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Sunday, August 16, 2009

Are You Feeding Your Family Cancer?


It turns out the old saying of an apple a day keeps the doctor away is Dead wrong....

Dear Total Health Breakthroughs Reader,

I'm writing you today about a problem so invasive... so dangerous... and so hidden that it has put every American who shops in a grocery store at risk.

It's the pesticides in our food, the preservatives and additives in our skin care products, even the synthetic materials in our clothes. 

Let's start with what we eat...

Did you know that...

  • 93% of non-organic oranges analyzed contained pesticide residues

  • 78% of apples analyzed contained pesticide residues

  • 43% of all fruit and vegetables analyzed had detectable levels of pesticides

  • 50% of lettuce contained residues from 7 or more chemicals

  • 71% of cereal bars contain pesticide residues

  • 83% of oily fish (like tuna) showed pesticide residues

It gets worse!  Clean food activists have identified the "dirty dozen."  These 12 fruits and vegetables, when conventionally grown, are drenched in pesticides.

This "horror list" includes all-time favorites, like peaches, strawberries and spinach... plus nine more fruits and vegetables most of us eat regularly!

The Dirty Dozen are absolutely TOXIC because they've been raised with so many pesticides there's no way to wash them off. Even peeling these fruits and vegetables will not rid them of the toxins when they've been conventionally grown.  

In fact, if you eat your USDA-recommended 5 daily servings of fruits and veggies from the  "Dirty Dozen" list, you can swallow an average of 10 pesticides a day.

How many of the "dirty dozen" are you unconsciously eating? 

The danger doesn't stop with fresh produce.  Chicken, beef, pork and eggs are all full of dangerous pesticides.    In fact, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Food Safety and Inspection Service 2007 National Residue Program Data results (published Oct. 2008) tested nineteen (19) compound classes of veterinary drugs and pesticides (all told,
about 120 compounds).   Out of the beef, chicken, pork, veal, eggs and other products analyzed, 42 chemical residue violations were found.

Not a single one of these substances is something you want to put in your body!  And several of them are known carcinogens!

But you can free yourself of worry (and disease!) without spending your whole paycheck or even changing where you shop.

The truth is it's just as easy to eat wholesome organic foods as it is to eat the conventional foods that are pesticide-and-preservative drenched you may routinely buy?

And you don't have to spend your whole paycheck to get the good stuff.  You just have to know what to look for and make a few simple choices.

Most likely, these days you won't even have to change where you shop!

It's really that simple. 

Best of all... You don't have to eat bean sprouts, brown rice, and soy milk... give up beef or eggs or cheese... or deny yourself any of the foods you love to "Go Green" and gain all the health benefits!

FACT--No matter where you live:

  • From the ketchup you buy to the lipstick you wear...
  • From mac n cheese for the kids to delicious organic wines...
  • From household cleaners to what you wear...

There are easy, affordable "Green" choices you can make...Starting Today!

Finally... all the answers you need
to keep your family safe!

How would you like to have an 800 phone number you can call to ask about pesticides and pesticide contamination of conventionally-raised meats ?  It's available - but not one out of every 1,000 consumers even knows it exists!

Or, how would you like to know the website that lists all the free government publications that outline the pesticide residues in our food supply?

Shhhhh... Big Business Hopes You Won't Figure Out "Easy Green"!

The truth is, every day that goes by, it's easier and easier to make healthy choices... not only by choosing organic foods to eat (like antibiotic-free, grass fed beef or lean, delicious buffalo), but in choosing "green" personal care products, "green" clothing, "green" dry cleaning that's done without harsh chemicals... even organic wine!

Why can "green" information save your life?  Because Big Business is waging a fierce disinformation campaign to keep you from finding out how easy it is to eat and live in a radically healthier way.

Big Business doesn't want you to think green and buy local.  They want you to keep eating processed foods and pesticide-drenched produce they bring in from Mexico and Chile.

That's why they make it a point to confuse you.  A favorite trick is labeling products that are patently not organic as "green."  (That's called "green-washing" by organic producers - as in "white-washing," or lying to you.)

