more

Questions and Answers. Because this newsletter is for you and only you, Dr. Amen wants to hear your voice. So, every month Dr. Amen will pick questions you have about your own brain health, what you've read about in the news relating to the brain and emotions or behavior, and other relevant topics you might have on your mind.

Case Studies. Dr. Amen will present a significant and crucial case study taken from his own clinical archives to help you understand the importance of improving your own brain health.

Brain Health Updates. Dr. Amen gives you plenty to think about in terms of what you can do to improve your own brainpower, and ultimately your overall health. He'll show you the tips, tricks, and techniques to boost your own brain capabilities simply and easily.

In this issue of Sleep Your Way to Better Brain Health, Dr. Amen tackles much more than sleep. You'll hear all about Los Angeles Lakers' Lamar Odom, his sweet tooth, and his erratic play. (And Dr. Amen's discussion of Odom's brain function.)

Plus, you'll see:

  • How texting, e-mailing, and the Internet have become addictions that threaten your brain health . . .
  • Why stress makes you look older (Don't blame your genetics anymore) . . .
  • How meditating truly gives you a bigger brain . . .
  • Table tennis: the world's best brain sport? (Why it's Dr. Amen's No. 1 pick for a brain workout) . . .
  • How to use omega-3 fatty acid supplements to help control and reverse ADD in children and adults . . .
  • New proof that playing and listening to music helps dementia in the elderly . . .
  • Four tips to help you break that sugar habit once and for all . . .

I know what you're probably thinking: All this kind of mind-mastering information must cost a pretty penny.

Well, I think you'll be quite surprised when I tell you that you can . . .

Boost Your Brainpower for
Only 15 Cents a Day

I'll admit it — I'm a bit biased. But I want to keep my brain safe and fully functioning as long in life as possible. And I recommend the same to you.

So, we've made subscribing to Dr. Daniel Amen's Brain Health Report as affordable as we can — only $53 for 12 issues (one year) with online delivery. Or $59 mailed out to you. That's only 15 cents a day for information that can add such healthy value to your life.

Plus, here's something even better. Because we're trying to get the word out about this latest edition to our Newsmax health newsletters . . .

You Qualify for Our FREE Bonus Books Offer

2 free books

Here at Newsmax, we did a little friendly "arm twisting" and got Dr. Amen to sweeten the deal even more . . .

Even if you subscribe for only one year (12 issues), you'll receive one of Dr. Amen's popular books, Preventing Alzheimer's ($15 value) absolutely FREE.

But it gets better.

All you have to do is subscribe for two years (24 issues) at only $99 online or $109 for the printed edition. And in addition to your FREE report Sleep Your Way to Better Brain Health, you'll also receive absolutely FREE two of Dr. Amen's books: Preventing Alzheimer's (a $15 value) and Magnificent Mind at Any Age (another $15 value).

Your FREE Bonus Book #1:
Preventing Alzheimer's

"Having lost two generations of women in my family to Alzheimer's disease, I literally breathed a sigh of relief after reading this book. Finally some answers to the questions I fear the most."

Leeza Gibbons, founder of the Leeza Gibbons Memory Foundation

In Preventing Alzheimer's, you'll see that the key to a life free from the devastating consequences of Alzheimer's disease is to prevent its progression in the first place.

And in this practical book, Preventing Alzheimer's, you'll discover the concept called Prevention Through Delay™.

You'll find that by holding off the onset and progression of a condition like Alzheimer's, you can live out your entire life and never develop the disease.

Nestled within the pages of this book, you'll discover:

  • What it takes to keep your brain healthy and happy — five basic elements your brain absolutely must have to stay sharp as a tack . . .
  • The 23-point questionnaire to determine whether it's time to seek help — and how you can reduce your own possible risk factors . . .
  • Three crucial steps for getting a jump-start on preventing the onset of dementia and other forms of memory loss . . .
  • How to tell whether you're starting to lose your mind: Do you have any of these seven most common causes of memory loss?
  • Pick up the pace — why mental and physical exercises are crucial for a sharp and active mind . . .
  • Three vitamins essential for boosting your brain health . . .
  • A priceless resource section brimming over with supportive organizations, groups, and references for anyone caring for a loved one with Alzheimer's disease or other forms of memory loss . . .
  • A bright future in earth-shattering treatment solutions for Alzheimer's disease and all related memory loss conditions — some day, they might only be a distant memory . . .
  • And much, much more . . .

But don't lose out on the opportunity to claim this second FREE BOOK.

Your FREE Bonus Book #2:
Magnificent Mind at Any Age

In Magnificent Mind at Any Age, Dr. Amen asks: "Are you wired for success
or failure?" You'll discover the secret behind why some people achieve their dreams while others do not.

In fact, you'll see that a magnificent mind starts with a balanced brain. On the other hand, failure often results from a brain gone wrong.

That's why Dr. Amen gives you every option available to optimize your brain: diet, thinking strategies, natural supplements, exercise, and if needed, medication. However, his philosophy is to teach people skills — not just give you pills.

And in Magnificent Mind at Any Age (a $15 value), you'll also find out about:

  • Brain envy: How to eliminate those daily habits that hold you back . . .
  • Why you should consider natural treatments to heal your brain . . .
  • How to use your brain to define your dreams and actually make them your
    reality . . .
  • The best ways to take care of younger brains . . .
  • How to stop anxiety from allowing other people to run your life . . .
  • Why you should make an effort to increase blood flow to your brain . . .
  • The 'bounce-back factor': 10 ways to boost your resilience, even when adversity strikes your life . . .
  • And much more . . .

But remember, this is a very limited time offer — available only to new subscribers, so order today!

Any way you slice it, there's no way you can lose with this offer.

