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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Nine Risk Factors Causing Rise in Global Cancer Deaths



Nine Risk Factors Causing Rise in Global Cancer Deaths

January 26, 2010

Researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health working in collaboration with other World Health authorities identified specific risk factors that were linked to 12 common cancers found around the world. They found that of the 7 million world wide cancer deaths in 2001, 35% of those deaths were could be attributed to nine well known behavioral and environmental risk factors.

Majid Ezzati senior author of the study and an assist professor at Harvard stated, "These results clearly show that many globally important types of cancer are preventable by changes in lifestyle behaviors and environmental interventions." Her group discovered these nine risk factors explained the death of over 2 million cancer deaths world wide which could have been prevented.

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Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Michael Masterson Journal

MM Journal

Saturday - January 23, 2010

How to Invest Like a Multimillionaire

Okay. You want to be a super-successful investor. I get it.

You are already living on a fixed income. Or you are nearing retirement and worrying about whether you'll be able to kick back and earn a passive living from your investments. I've been there. I've retired three times. I know how you feel.

But here's the thing. The secret to lifelong financial security is this: Never give up your active income. Keep a controlling stake in your business or start a side business that will pay you dividends till the day you die. That is the only serious financial security you can ever have. There is nothing you can do passively that compares to it.

But no more on that subject in this essay -- I know how middle-aged investors think. They don't want to be told they have to keep working. They've been working their whole lives. They want easy solutions. Big returns. And they don't want to make all the tough decisions themselves, like they'd have to do with a business.

In short, they want a guru. I'm not a financial guru. In fact, I know very little about the technicalities of investing. But I have done very well with my investments these last 30 years. So today I'm going to tell you most of the important things I know. What you are about to read are "truths" I've discovered from my experience.

I might not be able to give you everything you really want -- triple-figure returns guaranteed. But I'll give you the next best thing: the system I followed that kept me out of every major financial collapse in my lifetime and made me very wealthy without spending four to eight hours a day studying the markets.

One thing I bring to the table is long-term perspective. I said I've been investing for 30 years. That's true. My first investment, a speculative bid on a Washington D.C. condo, was in 1980. I lost all my capital and more. And it changed me. I became very skeptical of going after huge returns. That is why I never got suckered into all the bubbles that have taken place since then.

Another thing I bring to the table is a long-term perspective. I've been an insider in the investment advisory business for about as long as I've been investing. I know all the gurus. Hell, I know their fathers. I know their games. I know how they make money when they make money. And I know how they hide their losses when they lose, which is often.

Today, I'm going to give you the straight dope on how I invest. It's all about not being an idiot. It's all about sticking to the basics. It's not difficult. In fact, it's easy.

If this doesn't sound like too much braggadocio to you, read on.

Successful investing has three elements:

1. How much you have to invest
2. How long you keep it invested
3. The rate of return you can get
All other things being equal, the more money you have to invest, the easier it is to get rich.

It's also much easier if you have time on your side. It's easier, for example, for an 18-year-old with $5,000 in his bank account to acquire a multimillion-dollar fortune than it is for a 65-year-old with $1 million in net assets. When you have more time, you can take less risk and let the miracle of compound interest work in your favor.

If you are young, I recommend my book Automatic Wealth for Grads. It provides a blueprint for wealth that anybody, and I mean anybody, can follow. But you aren't 18, are you? You don't have that much time. And that is where the third element of successful investing -- rate of return -- comes into play.

You've done the arithmetic and you realize that the only possible way for you to acquire any sort of respectable retirement fund is to get triple-digit returns on your investments.

But let me tell you something about triple-digit returns. They happen. They happen all the time. But they don't happen to me all the time. And they probably won't happen to you. Triple-digit returns are like eagles in golf. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of eagles every day around the world. But even the best golfers don't experience them very often.

Making money in the markets is much like golf: every time you tee off you should be looking to shoot below par (i.e., above market), but to be a great player you can't try for a hole-in-one on every par three or try to get on in two on every par five. You need to play the game strategically because you know that odds are the eagles will not come that often.

My investment strategy has always been based on the fact that I know I am not destined to get triple-digit returns with any frequency. Still, I've done very well.

So how much do you have to invest? $10 million? $1 million? $100,000? $10,000?

If you have $10 million, you don't need to worry about triple-digit returns. You can achieve financial independence by making 5 percent on your money. The secret to successful investing when you have that kind of dough is to restrain your greed and curtail your expenses. You can live like a billionaire for about $100,000 a year. $10 million at 5 percent gives you an income of $500,000 a year -- way more than you need.

If you have a million to invest, you need more than 5 percent. If you buy my $100,000 figure (and in a future essay, I'll show you how that can be done), you will need to get a 10 percent rate of return. That's not so difficult. I know many investment advisory services that consistently deliver 10+ percent returns to their readers.