Here's a "greenwashing" example, K-mart's American Fare paper plates, labeled "biodegradable," are so far from "green" that the FTC actually sued them to change the labeling.  And how often does your supermarket tell you which produce is from a foreign country that doesn't follow FDA safeguards?

Big business also doesn't want you to know about a website that keeps track of the worst "greenwashing" offenders to help make the most informed choices possible. 

Not only that, but there are easy-to-read symbols to look for to make sure the products you're buying are organic, such as the USDA Organic logo, or a secret number in the produce aisle.  If a fruit or vegetable has this number, you KNOW it's organic. 

Here's the flip side of the coin - any apple, bell pepper, or head of lettuce - any fruit or vegetable that does NOT have this number - is likely loaded with pesticides.

It's just that simple.

And simple is the key. 

The truth is, most of us can make small changes, but if huge changes are required, it's hard to stick with it.

But in the case of "green" and organic foods, bodycare products, even clothing, it's a simple matter of knowing the brands to look for.  Because, chances are, they're probably already in the places you shop.

Not just foods like Muir Glen organic canned tomatoes and Heintz organic ketchup, but personal care products like toothpaste from Tom's of Maine, household cleaners like GreenWorks (from Clorox, no less!), 7th Generation paper products, chemical-free, natural clothing, chemical-free dry cleaning -- the whole works.

But before I tell you more about how easy it is to truly "go green," let me tell you about some more of the hidden dangers in your supermarket aisle... common additives that are so toxic that they should be illegal!

What Big Business Is Feeding Your Family...

Just to let you know how big the problem is, there are two basic types of pesticides used in growing conventional food.  You wouldn't want to feed either to your loved ones:

1. Organochlorides - These kill pests by attacking their central nervous systems. They have been linked to cancer, birth defects and genetic changes in animals. They are fat-soluble and stored in body fat. They are far more persistent than organophosphates.  In other words, once they get in your body, they are very hard to get rid of.

2. Organophosphates -- These interfere with nerve conduction in pests. They are the most common pesticides used today. They are water-soluble and break down rapidly.

Governments control the use of pesticides through legislation, and there are various lists of banned and restricted pesticides.  You can easily look up which pesticides are being used to grow your favorite foods - and which foods are dangerously exempt from USDA residue limits (called "tolerances"). 

How effective is pesticide policing
by the USDA?

To be blunt:  not very.

Investigations continually show that illegal and dangerous pesticides are appearing in food.

This contamination seems to be from two sources: illegal use of banned pesticides, and also the use of pesticides that are legal (or unpoliced) in the country where the food is grown.

A recent study from the U.S.-based Environmental Working Group (EWG) found that:

"Many pesticides that have been banned or restricted for health reasons were found illegally on scores of different foods. Examples include:

Captan, a probable human carcinogen banned on 30 crops by the EPA for health reasons--found illegally on 14 of these crops.

Chlorpyrifos (Dursban), a potent neurotoxin heavily used in schools and homes but restricted to use on certain foods to protect young children from additional exposure--found illegally on 16 crops.

Endosulfan, a chemical cousin of DDT that mimics the female hormone estrogen in the human body--found illegally on 10 crops."

The same study found that:

"Some major fruits and vegetables have very high rates of illegal pesticides. During 1992 and 1993, one-quarter of all green peas contained illegal pesticides, as did 15.7 percent of pears, 12.5 percent of apple juice, 11.7 percent of all green onions, 7.6 percent of green beans, and 7.4 percent of all strawberries."

Pretty scary, huh?  And if you're like most people, you want to know...

"What can I do?"

The answer:  plenty! And it DOESN'T take any effort at all.

The best defense against pesticide abuse in the foods you and your family eat is information

Why Is Information The Best Defense?

I'll admit - getting people to "go green," especially when it comes to food,  is my personal crusade.

I've had my own health battles.  Not too long ago, I was "sick and tired of feeling sick and tired."

I was constantly fatigued, overweight, and heading toward diabetes.

I had so little energy that no amount of sleep seemed to help.  In fact, every afternoon I had to close my office door and put my head on the desk in sheer exhaustion.

Being tired all the time made me irritable. I constantly fought with my husband ... blew my stack with my staff ... and snapped at my children all the time.