But don't hesitate too long . . . you must subscribe within 14 days of receiving this offer to be eligible for your FREE BONUS BOOKS OFFER.

Don't Be Left Behind — Request Your
Brain-Boosting Report and FREE BOOK(S) Today!

But wait, I just want to put a little more icing on the cake for you . . .

What would a great offer be without our . . .

Newsmax Rock-Solid,
100% Money-Back Guarantee

That's right . . .

Rest assured, your investment in Dr. Daniel Amen's Brain Health Report is safe, sound, and totally risk-free. You're 100% protected by Newsmax's rock-solid, unconditional money-back guarantee.

So, take your time, absorb each and every word of your brand-new newsletter — in either print form or as a convenient digital download — your choice.

Try all the advice, strategies, and tips you discover to help yourself and those you care about. And if you're not completely satisfied with the brain-boosting information you'll find in each and every issue, just let me know within the first 90 days.

You'll get a refund of every cent you invested, no questions asked. (After 90 days, you'll still qualify for a pro-rated refund of any unused portion of your subscription.)

Either way, you can keep any free books or reports you received with our thanks, just for "auditioning" Dr. Amen's newsletter.

I'd call that a reasonable offer, wouldn't you?

Get Your Brain Working for You —
Request Your Report and Free Book(s) TODAY!

It's decision time — for you and your brain.

I believe I've been quite thorough and upfront about all the brain-saving information you'll receive — plus our 100% risk-free offer. And I'm sure you recognize an honest deal when you see one.

So, what are you waiting for? Get that brain of yours pumping and take advantage of this very time-sensitive offer right now — while you're thinking about it.

Subscribe to Dr. Amen's Newsletter — and
Grab Your FREE Books and Report Today!

To your better brain health,

Christopher Ruddy
Newsmax CEO

P.S. Don't miss your opportunity to claim your FREE report Sleep Your Way to Better Brain Health along with Preventing Alzheimer's and Magnificent Mind at Any Age, two of Dr. Amen's popular books (a $30 total value) with your no-risk trial of Dr. Daniel Amen's Brain Health Report — a Newsmax exclusive.

I know this isn't what you signed up for, but...

The Daily Reckoning Dear Daily Reckoning Reader,

From time to time a report crosses our desk that's just too important not to pass along.

Today's one of those times.

Now, before you say it... Yes, I know the report below is NOT about growing wealthier. Instead, it's about growing healthier. And living longer.

It comes our way from our friends at the renowned Health Sciences Institute. They've spent decades uncovering the medical miracles that big corporate medicine doesn't want you to have.

The report below gives you inside details to all of their latest finds. You'll be shocked after reading what they have to say.

I hope you'll forgive me for passing along non-financial information, but what's the point of making more money if you don't live long enough to enjoy it?

Click here to read this special report.

To your wealth,

Joe Schriefer
Publisher, Agora Financial

THB: Getting Old and Fat

MM Journal

Saturday - October 31, 2009

For most people, getting older means getting fatter. And there is a good reason for it. Our metabolism slows down some over the years. But that's not the only factor. There is something else that happens that most people don't pay much attention to. As we age, we usually get much less active.

Think about it. When you were young, your parents almost had to tie you down to keep you still. You weren't going to the gym back then. You may not have been playing sports. But you were constantly moving. And when you weren't moving -- when, for example, you were "stuck" in class -- you felt fidgety. That's because your body just wanted to keep moving. And so you kept it moving every chance you got.

As adults, many of us spend eight hours a day sitting in an office and then another three or four hours sitting on the couch. Add to that the time we spend seated while eating, and you get the full picture.

We've switched our physical routines from moving around most of the time to exercising for, maybe, one hour a day. And when we exercise, we do aerobics and spin classes and weightlifting. None of these activities get our bodies into the zone necessary to build strong lungs and a strong heart.

The other thing that changes as we get older is the way we feel about eating. When we were young, we wanted to eat only when we were hungry and only enough to satisfy that hunger. If we had been in charge of our eating back then, we'd have eaten very sporadically.

But almost as soon as we were able to hold a fork, our parents began "teaching" us to eat properly -- which meant seated at a table. And we were taught to finish everything on our plates (because people in China were starving). That is a very bad, very unnatural way to eat. Yet it's been the traditional pattern in this country since the Industrial Revolution.

Add to that the foods we eat today. "Our modern diet," Dr. Al Sears says, "is processed and full of additives and other toxins. [Those chemicals] throw off your body's 'fat signals.' These signals tell your body how much fat to make and store."

I believe that anyone can counteract a slowing metabolism by sticking to a natural pattern of activity and eating. Natural means eating like cavemen -- our ancestors -- ate. Less frequently, less compulsively ... and no artificial ingredients.

More on this in future issues. But for now, you can check out Dr. Sears's book to find out what you should be eating.

You can elect politicians who promise to hold the line -- or even lower taxes -- but you know they're not going to do it.

The problem is that the people in power -- in big government and big business -- have been spending money they don't have and expecting us to pay the bills. They got us into the Great Recession, and the only way they can get us out of it is by forcing us to keep kicking in -- either through inflation or higher taxes.

Your only solution is to create a second income. Start now, and before long you'll be making so much that none of this will matter to you. And one of the best ways I know of to create a second income is by starting your own business in your "off hours."

I call it "chicken entrepreneurship." It allows you to figure out what works and what doesn't without risking your steady paycheck. And with the Internet, it has never been easier or quicker (or cheaper) to find a profitable niche market and start cashing in. Learn how an online business can provide your second income here.

