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Thursday, November 26, 2009

Stop living in fear of cancer!


Dear THB Reader,

The food on our table is not what it used to be...

And I'm not just talking about the processed, packaged and preserved “foods” that are so common in the Western diet. Even if you avoid the junk and eat whole fruits and vegetables, you still might not get the nutrients you need.

Decades of industrial farming have depleted our soils of vital minerals. Information presented at the 1992 Earth Summit showed that the mineral content in U.S. soils has been depleted by 85 percent in the last 100 years.

Of course, Big Agriculture could have replaced these nutrients over the years. But that would have added to their costs. And since most plants grow just fine with nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium that's about all that has been replaced with fertilizers.

That is why I recommend that everyone take a multi-vitamin, multi-mineral supplement. But even most supplements do not provide enough of a critical mineral that is all but gone from most soils.

In fact, this mineral is so important that the health of entire populations is closely correlated with the degree of depletion in those countries.

Keep reading if you would like to learn more about this critical nutrient... how it can benefit your health and immunity... and the best form of it to take.

To Your Health,

Jon Herring
Editorial Director
Total Health Breakthroughs

If you could take one easy step to help prevent your greatest fear
wouldn't you take it?

Stop living in fear of CANCER


The results are in and even the FDA can't ignore them...
Discover the solution that's inspiring scientists
and sparking hope!

Dear Reader,

When the FDA uses the phrase "may reduce the risk of certain cancers," it's nearly impossible to imagine they're talking about anything other than a new costly prescription pill. Because for any substance to get that kind of statement from the FDA it should have...

  • Dozens of studies performed - many including thousands of patients
  • Strong evidence showing it has a significant impact on a life-threatening illness
  • A body of qualified experts review and give it great marks

Get the one substance that has passed
some of the toughest tests for yourself -
and it's 100% natural!

One natural ingredient has cleared every hurdle with its astounding results and now this revolutionary mineral is not only available to you, but it's available like never before - in a new perfect form and coupled with one of the most powerful immune discoveries of the 21st century.

If you're "in the know" you may already know that selenium is helping us turn the corner in cancer protection.

Your body only needs a small amount, but it's extremely important. Selenium supports a healthy thyroid and boosts your natural immune function, but its huge potential comes from its antioxidant power. Of course we all know the FDA gives little attention to natural substances, but the studies it has reviewed actually led the FDA to say...

"Selenium may reduce the risk of certain cancers. Some scientific evidence suggests that consumption of selenium may reduce the risk of certain forms of cancer. However, the FDA has determined that this evidence is limited and not conclusive."

The FDA's release of this statement is a huge victory for natural medicine - and for you and your loved ones! There are several theories as to why selenium may have success in preventing certain cancers, but they all point to selenium being...

Key to protecting you against
cancer's deadly tricks before they start

Throw away those useless forms
of selenium. Introducing...

The only form of selenium
that has passed the tests!

The results are in and it's no surprise that millions are clamoring to get their hands on selenium.

Our food supply is just not what it used to be. Our parents and grandparents may have been able to get the selenium they needed in their regular diets, but nowadays the soil just doesn't have enough nutrient content and that means supplementing with selenium is the best option.

Unfortunately, many folks are going to start supplementing with a worthless form of selenium. You see, inorganic selenium like selenite or selenate is significantly less bioavailable.

The trick to an effective form of selenium is that it must be able to be stored in body proteins. Those are kind of like storage units for selenium and other minerals. When minerals are properly stored away in these body proteins, your cells can easily access them in times of stress - like when DNA is being damaged or if an invading pathogen enters your body.

eXselen is comprised of a whopping 72.9% of selenomethionine - the form your body needs and can easily store.

A randomized, placebo-controlled study in 120 selenium-deficient subjects found that the bioavailability of pure selenomethionine was almost twice that of selenite!

In fact, this form of selenium is the choice for use in large-scale human clinical trials - including the breakthrough research that has earned selenium its protective reputation.

eXselen is finally available with
the immunity powerhouse, EpiCor!

Studies are still in progress to determine if selenium holds all of the answers, but it sure has a lot of them! And scientists are discovering more and more all the time. Any one of selenium's following weapons could explain a positive effect on cancer protection. Studies suggest that:

  • Selenium may help to maintain healthy DNA against aging and environmental factors
  • It impacts genes that are linked to the progression of cancer
  • Blasts oxidative stress using its antioxidant power--
It's like selenium was made to go toe-to-toe with today's biggest health concern!

