Healthcare Reform Means
Socialized Medicine!
- More government control is coming!
- Obamacare is rationed care!
- Protect the health of your family now!
Dear Friend,
If you think we've got problems with our healthcare system now, just wait until you see what your government has in store for you . . .
President Obama is pushing nationalized health insurance via the so-called public option, which is the first step toward socialized medicine.
All Republicans and at least a few Senate Democrats will vote against this now. But the compromise legislation will almost certainly include a "trigger" to adopt the public option in just a few years!
This is a sneaky backdoor way into socialized medicine.
This "trigger" will force the establishment of a government-run plan after the insurance companies fail to meet impossibly high standards for expanded coverage and reduced costs.
And that opens the door for the government takeover!
The loons behind this scheme actually believe a government takeover of healthcare will lower costs, even as it improves quality and expands coverage to all!
Of course that's impossible, and Medicare should be the obvious proof of that!
Medicare is Going Broke, Even as it
Sucks up 20% of the U.S. Budget
In 1966, Medicare and Medicaid made up 1% of total government spending. Today, that figure is 20% and rising fast.
At this rate, Medicare will be broke by 2017, and any expansion of government-run healthcare will bring about the bankruptcy sooner. Unless of course . . .
- Taxes are raised much higher
- Healthcare is rationed
- Quality of healthcare is lowered
Get ready for all of the above. Because that's exactly what they have in Canada, Britain, France, and every other country with a government-run healthcare system.
Hello, I'm Dr. Russell Blaylock. This threat is so serious, I want you to have a FREE copy of my report — Your Healthcare Is in Jeopardy — Protect Yourself!
I have studied socialized medical care systems for more than 30 years. I've traveled abroad. I've consulted with doctors working under these systems. I know how they work and the dangers they pose to your health.
As the editor of Newsmax's popular health newsletter, The Blaylock Wellness Report, I routinely write about . . .
- Important health issues in the news . . .
- Dangerous and ineffective drugs to avoid . . .
- Natural therapies that are safe and effective . . .
- Big Government's growing control of healthcare in our country!
I'm writing today to warn you that Obamacare really means socialized medicine. But I also want to show you safe and natural therapies for preventing and treating . . .
- Heart disease, cancer, arthritis, neurodegenerative diseases . . .
- Flu, fatigue, headache, allergies, digestive ailments . . .
- Diabetes, skin disorders, sciatica, osteoporosis, and much more!
With rationed care coming soon, it's going to be very important to stay healthy. And you'll also need to be vigilantly aware of what the government is planning for healthcare reforms . . .
And that's why today I'm extending an invitation to receive a full year of The Blaylock Wellness Report for just 13 cents a day.
That's not a misprint! I really mean 13 cents a day!
This exceptional offer includes 12 monthly issues, access to the 25 reports I've written on important health topics, plus a FREE copy of Your Healthcare Is in Jeopardy — Protect Yourself!
Get Your Survival Guide Now
DR. RUSSELL BLAYLOCK Doctor, Neurosurgeon, Author, Health Advocate Russell Blaylock, M.D., not only compiles and edits Newsmax.com's Blaylock Wellness Report. He's also a nationally recognized board-certified neurosurgeon, health practitioner, author, and lecturer. He attended the Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans and completed his internship and neurosurgical residency at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston. For over a quarter of a century, he practiced in the demanding field of neurosurgery in addition to having a nutritional practice. He recently retired from his neurosurgical duties to devote his full attention to nutritional studies and research. Dr. Blaylock has authored three books on nutrition and wellness: - Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills
- Health and Nutrition Secrets That Can Save Your Life
- Natural Strategies for Cancer Patients
An in-demand guest for radio and TV programs, he lectures extensively to both lay audiences and other physicians on a variety of nutrition-related subjects. Dr. Blaylock is the 2004 recipient of the Integrity in Science Award granted by the Weston A. Price Foundation. He serves on the editorial staff of the Journal of the American Nutraceutical Association and is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, official publication of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. He previously was assistant clinical professor of neurosurgery at the University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson and is a visiting biology professor at the Belhaven College, also in Jackson. | |
My latest report is literally a "survival guide" for the socialized medical system President Obama could deliver soon. It includes dozens of valuable tips on staying healthy, so you won't have to rely on forced socialized medicine!