I was going to the gym for an hour every morning. But it didn't boost my energy. Worse, I had gained lots of weight ... and could not lose a pound.

Today, I'm healthy, energetic, and can fit into jeans I wore before I gave birth to three kids....I attribute a huge part of my health to "going green," especially when it comes to food.

Let me introduce myself.  My name is Mary Ellen Tribby, and I am the Executive Publisher of Early to Rise.

I'm writing to you today to tell you that, if you care about your health and you don't want to become a cancer statistic - or see  a loved one become one -- "going green" is one of the quickest, most powerful changes you can make to prevent disease and promote glowing health!

Now, I'm not a fanatic. I'm too busy to be a fanatic. I hardly have time to eat, let alone fret over everything that goes in my mouth. But when it comes to the health of my family, I am NOT willing to compromise. I can't feed my kids cancer...

That's why I had my editorial staff put together a virtual "safe shopping list." It's a "cheat sheet" for those of us who want to eat organic and still pay the mortgage... with shortcuts that will help you integrate changes into your life easily and naturally.

It's called Going Green, Cheap and Easy and it's available to you right now.

Among other things, it tells you exactly how to avoid these very dangerous foods and switch to organic foods and products that will help you

  • Heal if you're sick
  • Avoid degenerative diseases if you're not
  • Feel better, look better, and have a quality of life that's simply impossible if you're literally swimming in noxious chemicals.

But before the specifics, let me back up and explain why this information can literally save your life...

You Are What You Eat

You've heard the old adage: you are what you eat.  Well, it's true. 

Going Green, Cheap and Easy gives you the names and sources for the products you need to improve your life, your health, and your happiness....all by living green!

When I made the decision to go green, I was surprised to find out how easy it was to find the quality "green" products I wanted, usually at the stores I traditionally shopped at. 

Or, I opted to shop on the internet and have certain products shipped direct to my home.

In other words, I really didn't need to make major life changes.  I just needed the right information to make healthy choices.

Now when I say it was easy to go green, it is, but it took a lot of work on my part to make it that way. But here in Going Green, Cheap and Easy, is all the information you need, in one place.

REVEALED:  Organic Brands of Everyday Fresh, Canned and Frozen Foods You Can Find In Your Supermarket!

Going Green, Cheap and Easy is a rich compendium of information that makes it easy and affordable for you to make the switch to good health.

The benefits are immediate.  In fact, after just a couple of days of eating good, wholesome food, you may feel a burst of energy and an overall feeling of greater wellness. 

That's hardly surprising.  Physicians and researchers through the centuries have all reported that good nutrition is the keystone to good health and disease prevention.  This guide gives you everything you need to easily and quickly make "green" choices for...

  • Mercury-free, wild tuna that you'll feel great about making into sandwiches for your kids.
  • 3,000 farmers markets across the U.S. where you can buy farm-fresh local produce - all listed on a little-known website!
  • How to raise organic produce - even on a small apartment patio!
  • Where to get all-natural toothpaste, shampoo, bath/body soaps.
  • Nine sources for organic skin care products

And much, much more!

You'll Even Get a List of Medal-Winning
Organic Wines!

As a special bonus, we'll also include The Consumer's Green Wine Shopping List™ -- the results from the June, 2009 International Green Wine Competition.  Judged by leading vintners and wine writers, this list of about 100 medal winning wines spans everything from rich Bordeaux blends, buttery Chardonnays, crisp Pinot Gris, to a luscious dessert Ice Wine so good that every judge awarded it a Gold Medal!

Bonus!  There's plenty of evidence to suggest that a moderate amount of wine everyday is good for you!  But, like any other product, wine can be full of pesticides and carcinogens.  You must know which brands to look for, and how to find them.  The Consumer's Green Wine Shopping List™ contains pictures of the labels, price points, and how to get in touch with the medal-winning wineries to source the wine.  It's everything you need, short of a wine glass, to begin enjoying clean, green wines!

Turn Your Life Around Like I Did!

If you're "sick and tired" of feeling less energy than you want... afraid that pesticide-drenched foods may one day give you (or, heaven forbid, a loved one) cancer...

Don't wait.  Order Going Green, Cheap and Easy today.  Just click here and you can be reading it in seconds.