It comes from selenium's unique ability to support glutathione peroxidase activity - an enzyme that protects your body from oxidative damage. You see, oxidative stress has been linked to cancer risk, so the theory is that by cutting off its life support - you cut your risk.

That particular weapon could have led to the head-turning results published in the Journal of the American Medical Association - a notoriously mainstream publication. The study followed the effects of daily selenium supplementation in 1,312 patients for nearly four-and-a-half years and suggested that selenium may reduce the risk of total cancer incidence!

Those are the kinds of results any right-minded doctor will jump for joy over.

But be warned: Not all forms of selenium are created equal. The market is flooded with the cheapest, easiest and ultimately, worthless forms of selenium. These are usually inorganic forms like selenium salts. Don't waste your time!

The one form that wastes no time in Super-charging all of your cells

You want the same results that are shocking scientists, right? So why not use the exact same form they use in their groundbreaking studies?

Only one form gets these results, selenomethionine. It's the same form that scientists use - plus, it's been proven that your body can use this safer, bioavailable form more efficiently. In fact, one study of 120 selenium-deficient patients found that the bioavailability of selenomethionine was almost twice that of selenite (the form those cheaper versions use and you should ignore).

Now one company called Embria (the pioneers of the other medical marvel I must tell you about) has packed more selenomethionine into its own personal form of selenium and called it, eXselen. By taking advantage of this form, eXselen can reach muscle tissue, liver tissue and your blood more efficiently than any other product out there.

This kind of protection is unheard of and has scientists scrambling. In fact, an epic study is underway and includes 35,534 men. It's scheduled to end in 2013, but why wait until then to protect your body? Plenty of results have already shown the promising power of selenium.

When two powerhouses collide
you get the ultimate immune system!

Are you ready for some more great news? eXselen, the mineral that's paving the way for medicine in the 21st century has been added to the full-spectrum, wonder nutrient, EpiCor™!

By combining eXselen with the immunity power of EpiCor, your body will house the ultimate defense system. EpiCor's secret is in its approach to immunity...

Quit "boosting!"
Your immune system needs balance

I notice a difference
in my energy levels

"I'm glad I took a chance and found PureImmune... I just notice a difference in my energy levels. I'm not cloudy in my thinking and there are no signs of any aches or colds. When people ask, 'How come you haven't been sick?' I recommend PureImmune to them."

--Francis Collins from Washington D.C.

EpiCor brings perfect balance to your immune system. And that has nothing to do with your chi or some "new age" theory.

It's a scientific fact.

Your immune system is very complex - but it's incredible. In fact, an immune system with all cylinders firing should be able to destroy any invading pathogen using strong NK killer cells and antibodies. However, making sure those antibodies get to the right place and fast is another issue--- EpiCor has the answer.

Like all cells, there are certain signals immunity cells receive that tell them what to do and where to do it. By influencing these signals, EpiCor supports your immunity cells ability to know the plan by heart - just like a well-trained army. That way, if a nasty pathogen is lurking around your foot, your immunity cells won't be sent to the heart and waste time.

It's like the Army being deployed to the middle of the Atlantic by mistake!

The problem is most "immune boosters" you see act just like a stimulant - they only amp up whatever cells get to it first. That's great if you happen to be attacked by joint bacteria and those particular cells were just "juiced up," but...

Now that your cells have the plan it's time to make sure they're in perfect shape. But you won't get that by "boosting."

EpiCor assembles the troops and supports every line of defense your body has

The sheer scope of vitamins, nutrients, minerals and antioxidants in Epicor is astounding. It houses over 18 immune supporting compounds, which work together to make sure that not one of your complex immune systems drop the ball and leave you laid out on the couch.

Your immune system has protective barriers to make sure that no foreign viruses or bacteria enter in the first place. Specifically, your body produces a substance call sIgA to get the job done. Think of it like ironclad gates protecting your body.

EpiCor makes sure these gates are as sturdy as a mountain by raising the level of sIgA - by significant amounts!

I didn't get the
sniffles at all!

