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Thursday, October 22, 2009

The blood sugar secret no one is talking about

Dear Total Health Breakthroughs Reader,

Everywhere you turn, you hear the same advice for maintaining healthy blood sugar levels: exercise more and cut out sugar. It would be fine -- if it was working! But I'm sure you've noticed that more people than ever are struggling to keep their blood sugar balanced, despite their best efforts.

But you're about to learn some shocking news that doesn't just explain why diet and exercise are falling short...It may also help you keep your own blood sugar in healthy ranges without denying yourself every one of life's sweet treats OR running yourself ragged at the gym.

To find out more about this groundbreaking discovery and learn about a special offer, keep reading below.

To your best health,

Melanie Segala
Managing Editor
Total Health Breakthroughs

Maintaining healthy blood sugar levels has always
been an uphill battle... UNTIL NOW.
, researchers have unlocked the secret to


Without tasteless "cardboard" food...
Without endless hours of exhausting exercise...
Without a second thought!

Dear Reader,

I've got some downright astonishing news that will change the way you think about blood sugar forever. Researchers have finally uncovered the real secret to maintaining healthy levels...

Is your body sending you a BLOOD SUGAR S.O.S.?

Take a look at the following list. These subtle signs could signal that you might need some help keeping your blood sugar in balance ...

  • Stubborn excess weight that hangs over your belt no matter what you do
  • Urgent cravings for candy bars, chips...and all the other things on your doctor's "no-no" list
  • Nasty mood swings that ruin your day (and the day of anyone unlucky enough to cross your path)

If ANY of these signs sound familiar, KEEP READING to discover how you can start giving your body the support it needs.

And it's not a strict, flavorless diet OR an expensive membership to a fancy gym!

It's much, much simpler.

Believe it or not, the secret to ultimate blood sugar balance is a substance you've already stockpiled inside your body. And by shoring up your reserves even more, you could...

  • Forget about exiling yourself to the land of the "sugar free"
  • Eat what you want, when you want (without going crazy, of course!)
  • Stop feeling guilty about how hard it is to follow your doctor's long list of "do's" and "don'ts"

Imagine NEVER having to give your blood sugar a second thought!

Get ready to turn that daydream into a reality -- because you're about to discover...

The blood sugar secret
No one's talking about!

Believe me, I've looked long and hard for the secret to easier blood sugar control. But time and again, my search came up short...leaving just diet and exercise.

I'm sure you've noticed just how hard it is to keep your blood sugar from yo-yoing out of control -- even if you're doing everything right. It's frustrating. And, when you think about what problems it can lead to -- it's more than a little scary, too.

That's why I was so excited to learn about what may very well be the major culprit behind imbalanced blood sugar. You see, contrary to the mainstream's favorite party line, maintaining healthy blood sugar isn't just about what you eat...or DON'T eat...OR how much you exercise.

The fact is, one completely overlooked substance holds the key that will...

Bring your blood sugar
Back from the brink of boiling over!

To date, researchers have only discovered one way to boost your body's levels of it...And I'm thrilled to be able to share the secret with you. But first -- what exactly IS this little-known substance?

It's called adiponectin. I know: "Ade-WHAT?!" It is a mouthful (though, for the record, it's pronounced "ad-i-po-neck-tin").

Scientists have known for years that it promotes normal blood sugar levels by helping your body use insulin efficiently. But they didn't realize just how important it was to boost your adiponectin levels until recently.

The problem was, they had NO IDEA how to do that.

Injections didn't work. And, once again, neither did diet and exercise. The experts were stumped. Until one group of researchers discovered that...

The Holy Grail of blood sugar balancers
has been sitting under our noses

It's a medicinal mushroom called Agaricus blazei. And for centuries, it's been used for just about everything else -- stress relief...immune boosting...supporting healthy cholesterol levels.

But in hundreds of years no one ever tested its effects on blood sugar!

Don't settle for
temporary "fixes"!

It's really no wonder that so many have been plagued with blood sugar problems for generations...Our grandparents and parents were missing a critical piece in solving the puzzle!

But now, thanks to Gluco-Sure, you have EVERYTHING your body needs to make sure its glucose-metabolizing machinery never needs repairs

In fact, the very first study on Agaricus and glucose metabolism occurred just two years ago. And the results of the trial were so stunning that I'll bet scientists everywhere are kicking themselves for not testing it sooner.

Researchers found that the mushroom did what nothing else had been able to do. It boosted adiponectin levels. More adiponectin means your body can stop working overtime... because it can clear sugar from your blood quickly and efficiently -- just the way it's supposed to.

And that means you'll...

  • Have plenty of energy to get through the day -- without feeling like you're running on fumes
  • Be able to ENJOY your food -- without guilt and without worrying
  • Shake those nasty mood swings that always happen at the worst possible time
  • Finally have complete blood sugar control!