You see, under Obamacare, the quality of care will decline because today's total resources will have to be stretched to include tens of millions more people . . .
The government will decide how much doctors and nurses will be paid, which treatments will be covered (far fewer than what's available now), and who will get what and when. But it's even worse than that . . .
The government will decide which medicines will be forced on you in the name of "disease prevention."
Yes, forced medications! I'm not kidding. And it's already happening . . .
If you've been following my reports, you know that last month I exposed the collusion between Big Government and Big Pharma to force swine flu vaccine on us.
You've seen the relentless daily reports on swine flu in the media. They warn to "get the shots or risk death!" But I've told my readers to avoid these shots.
The swine flu vaccination is dangerous. It can weaken your immune system and trigger prolonged brain inflammation that can cause autism in children, and Parkinson's, dementia, and Alzheimer's in adults!
As a neurosurgeon, I have firsthand knowledge of the dangers of brain inflammation and how vaccines increase it.
Vaccination causes an overstimulation of the immune system that releases a flood of powerful inflammatory cytokines and excitotoxins. And high levels of these inflammatory agents can cause long-term and even permanent brain damage!
This subject is so important, I wrote a special report on it: Vaccinations and Brain Injuries — Are You at Risk?
You can get a FREE copy of this valuable report in addition to your FREE copy of Your Healthcare Is in Jeopardy — Protect Yourself! I'll show you how just ahead. But first, let's see why . . .
Big Government Has Plans for You
Under nationalized healthcare, the government will want every adult on a polypill that combines aspirin, blood pressure medicine, and a cholesterol lowering drug.
This crackpot idea comes from Britain. And it's been proposed as policy here in the name of disease prevention. Why? To save money, of course, so that more people can get health coverage.
But there's another reason for it — Big Pharma PROFITS! And . . .
- It won't matter that such a pill is completely inappropriate for most people!
- It won't matter that cholesterol-lowering drugs DON'T prevent heart disease (see my report on this, details just ahead).
- It won't matter that such a pill actually will do bodily harm!
Big Pharma has bought off the biggest players in Washington, including President Obama, and once we see the government takeover of healthcare, they'll be calling the shots on which medicines you get and at what prices.
You see, former Congressman Billy Tauzin is the chief lobbyist for Big Pharma, and armed with tens of millions of dollars for greasing the palms of Washington pals, he's bought a heck of a lot of influence. That's not all . . .
He cut a secret deal with President Obama to ensure that drug prices won't be negotiated any lower.
Tauzin has been so effective that he now has government officials doing Big Pharma's bidding, and a perfect example of this is the massive push for the swine flu vaccination.
That's why you're being told, with dire warnings, that you'll need three flu shots this fall! I've got news for you . . .
The swine flu is a weak virus. And no vaccine is necessary.
The government push is actually a scheme to fill drug company coffers with billions of dollars, including a boatload of taxpayer money.
Have you wondered why Big Pharma is backing Obama? I'll tell you why: Under Obamacare, the drug companies are going to sell a lot more drugs!
But once you start receiving The Blaylock Wellness Report — again, it's yours for just 13 cents a day — you'll learn what you need to know to protect yourself and your family!
Immediate Access to 25 Medical Reports
Good news: With your subscription to The Blaylock Wellness Report, you'll gain immediate access to all of my previous reports, including these that could save your life . . .
- Cholesterol Drugs Are Dangerous (they won't prevent heart disease or heart attack, but they will hurt you. Discover this better solution).
- Health Exams that Can Save Your Life (doctors routinely order the wrong tests; see which tests you really need, and when, to save your life).
- Omega-3: Nature's Miracle Panacea (the American diet is loaded with disease-causing Omega-6 oil, and not nearly enough of the disease-preventing Omega-3 oil).
- Eliminate Hypertension Forever (you don't need pills with bad long-term side effects — discover this safe natural remedy that works even better and will extend your life).
- Prevent Cancer Before It's Too Late (it's a myth that cancer is a death sentence, but conventional medicine has it all wrong – get my natural strategies for prevention and treatment).