In every big city, there are three kinds of hotels:

  • Business hotels
  • Tourist hotels
  • Quality hotels

Business hotels are efficient and sometimes luxurious, but they tend to treat their customers impersonally. The Ritz-Carlton in New York's Battery Park is a good example. Fine furnishings. Everything you need. But there are so many concierges that you rarely see the same one twice. So, of course, they never remember your name.

Tourist hotels are horrible. They are usually tacky and crowded and populated by people who dress like your schleppy Uncle Marvin. There are, indeed, luxury tourist hotels. But they are horrible for different reasons. They charge way too much for everything, and they are populated by people who act like your pretentious Aunt Bernadette.

Like business and tourist hotels, quality hotels come in all price ranges. What defines them are exceptional ambiance and service. And, of course, the absence of guests who  remind you of Uncle Marvin or Aunt Bernadette. Examples of quality hotels include the Ritz-Carlton in Madrid and the Crillon in Paris.

I like to stay in quality hotels. But I often end up in a luxury business hotel, which is fine so long as I'm on business. Sometimes I make the mistake of booking myself into an expensive tourist hotel. That leaves me feeling like I've been fleeced by a Las Vegas hooker.

Strike that. I can imagine -- but I really don't know what it feels like to be fleeced by a Las Vegas hooker.

When booking hotels, it pays to do some Internet research. It doesn't take long to find out everything you need to know about a hotel, including room sizes and configurations, amenities, charges, and what previous customers say about it.

The Fasano Hotel is considered the best hotel in Rio. And in many respects it is. The lobby is nice, the rooms are beautiful, the bed linens and towels are extra fine, and the service is topnotch.

But during a recent five-day stay, I was disappointed to discover that it is, in essence, a tourist hotel.

Here is what happened.

After a pleasant business dinner at a very nice restaurant, I returned to the hotel. I was not yet ready for bed, so I stopped by the lobby bar for a quick drink. I pointed to a bottle that I thought I recognized and said, "I want that -- the Hennessy Paradis."

The bartender poured me a drink from the bottle I'd pointed to (which, as it turns out, was not Hennessy Paradis). When I got the check, it was $550.

In my most insane moments, I have never ordered a drink that cost more than $80. And although I like to think of myself as reasonably au courant on fine Cognacs, I had no idea that even the finest could go for $550 a glass. (And this one, believe me, was nowhere near the finest.)

When I told the bartender "There must be some mistake," she assured me it was I who was mistaken. She showed me the bar menu to prove it.

"Why didn't you tell me it costs that much?" I asked.

"We are not allowed to," she admitted. "Management says it would embarrass the customers."

"Well, that's nice," I thought. "Management didn't want to embarrass me. How do they think I feel now that I've discovered a gulp of that stuff just cost me more than the super-priced suite I'm staying in?"

That's when I got the idea to admit what an idiot I was to the 900,000 people who read the MM Journal every Saturday.

I thought it would be a good opportunity for me to warn my readers about the risks of touristy hotels -- the cheap ones and the expensive ones. (And just so you don't think I'm a bigger idiot than I've just proven myself to be ... I didn't learn all of the following from personal experience.  Some of these suggestions are from friends who fell into different traps than I've fallen into.)

Here is a short list of what not to do:

  • Don't assume that because a hotel has a famous name you are going to be given great service at a reasonable price. Before booking, shop for value.
  • Never pay the official room rate. There are at least a half-dozen discounted prices for every room at any time.
  • Never eat at hotel restaurants -- especially at fancy hotels. They are rarely all that good, and are invariably twice as expensive as the better restaurant across the street or around the corner.
  • Never have your clothes cleaned at a hotel. The cost of laundering a T-shirt, for example, is almost always more than what you paid for it in the first place.
  • Don't let it slide if all you can see from your "ocean view" room is a sliver between two buildings when you lean over the balcony. Demand to get what you're paying for.
  • Never raid the mini bar. Not only are the prices outrageous, but now many hotels are charging restocking fees.
  • Don't let yourself be rushed at checkout. Examine your bill for resort fees, pay-per-view movies, and room service. Many times other guests (or staff members) accidentally charge things to the wrong room.

As I said, that's just a short list. I'm sure you've had "educational" experiences of your own with touristy hotels -- and I invite you to share with your fellow MM Journal readers here:

The Total Health Breakthroughs Undercover article on Dr. Max Gerson and his alternative cancer treatments is still stirring up readers. Why don't you join the conversation? Just read the article (if you haven't already) and scroll down to add your comment.

Here's one of the latest:

"How many times have you read 'a new study shows that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables reduces the risk of... ' When are people going to get the hint. And organics are even better, but big pharma, big agra, and the ama don't make money from people being healthy, or buying locally grown organic produce. If people would just practice what we all know is true there would be a drastic reduction in people needing treatment in the first place." - Brad

[Ed. Note: Michael Masterson welcomes your questions and comments. Send him a message at]

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Friday, October 30, 2009

THB: Big Changes at Total Health Breakthroughs

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By Jon Herring - Executive Editor Friday, October 30th

Dear Reader,

I'm writing to let you know about a few very important changes here at Total Health Breakthroughs - all designed to bring you more proven solutions and direct access to the greatest minds in natural health.

You already know that our current system of healthcare is broken. It is almost entirely based on treating the symptoms of disease with drugs and surgery, while prevention and the underlying causes are virtually ignored.

Those who follow this model will never attain the health and vitality we are meant to enjoy. But it's even worse than that. It could kill you...

Did you know that twice the number of people die from prescription drugs each year than were killed in the Vietnam War? Twice as many... every year!

But as a reader of Total Health Breakthroughs, you know that there is a MUCH better way...

Your Body Has a Blueprint for Perfect Health...

Health is your natural state of being. You are perfectly equipped to prevent and fight most diseases. You are programmed to have abundant energy... to have skin that is supple and smooth... to maintain your ideal weight... and to have an immune system that is strong and protective.