Right now, Agaricus is the only known substance that can boost your adiponectin levels... And right now there's only ONE formula that combines it with the other clinically proven standouts in supporting healthy blood sugar levels.

That's why I'm truly delighted to be able to introduce you to Gluco-Sure. And, boy, does it live up to its name..With Gluco-Sure you can be sure your body has everything it needs for ultimate blood sugar support.

But as revolutionary as the discovery of adiponectin is...And as essential as Agaricus is as the ONLY thing that can help keep your adiponectin where it needs to be...The fact is, I'd be hard-pressed to recommend any blood sugar support formula that didn't contain biotin and chromium.

Turn your body
into a lean, mean,
fat -- and CARB -- burning machine!

Gluco-Sure could become your
beauty secret!

It won't take long to feel your energy levels rocket through the roof, thanks to Gluco-Sure's combination of proven, all-stars. But don't be surprised if you start looking as vibrant as you feel, with...

  • Thicker, more
  • Glowing skin
  • Strong, healthy nails

You see, biotin, one of Gluco-Sure's key components isn't just an essential part of healthy glucose metabolism...It's also well known for its hair-, skin-, and nail-strengthening properties. In fact, it's a common addition to many cosmetics -- but with Gluco-Sure you'll get all biotin's benefits, inside AND out.

Biotin and chromium are probably the most extensively researched nutrients for blood sugar support. Here's just a sampling of some of that research...

  • One double-blind, placebo-controlled trial on biotin showed that it sparked two specific glucose-metabolizing enzymes-called ACC and PC-into action.
  • Another study done in Japan showed that, in experimental animals, biotin improves the body's ability to use glucose, without affecting insulin levels.
  • In research done over 50 years ago, scientists discovered that chromium could actually REVERSE impaired glucose metabolism.

But even if you don't care about the science behind this nutrient duo, I've yet to find anyone who doesn't appreciate their other benefits...

You see, both of these nutrients are crucial for burning protein, carbs, and fat. In other words, they help you burn off what you eat...instead of storing it in your hips, thighs, and midsection.

And with all that fuel to keep you going, you can say goodbye to those 3 o'clock slumps and caffeine "fixes." You'll have a constant, natural supply of energy to keep you going all day long.

These are things everyone could use help with, so I was glad to see that Gluco-Sure teamed the proven chromium-biotin nutrient duo up along with Agaricus -- the very latest breakthrough in glucose metabolism.

If Gluco-Sure stopped right there, it would certainly cover all the bases of glucose regulation. But this knockout formula's final ingredient hits a grand slam that will help you...

Get a jump start
On your as little as

The secret to lightning-fast support no other formula on the market can match is a little cucumber-shaped gourd that families in India have been eating for generations.

It's called Coccinia cordifolia. And one of the early animal studies on Coccinia found that it blew the other traditional blood sugar supporting herbs out of the water -- with effects that started within one week!

And a brand-new, double-blind, placebo-controlled human trial showed downright remarkable results. In fact, this study was so impressive it was published in a prestigious mainstream medical journal without so much as a single tweak or edit -- something practically unheard of in the world of medical research and journal publications. It's no wonder it garnered such respect in the medical community, though...

By the end of the trial, the Coccinia group's blood sugar had improved by leaps and bounds, dropping as much as 18% -- while the placebo group had a 7% increase.

And Coccinia helped support healthy blood sugar levels despite the fact that the subjects didn't make ANY changes to their diets!

Now, don't get me wrong: This isn't a license to stock your pantry with potato chips and Oreos. We both know that junk food isn't going to do you any favors. The point is, it's possible to keep healthy blood sugar levels without constant worrying and deprivation -- and Coccinia is one of the most effective ways to do that.

But as common as Coccinia is in India, it's not so widespread in the U.S. And if you do manage to turn up a Coccinia supplement, you're likely to become an unwilling participant in ...

The guessing game
you can't afford to play

If you search hard enough, I'm sure you'll be able to turn up a Coccinia supplement. But -- and this is a BIG "but" -- there's no guarantee you'll be getting the amount of Coccinia listed on the label. Which means there's no way to know for SURE if it will help you keep your blood sugar within the healthy ranges at all -- let alone with the kind of speed the studies have shown are possible.

That's because most of these products aren't standardized. Which is a fancy way of saying that each and every batch is made with the same materials, in the same way, and then tested to ensure that the quality and dose is the same in every single bottle.

Standardization is the only way to take the guesswork out of ANY supplement. But there's only ONE source of standardized Coccinia available in the U.S...

It's called Gencinia™. And Gluco-Sure has nabbed exclusive access to it.

That's right -- you won't find this proven, high-speed blood sugar supporter ANYWHERE ELSE.

Exclusive access --
without the exclusive price tag!