If you have less than a million to invest, you have a challenge. You need to get high returns on your money. By high, I mean 15 percent, 25 percent, and the occasional triple-bagger.

But high returns usually mean high risk. And high-risk investing -- for most individual investors -- means the possibility of losing most or all of your money.

All the investment research I've ever read has proven that if you invest exclusively in high-return/high-risk investments, you will eventually go broke.

Can you deal with that? If not, you need to have a secondary supplemental income from an active interest in a business. But I told you I wouldn't talk about that today. Today, my job is to show you how to make above-average market returns on the measly money you have saved for your retirement.

But to do that, I have to define the word "save."

The Difference Between Saving and Investing

Most people think of saving and investing as synonymous. That is a big mistake.

As Porter Stanberry (founder of one of the investment advisory services I mentioned above) recently explained at a dinner party he gave in his multimillion-dollar Miami winter home, investing is what you do to grow your wealth. Saving is what you do to preserve it.

I have always divided my assets into the following four categories:

  • Private property (homes, art, other valuables)
  • Active investments (businesses I own or control)
  • Passive investments (stocks, bonds, etc.)
  • Savings (stored, safe wealth)

Private property can have significant financial value, but since you are using it (and want to continue to use it while you are living), it cannot be considered an investment.

Active investments, as I've pointed out, are great investments so long as you stay active with them. But I agreed I wouldn't keep pushing these, so we'll put them aside for now.

Passive investments are the things you normally think about when you talk about investing. But passive investment is risky. You don't want to take a risk with your savings. That's why I (and Porter) don't consider passive investing to be a form of saving.

Saving, as Porter explained to his dinner guests, is the money you put aside every year after you've bought the private property you want and have made the investments you want. Saving is what you want to keep.

In the past, I have put my savings into four vehicles: cash, bonds, rental real estate, and gold.

But these days, I think that bonds are very risky. I still invest in them, but I don't consider them to be savings. Cash gives me near zero return, so keeping money in cash is no longer an option since inflation will cause it to diminish -- just the thing I don't want to happen to my savings. I got out of rental real estate about five years ago when it was obvious I couldn't get a safe return on my money. I'm back into it now, but (as I've said in past ETR essays), cautiously.

But rental real estate is not a passive investment. It is active. The only way you can assure a good return is to own and manage your properties carefully. In that regard, it's like running a business. It's not as difficult as most businesses, but it's still very hands-on.

Among passive investments, Porter says the only current option is gold.

I think he's right. Gold has retained its value for thousands of years. Against inflation. Against war. Against a disintegrating currency (like the dollar). Gold holds its own. You can't do better than gold for your savings. I have subscribed to this philosophy since gold was priced at $300. I have enough gold coins tucked away to support me and my family for the rest of our lives.

As I said, if you have less than a million dollars to invest, you have to be willing to take some risk to make the kind of returns you need to enjoy a decent retirement.

So, aside from gold, where should you put your money?

Getting Your 15 Percent to 25 Percent and Occasional Triple-Bagger

It's not easy to get 15 percent to 25 percent on passive investments. Studies show that it's nearly impossible. But I know guys who have done it. And I've been watching them do it for decades. They have secrets -- little tricks of the trade -- that I can share with you.

First, and most important, they don't keep all their eggs in one basket. They diversify.

I have always favored that approach. And because I didn't want to be bothered looking at individual stocks, the money I had in the stock market was invested in index funds. But today, I don't think that makes sense. The stock market is overvalued. One of these days, it's going to take a big hit. If I had all my stock money in index funds, I'd take that big hit with them.

I still believe in diversifying. But now I think it makes more sense to do it by finding sectors and individual stocks that seem likely to outperform the market. That means I'm going to have to get "active" with my passive investments.

Having a bird's eye view of the investment advisory business, it is clear to me that some advisors have been doing very well. And some of them did well even in 2008 and the beginning of 2009, when everyone was getting killed. I know many of these people personally. So I will be picking and choosing from their recommendations.

But I don't intend to simply pick a few gurus with great performance records and blindly do what they tell me. I will educate myself on their investment ideas and strategies and use that knowledge to make decisions that match my temperament and my financial objectives.

You have to be in charge of your own portfolio. And part of being on charge of your portfolio is not to let your emotions get in your way.

Greed and fear are two of the emotions I'm talking about. Greed will make you buy bad stocks, simply because you are convinced their prices will go up. Fear will prevent you from buying good stocks because you are scared of the market or a market sector or something else.