The keys to achieve this natural state of balance are very simple. But we are constantly bombarded by conflicting advice from so-called experts.

One doctor says saturated fats are bad. Another says they are essential to your health. One expert recommends a dozen different supplements. Another says you can get everything you need from food. Dermatologists tell you to stay out of the sun. Other doctors say the sun is good for you.

Not to mention the misleading advertising by food and drug companies... or the ignorant reporters who buy Big Pharma's propaganda hook, line and sinker.

The Information You Need is Out There...
And Total Health Breakthroughs Will Bring it to You

You're not going to get the information you need to stay healthy from mainstream sources. The compliant media is far more interested in pleasing their advertisers than looking out for your health.

In fact, your doctors don't even get the information you need in medical school. Despite the fact that what you eat and the toxins you are exposed to affect every system in your body, many medical doctors have never even taken a single course in nutrition.

If you want to stay healthy, you need independent advice from brave doctors and their publishers who are not afraid to tell the truth.

That is exactly what you get with your subscription to Total Health Breakthroughs - and our goal is to bring you even more of it. That means more healing cures, more innovative solutions, and more cutting-edge advice you can use immediately.

It also means we'll be producing more solution-oriented health reports. We'll be recommending more products that we believe can benefit your life. And we're going to expand our world-class board of advisors and feature ongoing contributions from the leading natural health experts of our time.

To support many of these new initiatives, your editor Melanie Segala will focus her talents on producing health reports about cutting-edge natural therapies. We look forward to sharing her research with you.

And I will be taking over as the regular editor of Total Health Breakthroughs. So, with that...

Please Allow Me to Introduce Myself...

My name is Jon Herring and you might recognize me as the former Health Editor of our sister publication Early To Rise. I have studied the field of natural health and the scientific literature in-depth for more than 10 years.

As an investigative health reporter, I have written hundreds of articles about what it takes to lead an age-defying, active and disease-free life. I also co-authored Your Best Health Under the Sun with Dr. Al Sears - a book which has become the definitive source for advice on the many ways that sunlight and vitamin D can improve your health.

I serve as a consultant to a leading health publishing company and another which manufactures healthy dessert products.

And most importantly, I walk the talk. For many years, I have followed the nutritional and exercise advice you read about each week in Total Health Breakthroughs - and I have never felt better.

I maintain my ideal weight without effort. I wake up early and have all-day energy. And I haven't been sick in years. I understand - first-hand - the power of healing foods and supplements and the benefits of proper exercise.

It is my passion to share the life-changing benefits of a healthy lifestyle with you and show you how simple and delicious it can be. Every week I will provide you with quick and easy-to-read articles and briefs that will keep you ahead of the curve.

You'll learn about...

  • The foods and supplements that can prevent disease and eliminate the use of risky prescription drugs

  • The true causes and cures for heart disease, cancer, diabetes, depression and more (PLUS how to prevent these conditions in the first place!)

  • Metabolic power ingredients that can reprogram your genes to burn fat, helping to transform your body immediately and permanently... without dieting

  • The herbs and foods that help your body fight bacteria and other harmful microbes... PLUS how to use them to bolster your immune system and beat illness without vaccines or antibiotics

  • Which nutrients can tap into your own "Fountain of Youth," helping to transform your body cell-by-cell and reverse the signs of aging

  • How to neutralize and release the poisons and toxins that have built-up in your body... possibly ending years of unnecessary suffering

  • Which foods you should immediately throw away and never buy again... PLUS why most doctors are completely wrong about what makes a healthy diet

  • How to virtually eliminate your cravings for junk food... gain better control of your blood sugar and achieve hormonal balance

  • How to eliminate chronic pain within days without a single drug

  • The steps to take to become stronger, leaner, healthier and functionally younger year after year

And that's not all...

Every Wednesday, in THB Undercover I will expose the frauds, myths and corruption in modern healthcare. I will uncover the story behind the story that you'll never hear in the mainstream press.

I will identify the crooks and scammers that are stealing your health. I will raise your awareness about the threats to your health freedom. I will shine a beacon of light on corrupt government agencies and decipher the profit-driven propaganda of mainstream medicine.

But the truth is, I am just the MC here...

The real stars of Total Health Breakthroughs are our board of advisors and contributors - a diverse team of experts in alternative medicine, anti-aging, nutrition, and fitness. And you're going to hear a lot more from them.

  • Al Sears, M.D. - THB's Chairman of the Board, Dr. Sears has written six books, including the Doctor's Heart Cure and has helped thousands of patients in his practice. Dr. Sears reveals performance and health-enhancing supplements that really work. He teaches why the "low fat diet" is based on a big fat lie. And he'll show you a way to exercise that is far more effective than cardio and takes just 10 minutes a day.
  • The Health Sciences Institute - HSI is dedicated to uncovering the most urgent advances in underground medicine. Whether they come from a lab in Malaysia, a clinic in South America, or a university in Germany, their goal is to bring the treatments that work to the people who need them. The doctors and researchers of HSI will alert you to exciting breakthroughs, show you where to learn more, and help you understand how you can benefit from these powerful discoveries.
  • Dwight Lundell, M.D. - Dr. Lundell is a cardiovascular surgeon who has performed more than 5,000 open heart surgeries. His credentials and accomplishments are a mile long. But despite his success he walked away from "modern medicine" when he discovered the REAL cause of heart disease and that the advice of most doctors actually makes the problem worse.
  • Srikumar Rao, Ph.D. - No matter what you want to accomplish - whether it is to achieve more wealth or better health - it all begins in your mind. Dr. Rao can help you reprogram your mental models to skyrocket your personal health and spiritual wealth. He can help you replace stress and anxiety with freedom and satisfaction. He will help you to get rid of "toxic people" for good. And like he has for thousands of others, Dr. Rao can help put you on the path to immediate and permanent personal change.
  • Mark Hyman, M.D. - Dr. Hyman is the editor in chief of Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, the most prestigious journal in the field of integrative medicine. He will show you how to work with your body instead of against it. And he'll also show how what we do to our bodies - whether through nutrition, sleep, exercise, or stress - has a dramatic effect on our brains. He'll show you how to improve your clarity, your mood, even your intelligence by healing your body first.
  • Tim Reynolds, M.D.  Dr. Tim started his adult life jumping out of airplanes, as a member of the US Army Airborne. After Green Beret training he went on to medical school, where he graduated Summa Cum Laude. Dr. Tim is now an emergency room doctor who has seen first hand how fleeting life can be. He has learned to live his life as if any day could be his last. And in his upcoming program, The Polaris Principle, he'll show you how to "live every minute."