That sort of exclusive access usually comes at a hefty price. And when you consider the other powerhouses packed into Gluco-Sure along with GenciniaTM...

  • Agaricus -- The ONLY thing that can support your body's critical adiponectin levels
  • Biotin and Chromium -- The most renowned nutrient combo for ultimate blood sugar support

It's an ingenious strategy for maintaining healthy blood sugar that you won't find in any other formula. And it's the sort of all-star, high-tech combination that you'd expect to pay a pretty penny for. It certainly does the most thorough job of helping maintain healthy glucose metabolism of any formula I've ever seen. And, yet...

This ultimate blend of breakthrough blood sugar supporters costs just $39.95! That's just a little more than $1 a day...

Which is a whole lot less than you'd spend on...

  • Those chemical-laden, funny-tasting, sugar-free foods...
  • A membership to a fancy gym...or
  • A piece of home exercise equipment (that soon becomes an expensive drying rack for your clothes)...

Heck, when you think of all the money you'll be saving by NEVER NEEDING ANY of that...Gluco-Sure practically pays for itself!

But, we here at NorthStar want you to be as sure of the value you're getting as we are. That's why we're backing this revolutionary blood sugar breakthrough with...

The 100% guarantee
that puts the "SURE"
into every bottle of Gluco-Sure

You deserve to know the freedom that comes with finally breaking the vicious cycle your family's been trapped in for generations. And we believe Gluco-Sure is the long-awaited solution that will help you do just that. So we want you to give it a try absolutely RISK FREE.

Try it for 60 days. And if Gluco-Sure hasn't lived up to every promise we've made you, then feel free to call us for a FULL REFUND (less shipping and handling) -- no questions asked.

So you've got absolutely nothing to lose by trying...

Blood Sugar Support

The traditional approach your family has been relying on for generations...the grueling, joyless diet...the exhausting, monotonous exercise...It would be fine --

If it was working!

Unfortunately, as your parents, your grandparents, and their parents before them have all learned first-hand...It just isn't!

Of course, any time your health is at stake, you must talk with your health care practitioner. But anything that can help you stay vibrant and healthy is well worth a closer look. And now you've got exclusive access to the very secret that lets you be the first one in your family that NEVER has to worry about their blood sugar.

And if you choose NorthStar Nutritionals' SMARTShip option when you place your order, you'll...

Never run out --
or leave your body high and dry

The marketing folks have come up with a great opportunity for you that gives a whole new meaning to "effortless blood sugar support."

With the SMARTShip program, your next batch of Gluco-Sure will be sent to you automatically -- meaning you'll always have all the essential tools you need to keep your glucose metabolizing machinery in perfect working order.

Blood sugar support that shows up at your door every month without you having to lift so much as a finger...What could possibly be better?

Well, how about never paying for shipping again?

That's right...As if the easy blood sugar balance wasn't incentive enough, ordering with NorthStar's SMARTShip delivery service gets Gluco-Sure to you automatically -- right when you need it -- and shipping is absolutely FREE. That saves you over $83 a year!

The SMARTShip program is absolutely free. And you can rest assured that there are no obligations involved with it. You can change your delivery schedule, the number of bottles you receive in a shipment, or even cancel the service altogether -- at any time.

Combine that with the certainty you get from NorthStar Nutritionals' Gold-Standard, 100% Guarantee, and you can feel confident in placing your Gluco-Sure order today...absolutely RISK FREE.

With Gluco-Sure, you've got what your grandparents and parents never had -- a completely effortless solution for maintaining healthy glucose metabolism...One you'll WANT to pass down for generations to come.

Your Nutrition Physician,

Allan Spreen, M.D.
Chief Research Advisor
NorthStar Nutritionals

Order Now using our Secure Order Form

P.S. Gluco-Sure is the ONLY formula that combines the very latest breakthrough in glucose metabolism, along with the most clinically proven nutrients, AND the exclusive source of the fastest blood sugar support you'll find outside of India. Order now to make sure you get this essential blend today for an absolutely incredible, completely RISK-FREE savings.

View this product's ingredients

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Important: THB is dedicated to bringing you the newest, most hopeful and most trustworthy information and advice about natural health research and products. Because we are a for-profit publication, we include advertising copy in each issue (readily identifiable by shaded boxes). We also send our readers advertisements we approve of. When our editors like and use advertised products, we talk about their features and benefits in our editorial. Readers should be assured that although we may sometimes have a financial interest in a product we talk about, we will never recommend anything we don't believe in.

Copyright © 2009 Fourth Avenue Health Group, LLC, located at 245 NE 4th Avenue, Delray Beach Florida 33483, is a subsidiary of Early to Rise.  All rights reserved.  Total Health Breakthroughs is published weekly as a free email subscription service by Fourth Avenue Health Group, LLC.

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