Insecurity is another one. Insecurity makes it difficult for an investor to admit that he was wrong about a stock he put his money into. Not admitting you were wrong means not selling a bad stock when it's going down. Many investors never sell their stocks, even when they are left with pennies on the dollar. A healthy attitude is one that says, "Although I invested in a particular stock in good faith, I'll never know enough about the stock or the market to be 100 percent right all of the time. When the market causes the price of one of my stocks to come down, that is just its way of telling me that I didn't have all the facts."

How to Make Smart Investment Decisions

When I look back on my investing career, I'm almost shocked at how well I've done. After my first bad experience investing in the Washington, D.C. condo, I became a chicken investor (just like I am a chicken entrepreneur). So I never expected to make high returns. As I said in past essays on the subject, I was more than happy to make average ROIs.

I've always followed a simple rule: Before putting money in a passive investment, I apply the same criteria that I apply to buying a business:

  • I never buy a business I don't understand.
  • I never buy a business whose management seems the least bit shifty to me. If I have doubts, I stay away.
  • I never buy a business that isn't making money unless I can clearly see how it could make money if I added something to it that I have.

What's Interesting Right Now

Since realizing that I have to get "active" with my passive investments, I've been keeping an eye on the predictions pundits are making for various market sectors. Much of it seems just plain dumb to me. But some of it I find very convincing. For example:

  • Uranium. IDE Investment Director Bob Irish has convinced me that uranium is a good bet. As he says, "It's not a matter of if, but when." Uranium exploration and production is making some headway, but not nearly enough to keep up with the 70 nuclear plants being built now. And many more are in the planning stages.
  • Natural gas demand is set to increase significantly, and select companies will profit handsome.
  • The world's population continues to increase, along with the demand for agricultural products. The standard of living in developing nations is rising -- and that, say the guys at IDE, will push food prices even higher. They've convinced me that there will be plenty of opportunities to profit by investing in raw food commodities and the fertilizer producers.
  • I stopped investing in gold when it hit $1,000 an ounce. (I got in around $350.) But there is a great deal of solid evidence that suggests that gold could surpass its average annual gain of 16 percent over the last decade. I'm expecting it to hit $1,500 at some point in the next year or two. So I'm back to gold.
  • Commodity prices will head higher because of increasing demand and the prospect of higher inflation.
  • I have always liked investing in businesses that appeal to Baby Boomers. (I've written a good deal about this in the past.) Baby boomers have been driving the U.S. markets since the early 1950s. I don't see any reason for this to change until they (we) are dead.
  • Healthcare. (See my thoughts on Baby Boomers.)
  • And finally, I'm looking at oil. I've seen one very persuasive report that argues that oil prices will top $100 a barrel in 2010.

These are trends I believe in. As a businessman, I've made all of my big money getting into trends as they are taking off and then getting out when they are clearly overvalued. If you look at the miserable history of professional trend investors, you'd think this was a crazy strategy to pursue. But most of these guys lost money because they got in too late or stayed too long. I don't think that is at all necessary if you are prudent (i.e., if you are a chicken investor.)

In the next essay I write on this subject, I'll explain why I think that is. I'll tell you when I get in and when I get out and what indicators I use to make those decisions. Nothing I do is complicated. It's just a matter of applying basic business rules to investing.

In the meantime, to find out more about where you should be investing your money in 2010, check out IDE's Sound Profits newsletter.

I recommend Sound Profits because I consult for them. As their consultant, it's my job to help them grow and prosper. The best way they can do that is by becoming a truly great investment advisory. And that's exactly what they are becoming.

Six months ago, on my advice, they hired an investment director with 30 years of Wall Street experience to head up their investment portfolios. Since Bob Irish came on board and instituted some changes, they've had one success after another.

For example, Ted Peroulakis has had 17 winners with at least 100 percent gains. And Dr. Russell McDougal, IDE's resource expert, has made 11 recommendations, 10 of which are winners. His only losing position right now has an 8 percent loss.

Andrew Gordon made one recommendation to his readers in July that is already up around 30 percent, and another recommendation in August that is up nearly 15 percent. In fact, since Bob's changes were made, all seven of Andrew's recommendations are making money.

And, finally, Steve McDonald has made about 90 recommendations to his readers, with only one loss. That was CIT Group, and the company went bankrupt. Still, Steve's members took only a 15 percent loss on that one.

To find out more about Sound Profits, and what these editors are recommending right now, go here.

[Ed. Note: Michael Masterson welcomes your questions and comments. Send him a message at]

© 2009 Early to Rise, LLC.

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Friday, January 22, 2010

THB: You Are What You Eat... Literally

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Editorial Director: Jon Herring Friday, January 22

You Are What You Eat... Literally

In this week's issue of THB Undercover, I countered Dr. Shyam Kolvekar's contention that saturated fat in the diet is to blame for the rising rates of heart disease in young people. He even recommended banning butter! To learn why he is totally off base and why you should have no fear of saturated fat, see the Wednesday issue. Today, I discuss his recommended alternatives – margarine and sunflower oil.