Over the years, I have been fortunate to develop relationships with many of the world's most intelligent and forward-thinking doctors and nutritionists. I count Dr. Joseph Mercola... Mike Adams, the "Health Ranger"... Shane Ellison, "The People's Chemist" and many others among my personal friends and mentors in this field. And you're going to be hearing from many of these people in articles and interviews in the pages of THB.

You'll also be hearing more from one of the world's leading experts on the power of foods to promote health and protect against disease - my inspiration and beloved wife, Kelley Herring.

If you've been reading Total Health Breakthroughs for a while you're already familiar with Kelley's valuable contributions. Kelley has a degree in biochemistry and a passion for healing foods. She is also the CEO of Healing Gourmet and served as editor in chief of the Healing Gourmet book series published by McGraw Hill.

And finally...

We Want to Hear from You!

We're also going to be seeking a lot more of your feedback in the pages of Total Health Breakthroughs. We'll be publishing your comments and questions. Are you upset about potential legislation to restrict our rights to supplements? Do you have a home remedy you'd like to share? Have a question about the benefits of magnesium?

Whatever it is, we want to hear from you. So be sure to click on the feedback email that will come in each issue. Ask us a question. Let us hear what you think

I hope you're as excited about the changes and improvements to Total Health Breakthroughs as I am. I am thrilled to share my ideas with you each week... to introduce you to helpful experts... and lead you to the latest health solutions.

The road to total health and wellness is not about making a single decision that will take you to your goal.  It is about making many small decisions every day. Decisions that become habits. Habits that lead to success.

Total Health Breakthroughs will be here to provide you with the knowledge and advice you need... and to support you as you develop healthy habits that support and nourish your body.

To Your Superb Health,

Jon Herring
Editorial Director
Total Health Breakthroughs

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Important: THB is dedicated to bringing its readers the newest, most hopeful and most trustworthy information and advice about natural health research, findings and products. Because we are a for-profit publication, we include advertising copy in each issue (readily identifiable by shaded boxes) and send our readers advertisements we approve of. When our editors like and use advertised products we talk about their features and benefits in our editorial. Readers should be assured that although we may have a financial interest in a product we talk about, we will never recommend anything we don’t believe in.

Copyright © 2009 Fourth Avenue Health Group, LLC, located at 245 NE 4th Avenue, Delray Beach Florida 33483, is a subsidiary of Early to Rise. Total Health Breakthroughs may be republished with its links intact by non commercial entities. Total Health Breakthroughs may not be republished for commercial purposes without written permission.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

NaturalNews special report: Secrets of Nutrition + aloe vera tips

NaturalNews Insider Alert (
Online reports / book announcements
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Dear readers,

Today I'd like to share with you some very personal secrets for
transforming your health and living a disease-free life. You see, even
though I'm known as the Health Ranger today, just a few years ago, I
was the average American: Overweight, exhausted, suffering from
chronic pain and on my way to becoming diabetic. I was eating junk
foods, avoiding exercise, and taking prescription drugs. I looked and
felt terrible.

Desperate for solutions, I began to read a book on the dietary
effects of sugar. This was my first introduction to the link between
nutrition and health, and it opened the door to a universe of
fascinating information that has now become my lifelong mission to
help promote.

Almost all chronic diseases are preventable, you see, including
cancer (90% preventable), type-2 diabetes (almost 100% preventable),
depression, heart disease, and literally hundreds of others. But only
if you learn and apply the fundamental laws of nutrition!

This is what I'd like to share with you today: The nutritional
secrets to a life free of chronic disease. In "Seven Laws of Nutrition,
" I've put together seven essential nutritional habits showing you
the fundamentals to not just preventing but actually HEALING chronic
disease. Following these guidelines will also give you the nutritional
foundation to reach a healthy body weight, eliminate joint pain,
enhance energy and performance and even overcome mental fatigue or
cognitive decline.

See it now at:

Those are bold statements, but when you finally understand the power
of nutrition to activate the body's self-repairing capabilities,
you'll recognize these claims as being "matter of fact" statements.
The body, simply put, can heal itself of nearly all chronic
degenerative diseases or conditions in much the same way it heals a
cut or a sprain. The human body is a self-repairing system, after all.
What you have to do is give it the right nutritional tools so it can
unleash its fullest healing potential. And that comes from natural
medicines found in the world of nutrition.