"My wife recently got the sniffles really bad - for about 2 weeks. Through all that, I did not get the sniffles at all. I think that speaks very well for PureImmune and I intend to order it again."

--Carl Thompson from Idaho

An invader would be crazy
to take on an...
EpiCor infused immune system!

If, by chance a nasty little pathogen makes it past your sIgA defenses, your body calls in the second wave, helper cells and "killer" cells.

As soon as the pathogen is in sight, your helper cells gather up the killer cells and, if they're properly nourished, act quickly to deliver orders that tell the killer cells where to attack. EpiCor both activates and enhances the efficiency of the killer cells.

EpiCor's astounding immunity power is tri fold because it helps to:

  • Balance your immune system. All your immunity cells receive the nourishment they need to stay at the top of their game
  • Increases sIgA so that you're first line of defense is a solid wall of protection
  • Makes your second wave of defense as efficient as possible by making your killer cells fast and ruthless against any pathogens they come across
To think...
This immunity breakthrough
was accidentally discovered!

Sometimes breakthroughs are discovered by overwhelming results in a lab, just like eXselen. Occasionally, however, you get what I call an unexpected breakthrough. And EpiCor is the greatest unexpected breakthrough I've ever seen.

Nearly five years ago in a small animal feed factory on the outskirts of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, a small revolt was taking place - most of the floor workers weren't using any of their sick days. So few, in fact, that insurance premiums at the factory actually remained flat over several years - that's absolutely unheard for any company, let alone a factory!

I haven't been sick
this fall or winter!

"I haven't been sick this fall or winter! I give Pure Immune the credit!"

--Joseph Broden from California

Something about the factory was keeping the workers exceptionally healthy. Blood samples from veteran floor workers revealed that they had a much greater immune response. Apparently, extended exposure to the factory's product had turned the workers into veritable fortresses of immunity!

They quickly expanded their research efforts and created the improved, concentrated form specifically for humans that we know as...EpiCor.

It may even help you look and feel younger

EpiCor is packed with antioxidant power, which as you know, naturally fight free radicals. Free radicals break down your DNA spurring the body's immune-response, another stress that your body doesn't need.

Foods rich in antioxidants are your best defense against the ravages of free radicals.

Now, the food with the most antioxidant power up until now has been the black raspberry. Yet for free radical eradicating power, EpiCor scored higher than the black raspberry, blueberry, strawberry and cranberry combined!

By packing more antioxidants than any fruit...

EpiCor may even help you
look and feel younger!

EpiCor is packed with amazing antioxidant power, which as you know, naturally fight free radicals. Free radicals break down your DNA spurring the body's immune-response, another stress that your body doesn't need.

Foods rich in antioxidants are your best defense against the ravages of free radicals. When looking at certain fruits and vegetables for their antioxidant power they're assigned an oxygen radical absorbance capacity, or simply, an ORAC value. The higher, the better.

Well EpiCor makes even the most renowned antioxidant fruits look like rock by comparison. Take a look...

ORAC value

Granny Smith Apple........................................38.99

EpiCor..............................................................450.00 to 650.00!

EpiCor scored higher than the black raspberry, blueberry, strawberry and cranberry combined!

Not only does it help your body protect itself from pathogen attacks, its free radical-fighting powers may actually have some natural anti-inflammatory properties - protecting your heart, keeping your joints comfortable and helping you stay young-looking and feeling your best!

Get onboard with the antioxidant-packed EpiCor!

So, not only does it help your body protect itself from pathogen attacks, its free radical-fighting powers may actually have some natural anti-inflammatory properties - protecting your heart, keeping your joints comfortable and helping you stay young-looking and feeling your best!

PureImmune is helping
me avoid colds

"It seems that PureImmune is helping me avoid colds, etc., especially when I go out of town to visit my grandchildren whom are always picking up various sniffles."

--Ruth Downs from Oregon

All the protection you need -
every day, every season,
all year long

NorthStar Nutritionals is proud to introduce PureImmune Plus - the only supplement that features both EpiCor and eXselen!

By featuring the only form of selenium used in breakthrough research and the immune balancing yeast that actually helps to keep your immune system balanced, PureImmune Plus provides more protecting power against today's most dangerous risks than any other product on the market.

And today, you have the unique opportunity to be one of the first people to get your hands on it - absolutely risk free.