It is bad enough that mainstream doctors and dieticians erroneously focus on saturated fat and dietary cholesterol as the cause of heart disease – something which has never been proven. Perhaps even worse is that the alternatives they suggest HAVE been proven to cause heart disease... among a range of other chronic diseases.

In his recent calls to "ban butter," Dr. Shyam Kolvekar suggests that it will make a "world of difference" to replace it with polyunsaturated fats like margarine or sunflower oil. He is correct. It will make a world of difference. It will dramatically increase your risk of heart disease, cancer, asthma and macular degeneration, to name just a few degenerative conditions associated with these fats.

And since Dr. Kolvekar's concerns are "for the children"... let's start there.

The journal Intelligence published a report last year that what children eat can have a significant impact on their intelligence. The researchers stated that they "found a number of dietary factors to be significantly associated with intelligence measures."

So, what was their most consistent finding? It was the association between margarine consumption and lower IQ scores. The children who ate margarine every day had IQs that were up to six points lower than children who did not.

But who cares about a few points on the IQ scale, when this industrially-processed, yellow-colored, food-like substance can have such a dramatic impact on heart health and longevity?

Unfortunately, that "dramatic impact" on heart health is not for the good...

The journal Epidemiology published a study called, "Margarine Intake and Subsequent Coronary Heart Disease in Men." Authors of the study followed participants of the Framingham Heart Study for 20 years and recorded their incidence of heart attack. They also tracked both butter and margarine consumption.

You couldn't ask for a better study to either prove or refute the assertions of Dr. Kolvekar. And apparently this one must have escaped Dr. Kolvekar's attention, because it directly contradicts his position.

The researchers discovered that as margarine consumption increased... heart attacks went up. As butter consumption increased... heart attacks declined.

The study also divided the data into ten year increments. What they discovered is that during the first ten years, there was little association between margarine consumption and heart attacks. However, during the second decade of follow-up, the group eating the most margarine had 77% more heart attacks than the group eating none!

"There is no safe level to consume..."

It should be noted that during the years this study took place, most margarine was made with hydrogenated oils (trans fat). All the while, these spreads were marketed as a way to prevent heart disease. Never mind the fact that the Institute of Medicine has said of this substance, "there is no safe level to consume."

Many margarine products today are still made with hydrogenated oil. But most are made with some type of vegetable oil. And while this is an improvement, it is not "healthy" by any means. In fact, excess omega-6 fatty acids have been proven beyond any doubt to cause inflammation and oxidation in the body and increase the risk of cancer, heart disease, macular degeneration, diabetes, auto-immune disease, and more.

Are you in balance?

There are two main types of polyunsaturated fats – omega-6 and omega-3. These fatty acids are both essential, but our bodies cannot make them. We have to get them from our diet. It is also important to understand that these fats generally have opposing biochemical effects.

For example, omega-6 fats tend to encourage inflammation. Omega-3 fats inhibit inflammation. You can think of these two fats like yin and yang or weights on a balance. You don't want to tip the balance one way or the other. So ideally, you should consume them in equal proportions.

Our ancient biological ancestors consumed these fats in a ratio of roughly 1:1. We should too. The problem is that the way our food is processed, the way our animals are raised, and the type of foods we eat we eat have caused our consumption of omega-6 fatty acids to skyrocket. At the same time, our consumption of omega-3s has gone down.

This is a recipe for disease and we are clearly paying that price. The fact that our medical authorities are actually encouraging this imbalance borders on criminal.

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A little history...

The amount of fat we consume has not changed much over the last hundred years. But the type of fat we eat has changed drastically. A hundred years ago, we ate mostly animal fats, which are primarily saturated and monounsaturated.

Animal fat does contain a small amount of polyunsaturated fat. But because the animals we ate back then were raised on their natural diets, the polyunsaturated fats were in a natural healthy ratio. Today's grain fed cows, for example, have 30 to 50 times more omega-6 than omega-3s.

But that wasn't even the biggest change...

As the technology became available to mass produce oil from seeds and grains, our consumption of polyunsaturated fat began to increase. Then, in the 1950s, the medical establishment, the processed food industry and the government began an aggressive campaign to steer people away from saturated fats and toward polyunsaturated vegetable oils.

Consumption of vegetable oils went through the roof. At the beginning of 1900 there were almost no vegetable oils in our diet. Today, the average American consumes 70 pounds of vegetable fat!

In addition to the imbalanced fats in our meats, just look at any nutrition label. Almost invariably, you will see corn oil, soybean oil, peanut oil or any number of other polyunsaturated fats.

You are what you eat...

We are not designed to eat these fats in the quantities we do. The make-up of fat in the human body is normally about 97% monounsaturated and saturated. Only about 3% should be polyunsaturated (half of which should be omega-3 and the other half omega-6).

