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Saturday, August 8, 2009

The shocking truth why your doctor can't fix you


Dear Total Health Breakthroughs Reader,

You don't have the energy you need, and every year it seems to get worse.

Well get ready for a big change!

Read on to discover a secret that will give you an endless reservoir of energy. This could really change your life. You'll learn...

...The 5 best natural antidotes to stress

...How to make the blues a thing of the past

...A super simple 4 step program to have all the energy you ever wanted and more!

To your best health,

Melanie Segala
Managing Editor
Total Health Breakthroughs


The 21st Century Plague
That's Making You Feel Like Crap

If you’ve ever dragged yourself into a doctor’s office and exclaimed, “Doc I feel like crap, I’m tired all the time,” you’re not alone.

Dear Dog-Tired and Disheartened, 

According to a recent study of the U.S. workforce, exhaustion brings 38 percent of us to our knees at any one time.  And I know first hand how that feels, because I was one of them.

The sheer size of this epidemic means it’s estimated doctors log “fatigue” a staggering seven million times a year. And it’s one of the single biggest symptoms reported across the nation. 

But what is worse is that your doctor probably can’t help you!

Here’s what I discovered during my own treatment. A mainstream doctor only checks to see if fatigue is a symptom of an actual disease--which according to The Journal of the American Board of Family Practice, “only a small percentage” of cases are.  Beyond that, he can’t help you!

So mainstream medicine is letting you, me, and all of America down when it comes to tiredness...

It offers no antidote for crashing on the couch each evening, in a brain fuddled haze... gives no answer as to why you haul yourself through every day like a dead man walking... and has no solution to stop you from becoming a bystander of life, with your dreams draining away.

That’s how it was for me before I met James LaValle. I was always tired and yet my doctor could do nothing for me.

When I realized how badly treated I’d been by other doctors, and the vast number of folks in the same boat, I got angry. I wanted to find a way more people could get “James LaValle style” metabolic medicine--it focuses on the healing power of nature, but does not exclude drug therapy if it's necessary.

The result is the new resource described below. It can break you out of your shattered malaise, and re-energize you – body and mind – for just 29 bucks!

The Truth about Mainstream Medicine and Fatigue

The truth is doctors study disease, and how to treat it. So mainstream medicine is a sickness industry. And just because you don’t have a doctor’s note to say you’re sick, you doggone know you’re not well!

James LaValle (clinical pharmacist, board certified clinical nutritionist and Naturopath) on the other hand, is a pioneer in the wellness industry. It amazed me how he worked...

He interpreted my lab results in a way that revealed exactly why I didn’t have the vitality I wished I had. And after dramatically restoring my health, I needed to know if I’d been lucky, or if his approach works for everyone. So I asked him to open his files to some serious investigation.

What I found were folks like 59-year-old Mike from Cincinnati. He says...

“Pre James LaValle and his team, I was so run down I was afraid I was losing my mind and I was scared that was it for the rest of my days. But he rebuilt me better than I was 30 years earlier. Today, I’m more optimistic than ever, and my wife is delighted with the sleeker model me, whose pants measure what they did back when I was 34!”

James detected tell-tale markers in Mike’s blood which revealed precisely why he felt so beat. It just took knowledge enough to dig deeper than your average doctor knows how. Then, with a few natural metabolic maneuvers, Mike was firing on all cylinders again. More excitingly, here’s what I concluded from studying James LaValle’s files:

If you feel constantly tired or exhausted, it should be just as straight forward for you to recover. Here’s Mike to tell you his story for himself. I trust it will give you renewed hope and more--the prospect of using nature to restore yourself to vibrant energy, at any age... 

click here
Until James LaValle Broke Me Free!

“Life was meant to be good! I’d run a successful auto parts business, retired at 56, and tied the knot for the first time at 58... after years of being married to my work. You’d think I should be in the prime of life. Instead, I was a housebound overweight shadow  of the man I’d hoped to be.

In fact, I was so pooped just getting off the couch was a chore. I’d get dizzy standing up and sit right back down again. And I’m not a lazy man by nature. The business used to consume most workable hours, which as it turns out was part of what drained me to exhaustion.

I hated being feeble and frail. I’d summon the enthusiasm to go to the gym, then spend days in recovery with heavy limbs, aching muscles and joints like rusty door hinges. And shameful I know but...