Having experienced a remarkable health transformation myself,
ultimately eliminating several different disease conditions in my own
body, I am passionate about helping other people make changes too. In
"Seven Laws of Nutrition," you will learn:

* How to make a delicious, healthy breakfast shake to start your
morning out right
* The documented correlation between poor nutrition and diseases
* How to obtain optimum nutrition from foods and supplementation
* Which typical Western foods are causing an astronomical rise in
obesity and diabetes
* 20 Superfoods that transform your health
* Where to find quality herbal, vitamin, and mineral supplements
* Why even obese Americans are suffering from malnutrition
* Top health-promoting foods and how these improve your well-being
* Why most diet foods are just as bad for you -- or worse -- than
regular varieties
...And much more

Whether you want to prevent chronic illness or get the nutritional
support to beat a disease you've already been diagnosed with, "Seven
Laws of Nutrition" gives you potentially lifesaving information that
lets you take charge of your health outcome. It's available in both
downloadable and hardcopy editions. Learn more at:

To your health,
- Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

P.S. Here's a health tip for boosting your cardio capacity: Aloe vera
has remarkable properties that actually boost the oxygen-carrying
capacity of your blood. By eating aloe vera gel (or drinking its
juice) on a regular basis, you may experience what I have: A
remarkable increase in cardiovascular performance, combined with rapid
recovery from physical exertion. At the gym, I've earned the nickname
"The Cardio Machine." My secret is aloe vera. The best way to get it?
Grow it yourself, then harvest the gel out of the thick leaves, blend
the gel into smoothies, and drink away! Aloe vera supplements are also
available from various vitamin companies, but the raw, fresh aloe vera
gel is always best.

P.P.S. Don't drink the aloe vera sap (the brown, resin-like liquid
found in the leaf skin) unless you have a lot of bathroom reading to
catch up on. Only eat the translucent aloe vera gel. Avoid aloe vera
supplements that are "whole leaf" supplements. You don't want the
whole leaf, only the gel.


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Soft Drinks or Green Tea Does it Matter



Soft Drinks or Green Tea Does it Matter

October 29, 2009

While Americans prefer soft drinks and consume an average of almost two 12 oz sodas a day according to the National Soft Drink Association, Asians drink around three 12 oz servings of green tea. But does it matter? Is one drink any better or worse for you and why?

Dr. Bauer Sumpio, MD, professor and Chief of Vascular Surgery, Yale School of Medicine, has studied the positive effects of green tea. "We do not yet have a full explanation for the 'Asian Paradox', which refers to the very low incidence of both heart disease and cancer in Asia, even though consumption of cigarettes is greater that in most countries. But we now have some theories."

After reviewing over 100 clinical studies Sumpio theorized that green tea drinkers may have better health because of its anti-oxidant content, specifically EGCG, which could be preventing LDL oxidation. LDL, or the 'bad cholesterol' in your diet is involved with chemical reactions of the inner walls of blood vessels that form a deadly plaque and narrows the diameter. This impedes blood flow and is indicative of arteriosclerosis.

Read More  

The Missing Link Between Diabetes and Obesity

  The Missing Link Between Diabetes and Obesity

How Much Sodium Is Filling Your Plate

  How Much Sodium Is Filling Your Plate

Americans Not Willing to Pay for Healthy Food

  Americans Not Willing to Pay for Healthy Food


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The blood sugar secret no one's talking about!

Dear Total Health Breakthroughs Reader,

Can you imagine NEVER having to give your blood sugar a second thought?

Well, researchers have finally uncovered the real secret to maintaining healthy blood sugar levels!

Believe it or not, the key to ultimate blood sugar balance is a substance that's already stockpiled inside your body. But by shoring up your reserves even more, you could have the sort of freedom -- to enjoy your food again and "just say no" to hours of grueling exercise -- that only comes with perfect blood sugar.

To find out more about this one-of-a-kind breakthrough and learn about a special offer, keep reading below.

Best Regards,

Jon Herring
Editorial Director
Total Health Breakthroughs

Maintaining healthy blood sugar levels has always
been an uphill battle... UNTIL NOW.
, researchers have unlocked the secret to


Without tasteless "cardboard" food...
Without endless hours of exhausting exercise...
Without a second thought!

Dear Reader,

I've got some downright astonishing news that will change the way you think about blood sugar forever. Researchers have finally uncovered the real secret to maintaining healthy levels...

Is your body sending you a BLOOD SUGAR S.O.S.?

Take a look at the following list. These subtle signs could signal that you might need some help keeping your blood sugar in balance ...

  • Stubborn excess weight that hangs over your belt no matter what you do
  • Urgent cravings for candy bars, chips...and all the other things on your doctor's "no-no" list
  • Nasty mood swings that ruin your day (and the day of anyone unlucky enough to cross your path)

If ANY of these signs sound familiar, KEEP READING to discover how you can start giving your body the support it needs.

And it's not a strict, flavorless diet OR an expensive membership to a fancy gym!

It's much, much simpler.

Believe it or not, the secret to ultimate blood sugar balance is a substance you've already stockpiled inside your body. And by shoring up your reserves even more, you could...

  • Forget about exiling yourself to the land of the "sugar free"
  • Eat what you want, when you want (without going crazy, of course!)
  • Stop feeling guilty about how hard it is to follow your doctor's long list of "do's" and "don'ts"

Imagine NEVER having to give your blood sugar a second thought!

Get ready to turn that daydream into a reality -- because you're about to discover...

The blood sugar secret
No one's talking about!

Believe me, I've looked long and hard for the secret to easier blood sugar control. But time and again, my search came up short...leaving just diet and exercise.

I'm sure you've noticed just how hard it is to keep your blood sugar from yo-yoing out of control -- even if you're doing everything right. It's frustrating. And, when you think about what problems it can lead to -- it's more than a little scary, too.

That's why I was so excited to learn about what may very well be the major culprit behind imbalanced blood sugar. You see, contrary to the mainstream's favorite party line, maintaining healthy blood sugar isn't just about what you eat...or DON'T eat...OR how much you exercise.

The fact is, one completely overlooked substance holds the key that will...

