Is the Swine Flu Vaccine More Dangerous than H1N1 Virus?
During my speaking tour in the northeast these past two weeks, people contantly expressed concern regarding the swine flu vaccine. A registered nurse in Albany, NY shared that New York State has mandated the Swine Flu (a.k.a. H1N1 Influenza Virus) vaccine for all health care providers, and that if she refuses the vaccine she will be fired from her job. She then went on to say that if the state follows through with that mandate, she would have to refuse the vaccine, because she can't allow poison to knowingly enter her body.
In my East Aurora, NY seminar, two nurses asked me what they could do to avoid receiving the Swine Flu vaccine because they had been told that if they refused the vaccine they would lose their jobs.
What a predicament these health care providers are in! They realize the potential dangers to their own health if they receive the vaccination, yet if they refused it, they will lose their job.
Well, this past Saturday, September 26, 2009, Dr. Mercola, in an article entitled "Flu Vaccine Exposed," shared some fresh insights into the flu vaccine debate. Following are some highlights:
Death caused directly by the flu virus is very rare. The vast majority of so-called 'flu deaths' are due to bacterial pneumonia – a potential complication of the flu if your immune system is too weak. Conventional treatment for bacterial pneumonia is an antibiotic, not a viral flu drug, so taking a flu vaccine to prevent death from pneumonia doesn't make sense.
Flu vaccines do not work and in many cases do more harm than good. In 2003, just after children aged five and under started getting vaccinated, the number of flu deaths skyrocketed. The death toll was enormous compared to the previous year - when the flu vaccine was not administered en masse to that age group. How anyone can consider a strategy that yields a higher death toll to be a success is a mystery to me.
What's in the seasonal flu vaccine? In addition to mercury, flu vaccines contain other toxic or hazardous ingredients like: Aluminum (a neurotoxin that has been linked to Alzheimer's disease); Triton X-100 (a detergent); Phenol (carbolic acid); Ethylene Glycol (antifreeze); Betapropioloctone (a disinfectant); Notoxynol (used to kill or stop growth of STDs); Octoxinol 9 (a vaginal spermicide); Sodium Phosphate.
How safe is the flu vaccine? Serious reactions to the flu vaccine include, but are not limited to: Life-threatening allergies to various ingredients; Guillain-Barre Syndrome (a severe paralytic disease that is fatal in about 1 in 20 cases); Encephalitis (brain inflammation); neurological disorders; Thrombocytopenia (a serious blood disorder).
How effective is the flu vaccine? A study published in the October 2008 issue of the Archives of Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine found that vaccinating young children against the flu had no impact on flu-related hospitalizations or doctor visits during two recent flu seasons; A 2008 study published in the Lancet found that the influenza vaccination was not associated with a reduced risk of pneumonia. A large-scale review of 51 studies, published in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews in 2006, found no evidence that the flu vaccine is any more effective than a placebo in children. The studies involved 260,000 children, ages 5 to 23 months.
Concerned about the potential dangers inherent in Swine Flu vaccines? You should be. The following 20-year old and banned "60 Minutes" documentary is a must see: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x9mh9f_swine-flu-1976-propaganda_webcam.
Long time readers of this Health Tip know that this editor has been warning readers of the dangers inherent in vaccines for many years, but are you aware that there is considerable evidence to implicate vaccines as the cause of Autism and ADD among our children, Alzheimer's in adults, and even death? So why would there be those in political power who would want the populace to have injected into their blood stream, toxic substances that can not only cause serious harm to the body, but also potentially destroy human life, especially when the Bible tells us that "The life of the flesh is in the blood."(Leviticus 17:11 & 14)
Some believe that through the use of vaccines and the high cost of treating vaccine created problems demand for National Health Care is increased, thus increasing the likelihood of Health Care legislation passage. Then once National Health Care becomes law, these power hungry politicians will use Health Care to control the populace. For instance, fail to accept a vaccine, and you could lose your Social Security benefits, lose your driver's license or even lose access to Health Care.
Others believe vaccines are a means of population control by weeding out those citizens who have weak immune systems, who if allowed to live would drain the coffers of a National Health Care program. Could vaccines be a purposeful effort by some in government to reduce the size of the population, thus reducing Social Security benefit costs, while also reducing Health Care costs?
Whatever, the most important lesson is something Dr. Mercola shared in a previous article in which he stated: "There are much safer ways to protect oneself from the flu virus . . . good diet." That is what The Hallelujah Diet has done for this editor, who for 34-years without receiving a single flu vaccination has not experienced the flu or a cold even one time!
Friends, the Hallelujah Diet has the potential of doing the same for YOU!
References & Source
Please note that while these sources are referenced in our article, there may be differing opinions expressed on the author's website. Hallelujah Acres neither endorses nor disputes the validity of this content.
Flu Vaccine Exposed
Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness Among Children 6 to 59 Months of Age During 2 Influenza Seasons
Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, October 2008
Influenza Vaccination and Risk of Community-Acquired Pneumonia
The Lancet, December 2008
Vaccines for Preventing Influenza in Healthy Children
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, January 25, 2006
Swine Flu 1976 & Propaganda
60 Minutes, 1979