My brain was so addled, several times I found myself in charge of a 1½ ton truck wondering where I was driving, and why! Luckily nobody got hurt. And to add insult, I couldn’t get to sleep anxious that something terrible was wrong.

Plus, because my weight ballooned you can imagine how I felt--like Eddie Murphy’s Papa Klump character, in that infamous scene from the Nutty Professor... embarrassed by gas, bloating and stomach cramps.

Of course, over the years this devastation developed, I’d seen several doctors. But they just told me to lose weight and give up drinking--my only remaining pleasure.

Then one day I crawled into James LaValle’s office, desperate and exhausted.  A friend gave me feint hope that James was somehow different.

And was he? You betcha! I’m 64 now and I’ve been on the up and up for the last six years. I can’t thank James enough. In my mind he works miracles! He was instrumental in completely transforming my life, and I’m happier with every aspect of my health than I’ve ever been...

My energy soared, stamina more than doubled, and I’m a regular on the links where my handicap’s halved! Now I sleep like a baby, and it was a happy day indeed when the C pap machine – that kept me breathing through the night – went off to the thrift shop.

Integrative Medicine Investigations Continued...

Take another highly credible witness, her name is Missy H, also from Ohio. She’s a registered nurse and certified fitness trainer, and she’s sent many family members and friends to see James. Missy says:

“Jim’s approach to wellness is somewhat amazing. I have witnessed countless patients, myself included, seek Jim’s help in tackling everything from cancer and autism to chronic fatigue and obesity.”

“I began seeing Jim because I lacked mid-day energy and for chronic joint pain. I burn the candle at both ends working long hours, and then always find time to workout. I hardly thought there could be a magic cure!” “Jim’s success is staggering!” “Because of him many of us are stronger, healthier, and with any luck will live a lot longer!”

And Anne G. from Russellville also makes my point about the James LaValle “wellness approach” to overcoming fatigue. She reports:

“At age 41, after seven pregnancies, and nursing and home schooling five children, I was overweight, pre-diabetic, anxious, exhausted and weak. “LaValle’s approach is to assist people in returning to health not maintaining their disease.” “I lost 25 pounds in 4 months. Also, I have more and more consistent energy with less irritability.”

In fact, James has thousands of success stories like Mike, Missy and Anne. And now I’d like to show you an inexpensive way he can help YOU.

Introducing: How to Recharge Your Body for Optimal Energy

As you’ve heard, fatigue is a 21st century plague, in need of an enlightened, wellness approach to fixing it. That’s why I commissioned James LaValle R.Ph.,CCN, ND to write How to Recharge Your Body for Optimal Energy.

It’s a concise, 31 page guide, that shows you how to raise yourself from exhausted to invigorated, using natural supplements and the appropriate lab work.

Hundreds of doctors have attended James LaValle’s lectures, exploring the paradigm of wellness medicine, as a complement to merely treating sickness. Though that leaves thousands more who may not have embraced this approach as yet.

That’s why you need this guide by your side. As an informed person you can take immediate steps to recharge your batteries, and as an informed patient you’ll get the most effective treatment from your doctor.

In How to Recharge Your Body for Optimal Energy you’ll discover...

  • Your body’s master hormone material. And the sneaky way stress steals it, leaving you depressed, achy and weak!
  • WARNING: The energy supplement you should never take without a blood test!
  • Why sleeping pills make you sleep but don’t give you rest...
  • ADRENAL ASSAULT: Don’t get sick and tired! Left undetected  adrenal exhaustion can cause insulin resistancecan lead to obesity, diabetes, heart disease, brain failure and cancer. Arrest this assassin now! 
  • Hyper-excited brain: Do you wake up around 2 or 3 am? Learn the simple reason why ...
  • The 5 best natural antidotes to stress...
  • Beyond basic anemia advice: How to cure tired blood and its consequences...
  • “James LaValle continues to be one of the great clinical minds of our time.  His unique approach of applying natural therapies to optimizing metabolism represents the leading edge of medical thinking today.  He has inspired hundreds of physicians to deepen and broaden their understanding of wellness-based strategies and their application to the major epidemic of fatigue.  He has taught me how to improve my own medical practice and as a result, my patients are healthier and happier than ever. “

