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Sunday, December 27, 2009

Do You Ever Forget Why You Walked into a Room?


Dear THB Reader,

Do you ever walk into a room and forget what you went in there for? Misplace your car keys? Forget a name? Of course... we all do.

And don't worry. It doesn't necessarily mean that Alzheimer's is around the corner. More often, these "senior moments" are caused by your brain cells simply running out of juice.

Every cell in your body is powered by mitochondria. They are like little batteries that generate all of your physical and mental energy. And your brain is packed with them.

For the first 40 years of your life, your mitochondria pretty much take care of themselves. But as we grow older, the effects of our modern diet and exposure to pollutants can "gum up the works."

That's why I am proud to introduce Mother Nature's "battery recharger" – a powerful new formula that can improve the energy output of your mitochondria. Great news for your brain cells... but it's a big help to every other cell in your body too.

Just imagine... You'll feel more vigor. You'll have more energy. And the next time you go looking for those car keys, you ought to remember right where you put them! Keep reading to learn more...

To Your Health,

Maria Dolgova
Associate Publisher
Total Health Breakthroughs

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Copyright © 2009 Fourth Avenue Health Group, LLC, located at 245 NE 4th Avenue, Delray Beach Florida 33483, is a subsidiary of Early to Rise. Total Health Breakthroughs may be republished with its links intact by non commercial entities. Total Health Breakthroughs may not be republished for commercial purposes without written permission.

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