However, the type of fat in your diet dictates the type of fat in your cells. And if you consume extracted and concentrated plant oils, your cell membranes will incorporate these fat molecules.

The problem with polyunsaturated fats displacing saturated fats in cell structures is that these fats are highly unstable. This means that they are extremely vulnerable to oxidative stress and prone to causing inflammation.

The replacement of monounsaturated and saturated fats with omega-6 polyunsaturated fats in the cell membranes causes a host of problems in the body. One of the clearest ways we have observed this is in the formation of skin cancer.

Omega-6: The Fat That Promotes Skin Cancer

Because they are so unstable and prone to oxidation, when sunlight hits omega-6 fats, it can easily convert them to cancer-causing molecules. Among all the foods we eat, omega-6 fatty acids have been shown to be the strongest promoters of skin cancers in both people and animals.

In one study performed at the University of Western Ontario, researchers observed the effects of ten different dietary fats ranging from most saturated to least saturated. What they found is that saturated fats produced the least number of cancers, while omega-6 polyunsaturated fats produced the most. Numerous other studies have also shown that polyunsaturated fats stimulate cancer while saturated fat does not1 and that saturated fats do not break down to form free radicals.2

In another study, Dr. Vivienne Reeve, PhD, Head of the Photobiology Research Group at the University of Sydney, irradiated a group of mice while feeding different groups of them polyunsaturated and saturated fats. She discovered that the mice that consumed only saturated fat were totally protected from skin cancer. Those in the polyunsaturated fat group quickly developed skin cancers. Later in the study, the mice in the saturated fat group were given polyunsaturated fats. Skin cancers quickly developed.

But while excessive omega-6 fatty acids promote skin cancer (and a host of other health concerns), omega-3 fatty acids strongly inhibit these things.

This was confirmed in a comprehensive review of many studies published by the National Academy of Sciences in 2001.

Dr. Lesley Rhodes explored the ability of omega-3s to protect skin cells. Her research was published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology. It showed that omega-3 fatty acids reduce the inflammation that would normally be induced by excess sun exposure. She also showed that omega-3s significantly reduced DNA damage.

In a study published in the journal Cancer Research in 2000 researchers showed that the omega-3 fatty acid DHA, inhibited the progression of exponentially growing melanoma cells. This study also noted the following:

"Epidemiological, experimental, and mechanistic data implicate omega-6 fat as stimulators and long-chain omega-3 fats as inhibitors of the development and progression of a range of human cancers, including melanoma."

I just touched on skin cancer here. But the same processes work inside your body as well.

One of the best things you can do to protect your health is to consume roughly equal amounts of omega-3s and omega-6 fatty acids. You do that by avoiding conventionally-raised meats and strictly limiting the processed and fried foods in your diet. Anytime you see soybean oil, corn oil, vegetable oil, sunflower oil, etc. on the label, do not eat that food.

Instead, consume more healthy fats (saturated, monounsaturated and omega-3s) from wild game, grass-fed beef and bison, pastured poultry, wild fish and shellfish. Take a fish oil supplement. Eat nuts. And consume olive oil, walnut oil, macadamia nut oil, avocado oil and coconut oil as liberally as you desire.

To Your Health,

Editorial Director
Total Health Breakthroughs


  1. Wilson RB, Hutcheson DP, Wideman L.. Dimethylhydrazine-induced Colon Tumors in Rats Fed Diets Containing Beef Fat or Corn Oil with and without Wheat Bran, Amer J Clin Nutr 30:176, 1977
  2. Frei, B. Reactive Oxygen Species and Antioxidant Vitamins. The Linus Pauling Institute.
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Copyright © 2010 Fourth Avenue Health Group, LLC, located at 245 NE 4th Avenue, Delray Beach Florida 33483, is a subsidiary of Early to Rise. Total Health Breakthroughs may be republished with its links intact by non commercial entities. Total Health Breakthroughs may not be republished for commercial purposes without written permission.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Must read before your next grocery run


Dear THB Reader,

You may think you are doing what's best for your family... But in fact, you could be inadvertently feeding them poison.

The next time you head into your grocer's produce department, keep this in mind: The average non-organic fruit contains more than 20 pesticides.

These chemicals have been implicated in a range of diseases, including cancer. Plus, they can cause damage to the nervous system.

But it gets even worse.

Clean food activists have discovered that 12 common fruits and vegetables - when conventionally grown - are drenched in pesticides. The "Dirty Dozen" are absolutely TOXIC because they've been raised with so many pesticides there's no way to wash them off. Even peeling these fruits and vegetables will not rid them of the toxins when they've been conventionally grown.

This "horror list" includes all-time favorites like apples and spinach... plus 10 others that most of us eat regularly.