    Andrew Heyman, MD MHSA: Adjunct Assistant Professor

    Department of Family Medicine, University of Michigan

    < ORDER NOW >

    What you must know about the master driver of your metabolism, your thyroid.  And the test you can perform first thing tomorrow morning to check how well it’s working...
  • How to read how close you are to burnout – your Cortisol/DHEA “seesaw-hormones” explained!
  • If you can’t think clearly during the day, then check these “alert” chemicals made at night...
  • The Metabolic Monster: Insulin resistance is one huge fatigue, inflammation and disease making beast. But you can beat it using these 5 natural substances!
  • Why you shouldn’t take it for granted your thyroid is healthy even if you’ve had the main two blood tests that say it is!
  • The 7 most allergy causing foods that could be making you sluggish...
  • How to get smart with this natural, serotonin making antidepressant!
  • Often undetected, repeatedly wrongly treated: The immune system antibodies that could be destroying your thyroid hormones...
  • Side Effect Warning: Why natural compounds are necessary, when pharmaceuticals are needed!
  • PLUS: Drugs that can cause anemia, and other nutrients depleted by drugs that may be making you tired...
  • And much, Much, MORE!

Plain English Advice, Plain Simple Instruction
Your Route Back to Energized Living for Just 29 Dollars! 

You’ve heard from Mike who was so exhausted he thought he was “losing his mind.” And Missy and Anne, who were on the fast track to burnout, too. They call James LaValle “miracle worker,” say his success is “staggering”, and use other such superlatives to describe his work.

These are genuine testimonials from just a few of the thousands of folks helped by James and his team. Many arrived at James’s office “crashed and burned” and were restored to capable and optimistic. And many more arrived miserable and depressed, and after treatment left joyful and energized.

Of course, you’ll have to take action on James’s guidance,to feel the same results. But at just $29, How to Recharge Your Body for Optimal Energy is essentially the same advice he gives his patients. Besides, you’ll probably spend this much on artificial highs in the next couple of weeks anyway, from espresso, buzz gum, or (God forbid) caffeinated water!

So why not go ahead and get yourself a copy of How to Recharge Your Body for Optimal Energy by Clicking Here , or calling TOLL-FREE 1-800-718-5638 now.

The Most Effective, RISK-FREE, Small Investment
You Can Make To Fix Fatigue

If How to Recharge Your Body for Optimal Energy doesn’t do what it says on the cover, it’s FREE. At Total Health Breakthroughs, I back my promises with my business.

So order now by calling TOLL-FREE 1-800-718-5638 or click here. Then take up to 365 days to begin applying James LaValle’s cutting edge counsel. You must find strategies you can use right away that recharge your batteries. And you must feel yourself becoming sharper of mind and more energized of body, with each passing day.   

In the unlikely event you don’t find it to be the antidote to your tiredness, full of strategies most doctors don’t know, just let us know within 365 days. That's right, you have one full year. If you're disatisfied for any reason, we’ll be happy to REFUND you in FULL.

Stop Fatigue from Wrecking Your Dreams

Remember: just because you aren’t sick, it doesn’t mean you’re well. You’re tired for a reason. And How to Recharge Your Body for Optimal Energy will show you why. click here or order now by calling TOLL-FREE 1-800-718-5638.

You’ll get expert advice from one of our nation’s pioneers in integrative medicine...

You’ll get a four step program detailing exactly how to put James’s advice into practice, to restore yourself to vibrant living ...

And you’ll get it for just $29, a fraction of the investment needed to see him in person!

One day all doctors will use wellness medicine to combat fatigue. Until then there’s How to Recharge Your Body for Optimal Energy.

If you’re in the pits, this is your ladder out. Take it now by calling 1-800-718-5638 TOLL-FREE, or click here.

To the dynamic life you deserve,

MaryEllen Tribby
Publisher and CEO
Total Health Breakthroughs

P.S. Heck... this is a really great deal! You aren’t just buying a book. You’re investing in the counsel of probably our nation’s greatest metabolic master. You could spend years and thousands, trying to unearth the source of your fatigue. Instead you can get on the fast track back to feeling fantastic for just $29. And what’s more you take NO RISK so please order NOW. Just call 1-800-718-5638 TOLL-FREE, or Click Here Now.


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