Banish Your Fear of Nutritional
Diseases like Cancer!

More and more research points to the diet and cancer connection.

For example,  the closest associations between diet and colorectal cancer are high fat intake, particularly saturated fat, and low consumption of vegetables.

In Going Green, Cheap and Easy, you'll get all the information you need to avoid pesticides and carcinogens and preservatives that have been implicated in cancer.

How Much Money is it worth to PERMANENTLY
Banish the Fear of Cancer?

What would it cost to get the information you need to get to the root causes of  poor health... and a disease-free life?

Normally, you'd have to plough through dozens of books and magazines about herbal medicine, nutrition, acupuncture, acupressure and a half-dozen other specialties to collect the information that's packed into our concise, easy to read e-book.

It would cost you hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars in books and research materials - not to mention your time.  And you would not have the security of knowing that our careful, highly-skilled editors have vetted this information.

To get this information, you don't even have to go to the library and check out a book or even to a bookstore!

You could easily spend hundreds of dollars to receive a nutritional specialist's advice without getting the information you really need.

But, as I mentioned earlier, there's no waiting -- and you won't have to drain your bank account --  to get your hands on Going Green, Cheap and Easy

Typically, this publication would be $49.99, but we feel it's so important - information that's literally life-saving - that we want every one of our subscribers to have it now.  So you won't have to pay $49.99.

If you suffer from fatique-- order now
If you suffer from allergies-- order now
If you have rashes and skin eruptions-- order now
If you're suspicious of the purity of your food-- order now

Add up all the money you spend on food, household cleaners, and bodycare products that are NOT safe for you or your family....  You'll easily spend thousands of dollars this year alone without getting the purity and freshness you need to ensure your health and that of your family.

And if you think of the cost in terms of avoiding chronic illness, wouldn't you think $100 was a total bargain if Going Green, Cheap and Easy helped you prevent diabetes or cancer... much less gave you the tools to largely banish pesticides and carcinogens from your life, permanently?

But because it's so important to me and my editors at Total health Breakthroughs to get this life changing information into your hands, we're happy to offer this book to you today for far less than $100.  As one of our readers, you can order risk-free for only $39.

Think of it - over one year, 365 days, your investment is less than a dime a day!  Over a lifetime, the cost is literally inconsequential.

You Must Find This Book Truly Helpful Or We Insist On Refunding Your Purchase Price

It is vital to us that this book helps people everywhere lead a healthier, happier life, free of the fear of cancer and other degenerative diseases.  So, your purchase of Going Green, Cheap and Easy comes with our iron-clad guarantee:

If you are not 100% satisfied with Going Green, Cheap and Easy, just let us know within 365 days - a full year.  I will personally approve a full and prompt refund of your entire purchase price. The e-book and your special reports are yours to keep.

You risk nothing.

My pledge to you

At Total Health Breakthroughs, our mission is to bring you the best health and wellness advice at prices that are always fair and affordable.  And there's never any risk.

If you decide that Going Green, Cheap and Easy does not live up to this promise, just let us know. We'll immediately refund your purchase price.

You have nothing to lose. 

Order Now and find out just how easy it is to switch "go green" and give your long-term health a real boost.

Here's to your healthiest life ever!


MaryEllen Tribby
Publisher, Total Health Breakthroughs

P.S.  Order Now.  Don't delay if you want the names of over 100 delicious medal-winning wines made from organic grapes!  No matter what kind of wine you like, the Consumers' Green Wine Shopping List™ covers all the bases, listing medal winning red, white, dessert and sparkling wines identified by nationally-known wine writers and judges - and where to get them.

But don't wait.  Only the first 1000 people will receive this special bonus. If you delay, you risk disappointment.  Even if you don't drink wine, someone in your family or among your friends will likely appreciate this exclusive information.  ORDER NOW.

P.P.S.  Order within the next 24 hours and we'll send you our free report, Eight Ways to Reduce Your Cancer Risk.  This one-page report tells you exactly how to change your diet to reduce the likelihood of developing cancer.  It is must-have information and it's yours, just for taking a risk-free look at Going Green, Cheap and Easy.

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