To discover exactly which poisons you may be involuntarily feeding your family... which fruits and veggies make up the "Dirty Dozen"... and the best way to protect yourself... read THB's startling expose for free right here.

Don't wait another second to find out how you can banish cancer-causing chemicals from your home. Read on here.

To your best health,

Maria Dolgova
Associate Publisher
Total Health Breakthroughs

P.S. Don't take another trip to the supermarket until you have this information. Learn how to arm yourself and your family against disease-causing agents right here.

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Important: THB is dedicated to bringing its readers the newest, most hopeful and most trustworthy information and advice about natural health research, findings and products. Because we are a for-profit publication, we include advertising copy in each issue (readily identifiable by shaded boxes) and send our readers advertisements we approve of. When our editors like and use advertised products we talk about their features and benefits in our editorial. Readers should be assured that although we may have a financial interest in a product we talk about, we will never recommend anything we don’t believe in.

Copyright © 2009 Fourth Avenue Health Group, LLC, located at 245 NE 4th Avenue, Delray Beach Florida 33483, is a subsidiary of Early to Rise. Total Health Breakthroughs may be republished with its links intact by non commercial entities. Total Health Breakthroughs may not be republished for commercial purposes without written permission.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

So, Why Haven't You Heard About It?


The Greatest Medical Discovery of the Century

This Miracle Substance Protects against Diabetes...
Stops Heart Disease Before it Starts...
And Kills Cancer Cells on Contact

So, Why Haven't You Heard About It?

Scientists have discovered a remarkable substance that has the power to prevent diabetes, stop heart disease before it starts and kill cancer cells on contact. In fact, this substance has been shown to prevent and treat more than 20 major diseases, in all!

However, more than 85% of the population is deficient in this substance at least part of the year. And believe it or not, but the medical profession and health authorities actually advise people to avoid the single greatest source for this vital substance.

Click here to learn why you probably haven't heard about this revolutionary discovery.

To Your Health,

Editorial Director
Total Health Breakthroughs

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Copyright © 2009 Fourth Avenue Health Group, LLC, located at 245 NE 4th Avenue, Delray Beach Florida 33483, is a subsidiary of Early to Rise. Total Health Breakthroughs may be republished with its links intact by non commercial entities. Total Health Breakthroughs may not be republished for commercial purposes without written permission.

THB: The Greatest Scam in Medical History


The Greatest Scam in Medical History
January 20, 2009

Jon Herring
Editorial Director, Total Health Breakthroughs

Before we get into today's message, we wanted to pass this along. Many THB readers have asked us the best way to help the people of Haiti.

Many reliable and worthwhile organizations are offering support. But you may be wondering which cause will put your donation directly into the relief effort. Our colleague Byron King - who writes for The Daily Reckoning - notes that the Albert Schweitzer Hospital (HAS) near Port-au-Prince is a worthy recipient of your dollars. This hospital is not only one of the few medical centers not seriously damaged by the earthquake, it is also the only hospital in the region with surgical suites.

"As the flow of people urgently seeking care increases over the next few days and weeks, our resources will be pushed to the breaking point. It is critical that we receive support to help us continue with our mission," writes HAS Managing Director Ian Rawson on the hospital's blog. (You can read more about the HAS relief efforts here.)

You can make an immediate impact with your donation at

Alex Green - Investment Director of The Oxford Club - notes that the International Rescue Committee is also accepting donations. According to the IRC site - - 90% of funds go directly to programs and services.

If you have even a few dollars to give, please do so. Every penny helps.

Maria Dolgova
Associate Publisher

The Greatest Scam in Medical History

The writer and social critic, H.L. Mencken once wrote, "For every complicated problem there is a solution that is simple, direct, understandable and wrong."

Our ancestors believed that the stars rotated around the Earth. From their perspective, it made perfect sense. Of course, the idea was completely wrong. In fact, throughout history, people have believed ridiculous things. And they believed them so strongly you would have been persecuted for suggesting otherwise.

So little has changed...

Today's gospel truth is that excess saturated fat in the diet clogs the arteries and causes heart disease. The only problem with this medical "fact" is that it isn't a fact at all. It is a fraudulent and faulty hypothesis from the 1950s that has never been proven.

I didn't plan to write about this topic today. But I had to speak up when I saw the same article in four major publications this week. The headline: "Leading Surgeon Wants to Ban Butter."

Dr. Shyam Kolvekar, a heart surgeon at University College London Hospital, says that by the time he sees many of his patients, it is too late. Their hearts and cardiovascular system are too damaged for repair. He wants to stop heart disease before it starts by getting people to limit saturated fat in the diet. And to get the ball rolling, he suggests "banning butter."