Yes, all of these reports — and 20 more — are yours FREE when you try The Blaylock Wellness Report for just 13 cents a day!
And you'll get an immediate FREE copy of Your Healthcare Is in Jeopardy — Protect Yourself! Let me show you what else is in this valuable report for you . . .
How Socialized Medicine Works
Long ago, the leaders of Britain and Canada set up socialized healthcare and then — BIG SURPRISE — found out they couldn't pay for what they had promised . . .
The British politicians relieved the country's financial burden in the traditional socialist way — they rationed care and specifically denied quality care to their nation's sickest citizens (mostly the elderly).
They justified this action by reasoning the sickest 5% would otherwise use up 50% of all healthcare dollars, which they said was "unfair."
The Canadians ran into the same problem and went to rationing, too. But at least some Canadians had a way out — they could get quality care in the United States. And that's how U.S. health insurance policies came to be the biggest sellers in Canada.
Now, these socialist steps could be taken in America . . .
- The new system will rely on severe progressive rationing . . .
- Many medical services will be denied, especially to the elderly . . .
- The elderly will be encouraged to die to save healthcare dollars . . .
- Doctors who provide too much care — or offer services not approved by the government — will be fined and even have their licenses revoked!
Shocking? Yes, but all of these steps have been taken in every socialist medical care system in the world. And that's been justified in the name of providing "universal healthcare."
I can't say this too strongly — Learn to take care of yourself and your family now. Download your FREE copy of Your Healthcare Is in Jeopardy — Protect Yourself to learn about these dangers and what you can do to protect your family!
Right now, we're short 16,000 primary-care physicians in this country, and if Obama extends coverage to nearly everybody, that shortfall will double overnight!
The only possible result is less care for you and your family. But there is something you can do, and I will help you . . .
Learn How to Stay Healthy Now!
If you ask your parents (and grandparents if they're still alive) how they stayed healthy in the old days, you'll learn they didn't run to the doctor or emergency room for every little thing. Nor did they pop a lot of pills.
Instead, they knew safe and effective natural remedies for common scrapes and everyday ailments. But in today's modern society, these skills have been lost. And too many Americans are on too many drugs!
That's why I want you to have a FREE copy of Your Healthcare Is in Jeopardy — Protect Yourself. In it, I'll show you . . .
- How to avoid disease and stay healthy . . .
- How to take care of common problems yourself . . .
- How to recognize Big Govt/Big Pharma drug propaganda!
Your life could depend on it … because if Obama's healthcare reform passes, we'll move toward socialized medicine, more government control, and healthcare rationing.
Even if you have good coverage now, you will get less care in the future because of the coming "overload" on our system.
Obviously, we can't provide healthcare to everyone with the resources we have now. And even if we could throw unlimited funds at this problem, it would take 10 to 15 years to ramp up.
ACT NOW to receive a year's worth of The Blaylock Wellness Report — at just 13 cents a day — and get your FREE copy of Your Healthcare Is in Jeopardy — Protect Yourself! Here's what you'll discover . . .
Life-Saving Information You Can Use Now!
- When to use the ER and when to see a doctor (much of what you run to a doctor for today you can do just as well yourself with my guidance).
- How to cure earaches, sore throats, and fever (now's the time to learn effective natural therapies you can do yourself at home).
- Why flu vaccines should be avoided (see a better way to prevent the flu, and follow this natural and very effective treatment plan if you do get it).
- When antibiotics are unnecessary (there's been an overuse of antibiotics to the point they don't work anymore. Discover effective natural remedies for boosting your immune response).
- How to clean and heal infected wounds (discover a simple solution doctors call the "brown bubbly" that gets you out of danger and on the fast track to recovery).
- Boost your cellular immune response (discover the most potent natural weapon for knocking out any viral, bacterial, or other microorganism infection).
Don't wait! Some kind of healthcare reform is sure to pass this year. Granted, it may not include the government option right away. But it'll expand coverage, raise costs, and reduce the care available to you and your family.
Now's the time to get your FREE copy of Your Healthcare Is in Jeopardy — Protect Yourself! Just look what you'll find in this valuable report . . .