Bring your blood sugar
Back from the brink of boiling over!

To date, researchers have only discovered one way to boost your body's levels of it...And I'm thrilled to be able to share the secret with you. But first -- what exactly IS this little-known substance?

It's called adiponectin. I know: "Ade-WHAT?!" It is a mouthful (though, for the record, it's pronounced "ad-i-po-neck-tin").

Scientists have known for years that it promotes normal blood sugar levels by helping your body use insulin efficiently. But they didn't realize just how important it was to boost your adiponectin levels until recently.

The problem was, they had NO IDEA how to do that.

Injections didn't work. And, once again, neither did diet and exercise. The experts were stumped. Until one group of researchers discovered that...

The Holy Grail of blood sugar balancers
has been sitting under our noses

It's a medicinal mushroom called Agaricus blazei. And for centuries, it's been used for just about everything else -- stress relief...immune boosting...supporting healthy cholesterol levels.

But in hundreds of years no one ever tested its effects on blood sugar!

Don't settle for
temporary "fixes"!

It's really no wonder that so many have been plagued with blood sugar problems for generations...Our grandparents and parents were missing a critical piece in solving the puzzle!

But now, thanks to Gluco-Sure, you have EVERYTHING your body needs to make sure its glucose-metabolizing machinery never needs repairs

In fact, the very first study on Agaricus and glucose metabolism occurred just two years ago. And the results of the trial were so stunning that I'll bet scientists everywhere are kicking themselves for not testing it sooner.

Researchers found that the mushroom did what nothing else had been able to do. It boosted adiponectin levels. More adiponectin means your body can stop working overtime... because it can clear sugar from your blood quickly and efficiently -- just the way it's supposed to.

And that means you'll...

  • Have plenty of energy to get through the day -- without feeling like you're running on fumes
  • Be able to ENJOY your food -- without guilt and without worrying
  • Shake those nasty mood swings that always happen at the worst possible time
  • Finally have complete blood sugar control!

Right now, Agaricus is the only known substance that can boost your adiponectin levels... And right now there's only ONE formula that combines it with the other clinically proven standouts in supporting healthy blood sugar levels.

That's why I'm truly delighted to be able to introduce you to Gluco-Sure. And, boy, does it live up to its name..With Gluco-Sure you can be sure your body has everything it needs for ultimate blood sugar support.

But as revolutionary as the discovery of adiponectin is...And as essential as Agaricus is as the ONLY thing that can help keep your adiponectin where it needs to be...The fact is, I'd be hard-pressed to recommend any blood sugar support formula that didn't contain biotin and chromium.

Turn your body
into a lean, mean,
fat -- and CARB -- burning machine!

Gluco-Sure could become your
beauty secret!

It won't take long to feel your energy levels rocket through the roof, thanks to Gluco-Sure's combination of proven, all-stars. But don't be surprised if you start looking as vibrant as you feel, with...

  • Thicker, more
  • Glowing skin
  • Strong, healthy nails

You see, biotin, one of Gluco-Sure's key components isn't just an essential part of healthy glucose metabolism...It's also well known for its hair-, skin-, and nail-strengthening properties. In fact, it's a common addition to many cosmetics -- but with Gluco-Sure you'll get all biotin's benefits, inside AND out.

Biotin and chromium are probably the most extensively researched nutrients for blood sugar support. Here's just a sampling of some of that research...

  • One double-blind, placebo-controlled trial on biotin showed that it sparked two specific glucose-metabolizing enzymes-called ACC and PC-into action.
  • Another study done in Japan showed that, in experimental animals, biotin improves the body's ability to use glucose, without affecting insulin levels.
  • In research done over 50 years ago, scientists discovered that chromium could actually REVERSE impaired glucose metabolism.

But even if you don't care about the science behind this nutrient duo, I've yet to find anyone who doesn't appreciate their other benefits...

You see, both of these nutrients are crucial for burning protein, carbs, and fat. In other words, they help you burn off what you eat...instead of storing it in your hips, thighs, and midsection.

And with all that fuel to keep you going, you can say goodbye to those 3 o'clock slumps and caffeine "fixes." You'll have a constant, natural supply of energy to keep you going all day long.

These are things everyone could use help with, so I was glad to see that Gluco-Sure teamed the proven chromium-biotin nutrient duo up along with Agaricus -- the very latest breakthrough in glucose metabolism.

If Gluco-Sure stopped right there, it would certainly cover all the bases of glucose regulation. But this knockout formula's final ingredient hits a grand slam that will help you...

Get a jump start
On your as little as

The secret to lightning-fast support no other formula on the market can match is a little cucumber-shaped gourd that families in India have been eating for generations.

It's called Coccinia cordifolia. And one of the early animal studies on Coccinia found that it blew the other traditional blood sugar supporting herbs out of the water -- with effects that started within one week!

And a brand-new, double-blind, placebo-controlled human trial showed downright remarkable results. In fact, this study was so impressive it was published in a prestigious mainstream medical journal without so much as a single tweak or edit -- something practically unheard of in the world of medical research and journal publications. It's no wonder it garnered such respect in the medical community, though...

By the end of the trial, the Coccinia group's blood sugar had improved by leaps and bounds, dropping as much as 18% -- while the placebo group had a 7% increase.

And Coccinia helped support healthy blood sugar levels despite the fact that the subjects didn't make ANY changes to their diets!

Now, don't get me wrong: This isn't a license to stock your pantry with potato chips and Oreos. We both know that junk food isn't going to do you any favors. The point is, it's possible to keep healthy blood sugar levels without constant worrying and deprivation -- and Coccinia is one of the most effective ways to do that.

But as common as Coccinia is in India, it's not so widespread in the U.S. And if you do manage to turn up a Coccinia supplement, you're likely to become an unwilling participant in ...

