Stem Cell Nutrition -- Video and Articles

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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Hannah Ineson 24 Empowering Nutrition Tips

Upcoming Home Health Education Calls Calendar

July 17 - - Hannah Ineson
24 Empowering Nutrition Tips 
  For many years, Hannah Ineson co-owned a macrobiotic business with store and small cafe, taught cooking classes, did macrobiotic catering, and hosted summer camps. Since then she has continued to teach whole foods nutrition and provide private counseling for people and their pets. For over 26 years she has incorporated Simplexity superfoods in her recommended dietary programs.  
Algae Celebration banner   
July 24   Anne Standford,
The Research!
July 31- No Call  

August Harvest Celebration Call Series
 In August, we will offer a series of 
Harvest Celebration

We encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.  These calls are not intended or suitable as medical advice or a personal health consultation.

The information on this call is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of the speakers on this call. 
The entire contents of these calls are based upon the opinions of the speakers unless otherwise noted during the call such as a quote or research review.   

Please seek the advice of a qualified medical professional for all your medical concerns.
Your Hosts

Me with Mic - in white/nice
Katharine Clark
Thank you for eating your Super Foods. 
Its your best assurance of thriving in a stressful world. 

call Glen


In This Issue
Thank you for eating your Super Foods
Wednesday Calls
Super Food for Super Heros!
Super Food Fudge Recipe
Quick Links

Jim just had surgery on his eyelids. He is healing incredibly fast and feels really good. We do attribute this blessing to the whole food products that we´ve been on since 1992. We are healthy living proof of the effects of these wonderful supplements
Dixie and Jim Mayo
Mt. Veon, WA
Although my son Jonathan has been ill like any other child, he has never been on an antibiotic. His immune system is really strong, and he is able to fight off viruses quickly. His attention span is great! I´ve seen him sit for almost an hour doing homework and focusing on what interests him. I know the Simplexity products play a big part in his being healthy and happy. He is capable because he is well nourished. In retu, he has a good outlook on the world and a good inlook on himself. One of the best rewards about eating the Simplexity Health products that I know Jonathan is getting what he needs to be the best he can be. It´s a worry-free diet-something many parents want. Thank goodness it is available." 
Cindy Bertrand 
Ontario, Canada 
  "In 1985, I was introduced to the Simplexity products. As my patients began to use them, I noted that many organ systems responded well to this kind of natural nutrition. I´m so grateful to have these powerful tools for myself and my family."
- Christopher H. Hassell, M.D., CCFP Board Certified Family Physician

"Simplexity has given me such a wide range of natural products: the algae, enzymes, probiotics, and free-radical scavengers, Coenzyme Q10 and Super Sprouts and Algae; they´ve added a whole new dimension to how I help animals. Healthy working horses benefit from the nutritional support the Super Blue Green® Algae offers. It helps them maintain proper function of their digestive tract and adrenal glands. The animal algae is also the best hoof supplement I have ever found."

- Madalyn Ward, DVM
Austin, TX   

When I first started taking the Simplexity products, I had a vague, general understanding about what I was doing and how the products would help me. It was the health tip articles that really started educating me about my health. Every article that I read lead me to a better understanding of the root causes of my chronic health challenges and how a whole foods´ approach would allow my body to heal. Thank you for life changing and life saving tips.
Pamela May
Seattle, Wa

Conference Call Service

When you join the call early, please announce yourself.

Then please MUTE your phone by pressing *6 or using your phone set mute button

This prevents unexpected background noise, such as dogs barking, phones ringing, sirens, etc)

If your phone doesn't offer this feature,  
you may mute yourself by pressing  
*6 to mute   and *6 to unmute your line.   


Most calls are being recorded now. That's one reason we need the MUTE to be effective. 


We rarely open the calls for Questions. This is also due to the recording. 
The calls are for educational purposes. 
We cannot entertain personal health questions or give personal health coaching on this call.

Information Only

This is information only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, or address any medical condition.  Please consult your qualified medical professional before changing your diet or lifestyle.
This newsletter is for  information and research purposes only.  We are people sharing information we believe in.  
If you act on ideas found here, you do so at your own risk.  Self-help requires intelligence, common sense, and the ability to take responsibility for your own actions.
By joining the list you agree to hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself.   


I hope you enjoy our home health education calls.
I'd love to hear back from you.  We'll have new products and specials soon.Stay turned for box stuffers.  Also, be sure to get on Autoship - it will pay off.  Lots more in the next ENews.
If you would like to offer a call or have questions or suggestions for a call, please let us know.

Blest Wishes,
Recordings of Previous Calls Available NOW   
Click to go to the link and listen!       

Super Food for Super Heros!

The Algae is the single most nutritious food on earth. It's 95-100% absorbable and it's a wild food. It is an adaptogenic food, meaning it helps your body adapt to stress rather than break or mutate.
It is one of the most researched foods on earth. You cannot eat any amount that would be toxic altho you don't need large amounts to get the benefits.
It is also a food that is high in "ormus" or vital life force.

It is harvested from Upper Klamath Lake in full bloom, and chilled right on the harvester. It is handled carefully and kept at low temperatures to preserve the enzyme activity, nutrients and vitality of the Algae.

See a video called
Read More on the Harvesting

.  Our AFA is completely SAFE and even the Algae Scientists eat Simplexity Health Algae! They dispel any rumors that our algae is toxic, contaminated or poorly handled.


Algae Activation
Algae Activation

Our Blue Green Planet
Our Blue Green Planet

Katharine's Super Food Fudge Recipe - 
Use all RAW Organic Ingredients.

Mix the liquid ingredients together. 
Mix the dry ingredients together. 
Then mix the dry and the liquid ingredients together.

For the liquid ingredients:
1/3 coconut oil or butter
1/3 agave nectar, honey, or yacon syrup (sorgum is good but not usually raw)
1/3 cocoa butter
If necessary, you can soften the cacoa butter and/or coconut oil or butter in a cup that you sit down in warm/hot water.
Mix the liquids together and then add to the dry ingredients. 

For the dry ingredients:
1 heaping TBS Simply SBGA powder 
2 cup cacao powder - Can be 1/3 cup carob, and 2/3 cup cacao if you want.
1 dash of salt
1/2 tsp of vanilla bean powder, or scraped vanilla bean, or vanilla extract.

Optional: Add 
1 tsp maca, 
1 tsp lacuma, 
1 tsp shilajit 
1 tsp medicinal mushroom powder and 1 tsp camu camu powder.
These won't affect taste very much.

You can then put the fudge into a dish, or candy molds. You can also put it into a gallon zip lock bag and press it very flat and seal. You can keep the fudge in the freezer for awhile.

Its delicious and every one loves it. 

Katharine Clark

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