More Life-Saving Medical Information
- Strengthen your heart with these nutrients (heart disease and heart attacks are preventable: Learn what foods to avoid, and which natural nutrients improve heart function, lower blood pressure, and prevent arterial plaque from forming).
- Use vitamin D for disease prevention (researchers now know vitamin D prevents degenerative diseases, but the RDA has been set way too low. Get the correct dosage and right "type" of vitamin D to stop disease before it starts).
- Discover a remarkable cancer treatment (this doctor in Houston has been getting phenomenal results for his cancer patients, but the FDA, under pressure from Big Pharma, tried to shut him down. Fortunately, they failed and he's saving lives).
- See why low testosterone increases heart problems (low testosterone increases your risk of heart problems and heart-related death — get tested and start supplementing now).
- Avoid Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and dementia (the problem is brain inflammation caused by high levels of inflammatory cytokines and excitotoxins — see my natural solution).
All this and much more is waiting for you in your FREE copy of Your Healthcare Is in Jeopardy — Protect Yourself!
And as a regular reader of The Blaylock Wellness Report you'll also learn how Big Pharma controls medicine in this country . . .
You'll see how they've gotten Washington politicians to make their drug agenda national policy and even LAW!
You'll learn why they create drugs only to treat symptoms for life, not to provide cures.
You'll see how they get the media to promote their drugs in the name of "public service and news."
And most important, you'll find out which drugs don't work. Which ones are dangerous. And which ones — like cholesterol-lowering drugs — are totally unnecessary!
My Mission is Your Good Health
As a regular reader of The Blaylock Wellness Report, you'll also learn the REAL causes of . . .
Autism, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's disease . . .
Heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, gastrointestinal problems . . .
Weight gain, fatigue, allergies, headache, sexual dysfunction . . .
Immune disorders, arthritis, skin problems, osteoporosis, and more!
You'll get effective solutions for these and many more ailments with safe natural therapies.
And you'll see how to make smart choices on foods, medicines, and nutritional supplements. You'll get easy-to-use tips on staying well and feeling your best!
You can trust what you read in The Blaylock Wellness Report because . . .
I take NO money from the drug companies. I get NO kickbacks from companies selling health products. And I'm NEVER involved in studies funded by the pharmaceutical industry or government.
There's a good reason The Blaylock Wellness Report has become one of Newsmax's largest circulation newsletters . . .
I work for you, and I stay focused on showing you how to safely prevent and treat disease naturally — and that includes recognizing the propaganda from Big Pharma and Big Government! Now, look here . . .
Today's Special Half-Price Invitation
The Blaylock Wellness Report is regularly $8 per month, a tremendous value at just $96 for the whole year. But because you're a valued member of the Newsmax family . . . YOU SAVE 50% today!
Your preferred rate is $48 for a full year — just 13 cents a day! And it includes immediate access to all 25 reports I've written, which are right now waiting for you in the Web site archives (see some titles and descriptions just ahead).
More good news: As a subscriber, you'll be encouraged to submit your own personal health questions. Each month, I answer several readers' questions in the Ask Dr. Blaylock section of the newsletter.
Your Newsmax Money-Back Guarantee
Of course you risk nothing for giving The Blaylock Wellness Report a try. You must be completely satisfied that you're getting the best medical advice available today, or you may cancel for a full refund on all unfulfilled issues and you keep all the reports — guaranteed!
Act Now! As you've learned today, you can't trust Big Pharma, Big Government, or Big Media to act in your best interests. Now's the time to take control of your healthcare with The Blaylock Wellness Report!
And, remember, in addition to a FREE copy of Your Health Care Is in Jeopardy — Protect Yourself! you'll get immediate FREE access to all of my reports, including these valuable titles . . .
Issue #3: Cholesterol Drugs Are Dangerous  Do you have a cholesterol problem? Then you must read Dr. Blaylock's report and learn about the all-natural supplement that reduces cholesterol without using dangerous statin drugs. VALUE $15 You'll find: - The right — and the wrong — reasons to treat high cholesterol with statin medications (Hint: The right reason isn't to pay for some drug company bigwig's box seats at the pro games!).