Kolvekar is particularly worried that heart disease is growing rapidly in the younger population. "It's because most kids start the day with some toast and butter," he says. "Porridge is a much better alternative."

Why the butter and not the toast? Two slices of bread contain the equivalent carbohydrates of five teaspoons of sugar. And elevated blood sugar has been directly associated with heart disease. But more on that later...

Dr. Kolvekar also suggests replacing natural butter with the industrially-processed, chemically-modified yellow-colored substance known as margarine. Great idea, doc! In the interest of disclosure, the Daily Mail notes that, "Dr. Kolvekar's comments were issued by KTB, a public relations company that works for Unilever, the maker of Flora margarine."

Well, that might explain his motivations. But what about the veracity of his argument? And what can explain the last fifty years of propaganda against saturated fat? Is it really the villain it has been made out to be?

I asked our own heart-health expert, Dr. Dwight Lundell, for his thoughts. Dr. Lundell knows the heart and cardiovascular system as well as anyone on the planet. During his 25-year career in medicine, he performed more than 5,000 open heart surgeries. And for much of that time, he toed the party line on saturated fat and cholesterol. But his own experience - and a closer review of the literature - caused him to reject the premise. He later wrote a book on the REAL causes of heart disease, which you can learn more about here.

Dr. Lundell writes, "One wants their heart surgeon to be exacting. But, in the case of Dr. Shyam Kolvekar, who called for the banning of butter to prevent the epidemic of heart disease, he is exactly wrong!"

According to Dr. Lundell, "The theory that saturated fat causes heart disease fails on many accounts." First, it is said that saturated fats raise cholesterol levels in the blood, and elevated cholesterol levels cause heart disease.

Lundell points out that an article published in the American Heart Journal last year, showed that in an examination of 137,000 people admitted to the hospital with heart attack, 70% of them had normal blood cholesterol levels!

It should also be noted that the long-running Framingham Heart Study showed that after the age of 50 (when 90% of all heart attacks occur), lower cholesterol levels are clearly associated with a shorter life expectancy.

But let's put cholesterol aside for a moment and discuss the purported mass killer, saturated fat. Certainly there must have been conclusive studies and solid evidence that kicked off the campaign against animal fat. Not quite.

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One of the first studies to implicate animal fat in heart disease came in the early 1900s. See if you can spot the flaws in this one. In 1908, Russian scientist, M.A. Ignatovsky fed protein-rich animal foods to a group of rabbits. He soon discovered that the rabbits developed arterial plaques and cardiovascular disease. Researchers discovered that the same thing happens when chickens, guinea pigs and goats eat a high-fat diet.

Later these studies were cited as evidence of a high-fat diet causing heart disease in humans. Hmm... let's see. All of these animals are obligate herbivores. They evolved eating nothing but plants. They are clearly not designed to eat meat. When we feed them meat and fat it makes them sick. That makes perfect sense. What doesn't make sense is why researchers extrapolated these results to omnivorous humans.

The Fraud of Ancel Keys Kicks off the Lipid Hypothesis

But the "lipid hypothesis" really gained traction in the 1950s, when physiologist Ancel Keys, Ph.D., published what became known as the Seven Countries Study.

Keys presented a comparison of heart disease mortality and fat intake across seven different countries. His comparison showed a "remarkable relationship." The countries with the highest fat intake had the highest levels of heart disease. The countries with the lowest fat intake had the lowest levels of heart disease. Those in the middle fell conveniently in between.

At the time, Jacob Yerushalmy, a PhD statistician, at the University of California at Berkeley pointed out that we had data on the amount of fat consumed in 22 countries. So why wasn't it called the 22 Country Study?

It wasn't called that, because Ancel Keys started with the conclusion. Then he cherry-picked the countries that matched his pre-conceived notion and threw out the ones that contradicted it. And most of them did! When all 22 countries were analyzed, the "remarkable relationship" remarkably disappeared.

Furthermore, Keys established no causative basis. And he based his conclusions on only two phenomena - dietary fat and heart disease. This did not account for the possibility that something else could have caused the heart disease.

It might seem hard to believe that this flawed and fraudulent study was the genesis of the entire animal-fat-causes-heart-disease movement. Certainly, in the last sixty years, there must be hundreds of controlled studies that prove the link, right?

Not quite... there are NONE!

What about the societies that consume a very high percentage of saturated fat in the diet - groups like the Maasai in Africa or the Inuits in the Arctic North? Do they show signs of heart disease? No, and in fact, quite the opposite is true.

In the 1960s, Vanderbilt University scientist, George Mann, MD, studied the nomadic Maasai in Kenya and Tanzania. These populations consumed a very high saturated fat diet, including drinking the blood of their cattle. Yet they were not only lean and virtually free of heart disease, they also had some of the lowest cholesterol levels ever measured!