The PureImmune Plus test:
One caplet a day, one risk-free year,
one impenetrable immune system!

Save the most money
on year-round protection

By choosing the SMARTShip option on your order form, you'll be getting free shipping and handling on every order and never have to worry about running out if the immune balancing protection of PureImmune Plus.

SMARTShip is our FREE delivery service. We'll automatically send you a fresh supply of PureImmune Plus right when you need it. No more forms, no more phone calls, no more hassle!

Plus, you can time your delivery schedule to fit your needs. You can easily have a shipment delayed, add more bottles to your order or change your delivery address at any time.

You're never locked in either. You can call to cancel at anytime with no fees or questions asked.

And you'll receive today's low price as long as you're enrolled. It's guaranteed to never go up!

Here's how it works: Just select the SMARTShip option when you place your credit card order today. Then, just before your current supply runs out, we'll charge the same credit card you used today and get a fresh supply right out to you. It couldn't be easier!

This is a totally FREE service. And you can simply call toll-free to cancel at any time - no obligations.

Save time and money with every order...
Choose SMARTShip when you place your order today!

Just one caplet a day. That's all it takes to know you're giving your body more of what it needs to fight today's most dangerous risks. Plus, you'll be balancing and supporting a steel curtain of immunity power to block nasty viruses and blast away the few that make it through.

PureImmune Plus is taken every day and infuses your cells with 500 mg of EpiCor and 100 mcg of eXselen - two revolutionary substances that are paving the way for 21st century medicine. That helps to ensure you'll power through cold season with ease and stay strong the entire year.

for a full year

You'll have an entire year to put PureImmune Plus to the test. If, after a full year, PureImmune Plus isn't everything I've promised you...I want you to send back any unused portion and we'll refund everything you spent on PureImmune Plus for the entire year (less shipping).

That way you'll be getting at least a year's worth of the ultimate immune protection.

You've got nothing at all to lose. In fact, you'll be gaining the one substance even the FDA admits "may help prevent certain types of cancer" and the immunity powerhouse that actually helps to keep your immune system balanced - so it works like it should without missing a beat. Just click Order Now to get your risk-free supply of PureImmune Plus with eXselen and EpiCor. With this risk free offer you have nothing to lose. Order now!

Order Now using our Secure Order Form

Yours in good health,

Allan Spreen, MD
Chief Research Advisor
NorthStar Nutritionals

P.S. You are among the first group to have access to this unique blend of two immunity powerhouses. You can put PureImmune Plus to test today and do it risk-free. Remember, you have a full year to try EpiCor and eXselen (the very same form of selenium that is wowing scientists and even turning heads at the FDA). If it doesn't line up to every expectation, NorthStar Nutritionals will give you back everything you spend on it (less shipping). This is an excellent opportunity, so order today!

Order Now using our Secure Order Form

View this product's ingredients.

This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


Important: THB is dedicated to bringing its readers the newest, most hopeful and most trustworthy information and advice about natural health research, findings and products. Because we are a for-profit publication, we include advertising copy in each issue (readily identifiable by shaded boxes) and send our readers advertisements we approve of. When our editors like and use advertised products we talk about their features and benefits in our editorial. Readers should be assured that although we may have a financial interest in a product we talk about, we will never recommend anything we don’t believe in.

You have received this special message because you subscribe to Total Health Breakthroughs or someone may have forwarded it to you. All material herein is provided for information only and may not be construed as personal medical advice. No action should be taken based solely on the contents of this information; instead, readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being. The publisher is not a licensed medical care provider. The information is provided with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in the practice of medicine or any other health-care profession and does not enter into a health-care practitioner/patient relationship with its readers. We are not responsible for the accuracy, reliability, effectiveness or correct use of information you receive through our product or for any health problems that may result from training programs, product s, or e vents you learn about through the site. The publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions. The FDA has not evaluated these statements. None of the information or products discussed on this site are intended to diagnose, treat, mitigate or cure any disease.

Copyright © 2008 Fourth Avenue Health Group, LLC, located at 245 NE 4th Avenue, Delray Beach Florida 33483, is a subsidiary of Early to Rise.  All rights reserved.  Total Health Breakthroughs is published weekly as a free email subscription service by Fourth Avenue Health Group, LLC.

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