Stem Cell Nutrition -- Video and Articles

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Stem Cell Health is simple and natural. Embrionic Stem Cells are Controversial Conversation. Consequently Stem Cells are hot political news. We are interested only in what everyone agrees about -- no bull here.

Sunday, February 21, 2010


This is the third letter in the series on adult stem cells.

Our product works directly to support your own production of adult stem cells in bone marrow, which makes this product far easier to use and far superior to any invasive and painful
technologies for harvesting stem cells.

Katharine and Viktoras
Stem cell cure hope for back pain

A patient's own stem cells could soon be used to cure chronic back pain, say researchers.
A team from the University of Manchester hope their treatment will be available within three years.
They are perfecting a way to rebuild the soft shock-absorbing discs which separate the vertebrae in the spine.
Damage to these intervertebral discs (IVDs) is a common cause of debilitating low back pain which affects around 12 million in the UK.
A trea tment which effectively cured the problem could potentially save the UK economy as much as £5 billion a year.
The new therapy, developed by Dr. Stephen Richardson, uses mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) from adult bone marrow to regenerate spinal discs.
MSCs are a class of stem cell which can grow into many different cell types, including bone, cartilage, fat and muscle.
[NOTE: these are similar to the stem cells our product helps to increase the number of!]
Dr Richardson has succeeded in turning these stem cells, into the cells which make up the gel-like tissue separating the vertebrae.
He plans to begin pre-clinical trials next year, with full patient trials to follow on.
Dr Richardson said: "Once we have extracted the bone marrow from the patient and have purified the MSCs, they will be grown in culture and our patented method of differentiation will be applied.
"They will then be embedded within a gel which can be implanted back into the patient."
[NOTE: Compare this to the ease of taking a whole food supplement!]
No rejection

Since the stem cells are taken from the patient's own body, there is no chance of them being rejected by the immune system.
The new tissue is implanted using an arthroscope, a thin tube device slipped through a small incision in the back.
"Once implanted, the differentiated MSCs (adult stem cells) would produce a new NP tissue with the same properties as the original and would 20 both treat the underlying cause of the disease and remove the painful symptoms."
Currently, low back pain is treated with a combination of painkillers, physiotherapy or surgery.
In severe cases tissue is removed to relieve the pain, or vertebrae fused together.
Dries Hettinga, research and information manager at the charity BackCare, said: "This is a really exciting area of research and although it is still early days, the initial results look very promising."

Experience one of the most exciting developments in natural supplementation in recent history.with a product that is proven to increase the ability of your body to produce its own stem cells-up to 70%!-safely and naturally!
StemPlexTM is beginning a revolution in the health care helping your body to overcome one of the leading problems that results as a process of aging. With the nutritional support this synergistic product offers, your body fights off the effects of Oxidative Stress and begins to Renew and Regenerate...Quickly, Safely, and Noticeably.

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