The guessing game
you can't afford to play

If you search hard enough, I'm sure you'll be able to turn up a Coccinia supplement. But -- and this is a BIG "but" -- there's no guarantee you'll be getting the amount of Coccinia listed on the label. Which means there's no way to know for SURE if it will help you keep your blood sugar within the healthy ranges at all -- let alone with the kind of speed the studies have shown are possible.

That's because most of these products aren't standardized. Which is a fancy way of saying that each and every batch is made with the same materials, in the same way, and then tested to ensure that the quality and dose is the same in every single bottle.

Standardization is the only way to take the guesswork out of ANY supplement. But there's only ONE source of standardized Coccinia available in the U.S...

It's called Gencinia™. And Gluco-Sure has nabbed exclusive access to it.

That's right -- you won't find this proven, high-speed blood sugar supporter ANYWHERE ELSE.

Exclusive access --
without the exclusive price tag!

That sort of exclusive access usually comes at a hefty price. And when you consider the other powerhouses packed into Gluco-Sure along with GenciniaTM...

  • Agaricus -- The ONLY thing that can support your body's critical adiponectin levels
  • Biotin and Chromium -- The most renowned nutrient combo for ultimate blood sugar support

It's an ingenious strategy for maintaining healthy blood sugar that you won't find in any other formula. And it's the sort of all-star, high-tech combination that you'd expect to pay a pretty penny for. It certainly does the most thorough job of helping maintain healthy glucose metabolism of any formula I've ever seen. And, yet...

This ultimate blend of breakthrough blood sugar supporters costs just $39.95! That's just a little more than $1 a day...

Which is a whole lot less than you'd spend on...

  • Those chemical-laden, funny-tasting, sugar-free foods...
  • A membership to a fancy gym...or
  • A piece of home exercise equipment (that soon becomes an expensive drying rack for your clothes)...

Heck, when you think of all the money you'll be saving by NEVER NEEDING ANY of that...Gluco-Sure practically pays for itself!

But, we here at NorthStar want you to be as sure of the value you're getting as we are. That's why we're backing this revolutionary blood sugar breakthrough with...

The 100% guarantee
that puts the "SURE"
into every bottle of Gluco-Sure

You deserve to know the freedom that comes with finally breaking the vicious cycle your family's been trapped in for generations. And we believe Gluco-Sure is the long-awaited solution that will help you do just that. So we want you to give it a try absolutely RISK FREE.

Try it for 60 days. And if Gluco-Sure hasn't lived up to every promise we've made you, then feel free to call us for a FULL REFUND (less shipping and handling) -- no questions asked.

So you've got absolutely nothing to lose by trying...

Blood Sugar Support

The traditional approach your family has been relying on for generations...the grueling, joyless diet...the exhausting, monotonous exercise...It would be fine --

If it was working!

Unfortunately, as your parents, your grandparents, and their parents before them have all learned first-hand...It just isn't!

Of course, any time your health is at stake, you must talk with your health care practitioner. But anything that can help you stay vibrant and healthy is well worth a closer look. And now you've got exclusive access to the very secret that lets you be the first one in your family that NEVER has to worry about their blood sugar.

And if you choose NorthStar Nutritionals' SMARTShip option when you place your order, you'll...

Never run out --
or leave your body high and dry

The marketing folks have come up with a great opportunity for you that gives a whole new meaning to "effortless blood sugar support."

With the SMARTShip program, your next batch of Gluco-Sure will be sent to you automatically -- meaning you'll always have all the essential tools you need to keep your glucose metabolizing machinery in perfect working order.

Blood sugar support that shows up at your door every month without you having to lift so much as a finger...What could possibly be better?

Well, how about never paying for shipping again?

That's right...As if the easy blood sugar balance wasn't incentive enough, ordering with NorthStar's SMARTShip delivery service gets Gluco-Sure to you automatically -- right when you need it -- and shipping is absolutely FREE. That saves you over $83 a year!

The SMARTShip program is absolutely free. And you can rest assured that there are no obligations involved with it. You can change your delivery schedule, the number of bottles you receive in a shipment, or even cancel the service altogether -- at any time.

Combine that with the certainty you get from NorthStar Nutritionals' Gold-Standard, 100% Guarantee, and you can feel confident in placing your Gluco-Sure order today...absolutely RISK FREE.

With Gluco-Sure, you've got what your grandparents and parents never had -- a completely effortless solution for maintaining healthy glucose metabolism...One you'll WANT to pass down for generations to come.

Your Nutrition Physician,

Allan Spreen, M.D.
Chief Research Advisor
NorthStar Nutritionals

Order Now using our Secure Order Form

P.S. Gluco-Sure is the ONLY formula that combines the very latest breakthrough in glucose metabolism, along with the most clinically proven nutrients, AND the exclusive source of the fastest blood sugar support you'll find outside of India. Order now to make sure you get this essential blend today for an absolutely incredible, completely RISK-FREE savings.

View this product's ingredients

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Important: THB is dedicated to bringing you the newest, most hopeful and most trustworthy information and advice about natural health research and products. Because we are a for-profit publication, we include advertising copy in each issue (readily identifiable by shaded boxes). We also send our readers advertisements we approve of. When our editors like and use advertised products, we talk about their features and benefits in our editorial. Readers should be assured that although we may sometimes have a financial interest in a product we talk about, we will never recommend anything we don't believe in.

Copyright © 2009 Fourth Avenue Health Group, LLC, located at 245 NE 4th Avenue, Delray Beach Florida 33483, is a subsidiary of Early to Rise. All rights reserved. Total Health Breakthroughs is published weekly as a free email subscription service by Fourth Avenue Health Group, LLC.

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