- How having low cholesterol is not only bad for you. . . but can be just as dangerous, if not more so, than having elevated cholesterol levels.
- Why the "supposed" dangers of dietary cholesterol have been vastly exaggerated (Hint: There's big money involved!).
- And much. much more . . .
Issue #7: Health Exams That Can Save Your Life  The next time you see your doctor, you need to ask for these tests — the ones your own doctor may not know about! VALUE $15 You'll also discover: - The 4 "EXTRA" cardiovascular tests you must have to minimize your risk of heart attack and stroke (unfortunately, your doctor probably won't do them unless you specially request them by name) . . .
- SPECIAL WARNING FOR MEN: Why the PSA test for your prostate may
be misleading (and 10 supplements to tell that prostate inflammation goodbye) . . . - Better than mammograms! Four near-secret tests that are better and safer — and no more "smashed breast," either . . .
- Why having a yearly physical exam could lead to unnecessary testing resulting in complications . . . even death . . .
- And much, much more . . .
Issues #8 and 9: Prevent Cancer Before It's Too Late  Cancer is NOT inevitable. You can avoid this deadly disease if you have the right information. Read Dr. Blaylock's special double report now! VALUE $30 You'll see: - 6 oils you should ban from your kitchen if you want to avoid cancer
(and the 2 oils you should never be without) . . . - The single thing you can do to slash your cancer risk by 50% . . .
- What much-loved meal accompaniment increases your risk of developing cancer by a whopping 190%?
- A common spice that contains a powerful substance scientists have determined to be one of the most powerful cancer inhibitors found yet . . .
- Which one factor correlates to the early development of aggressive prostate cancer (This could actually cut your lifespan in half) . . .
- Plus much more . . .
Issue #10: Omega-3: Nature's Miracle Panacea  Are you worried about having a heart attack or stroke? Do you or a loved one suffer from depression? This one disease-preventing supplement can put a skidding stop to these problems (and many others) — and maybe even change your whole life. VALUE $15 Dr. Blaylock will share things with you in this issue like: - 3 easy steps you can take to balance your good fat/bad fat ratio (it's really simple, once you get it) . . .
- The healthy supplemental oil your kids will actually take without a fight . . .
- How certain dietary fats can affect your brain chemistry (once you understand why, you can take your health to the next level!) . . .
- How bipolar disorder has been linked to low levels of specific dietary fats . . .
and can be treated by simple nutritional correction . . . - And much more . . .
Issue #13: Eliminate Hypertension Forever! The Natural Approach to Curing High Blood Pressure  50% of Americans are at risk for this killer. Do you know which natural supplement will lower your blood pressure inexpensively — and with no dangerous side effects? VALUE $15 In this issue, you'll discover: - The natural and vital supplement that has demonstrated such dramatic improvement in cardiac function that some people have used it to avoid heart transplants . . .
- 11 ways to control hypertension naturally and safely, with methods confirmed by carefully conducted clinical tests . . .
- How the statistics medical experts use to measure blood pressure can be shockingly deceptive . . .
- Plus, dozens of other useful gems to improve and maintain your health . . .
I Can't Wait — I Want to Start My Trial Subscription Right Now!
Your special "Free Bonus Pass" to these dozens of previous issues is worth well over $600 — many times your small yearly investment in The Blaylock Wellness Report.
I know you'll find Dr. Blaylock's newsletter invaluable to your own life. So much so, I wouldn't be surprised if you even recommend it to your family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers . . .
And as a smart and savvy individual, I also know you won't give up this unique opportunity to protect yourself and your loved ones, with:
- The latest unbiased information on crucial health topics
- The most recent medical research studies (Dr. Blaylock will tell you which ones are sheer nonsense — and why)
- Simple strategies to rejuvenate and take charge of your life
If you think you can wait to hear this kind of in-depth health news from your own doctor, who's too busy to read even a fraction of the studies Dr. Blaylock monitors, think again.
Right now, you can increase your family's safety by claiming your own copy of this valuable report: "Your Health Care Is in Jeopardy — Protect Yourself"
Plus, you'll also receive your Free Bonus Pass to all of Dr. Blaylock's past newsletters along with your no-risk subscription to The Blaylock Wellness Report.
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