Skeptical scientists argued that they must have some sort of hereditary protection. However, British researchers found that when Maasai men moved to the city and began to consume a modern diet, their cholesterol levels skyrocketed!

In an editorial published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 1977, Dr. Mann called the cholesterol theory of heart disease "the greatest scam in the history of medicine."

But let's get back to those studies... or, more accurately, the lack of studies proving a link between saturated fat and heart disease.

There have been about 30 long-term population studies that have attempted to link saturated fat to heart disease. Of those, only four have shown even the weakest association. And all four had major disqualifications: they were either too small to be significant, they did not isolate the variables properly, or they showed a slight decrease in heart deaths but an increase in death due to cancer.

But population studies are notoriously unreliable anyway. The gold standard among health studies are controlled, randomized trials. And not a single study of this nature has ever shown definitive evidence that saturated-fat consumption leads to heart disease. In fact, many have shown the exact opposite!

Authors of the MR-FIT trial were determined to prove the case. They enrolled 350,000 men, all of whom were considered at high risk of heart disease. In one set of participants, cholesterol consumption was reduced by 42%, saturated fat by 28%, and total calories by 21%.

What happened? Nothing. The authors referred to the results as "disappointing," stating that "The overall results do not show a beneficial effect on Coronary Heart Disease or total mortality from this multifactor intervention."

The Women's Health Initiative was a huge government study, costing almost three quarters of a billion dollars. Among 20,000 women in the study who adhered to a low saturated fat diet for eight years, there was no reduction in the rates of heart-disease or stroke.

Then there was the Cochrane Collaboration, in 2000. This group rigorously selected 27 low-fat and cholesterol-lowering trials to review (more than 200 trials were rejected). Their conclusion was that diets low in saturated fat have "no significant effect" on heart attack mortality. Lead researcher Lee Hooper, PhD, said "I was disappointed that we didn't find something more definitive."

Or how about something more recent?

This month, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published a review of 21 studies. The studies ranged from 5 to 23 years in length and encompassed 347,747 subjects. In the authors' own words: "Intake of saturated fat was not associated with an increased risk of CHD, stroke, or CVD."

I could go on... and on... and on... but I'll conclude with this.

In 1988, the U.S. Surgeon General's office decided to end the confusion. They set out to finally prove the causal link between saturated fat and heart disease. After 11 years, the project was abandoned. The Surgeon General's office stated that they, "did not anticipate fully the magnitude of the additional external expertise and staff resources that would be needed." Sure! After more than a decade of trying, the government just "just didn't have the resources."

Scientists and researchers are supposed to have an open mind. They are not supposed to be dogmatic and swayed by politics and peer pressure. But that is exactly what the majority of scientists and doctors have proven of themselves. It is not terribly surprising. Massive industries and shining scientific careers have been built on this faulty theory.

If it were not so tragic, it would be funny to listen to them explain away contradictory findings and make excuses for why their studies don't match their hoped-for conclusions. The most common excuses are that the "trial didn't last long enough" or they "didn't lower the saturated-fat intake enough." It seems that option number three never crosses their mind... perhaps the entire hypothesis is wrong!

Uffe Ravnskov, MD, PhD has called the saturated fat theory of heart disease "one of the greatest and most harmful misconceptions in the history of medicine." Dr. George Mann called it the "public health diversion of the century."

And the problem is not just the wasted time and billions of dollars dedicated to an unscientific myth. The bigger problem is that undue focus on the saturated fat bugaboo has stolen attention from the REAL causes of heart disease. And perhaps even worse, is that many of the dietary recommendations to reduce heart disease have actually been shown to CAUSE heart disease (not to mention cancer, diabetes and obesity).

If you truly want to protect yourself from the nation's number one killer, don't smoke and reduce your stress levels. At least the medical authorities have gotten those two right. And when it comes to your diet, forget about saturated fat and cholesterol. Here is what you should do instead:

  • Consume more monounsaturated fats from sources like olive oil, nuts, avocados and avocado oil
  • Cut out the sugar and refined carbohydrates
  • Consume more omega-3 fatty acids, from wild game, grass-fed beef and bison, sardines and wild (not farm-raised) salmon. And take an omega-3 fish oil supplement.
  • And reduce as much as possible omega-6 fatty acids in your diet. These come primarily from conventionally raised meats, processed foods, fried foods and vegetable and seed oils (corn, soybean, sunflower, cottonseed, etc.)

Editorial Director
Total Health Breakthroughs

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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

THB: Gender Benders in Your Spaghetti Sauce?

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By Jon Herring - Editorial Director Tuesday, January 19th

Has the FDA ever put the needs of the public ahead of industry?

Last week, the Food & Drug Administration reversed its position on the health effects of the industrial chemical and "food additive" bisphenol-A (BPA). For years, the agency maintained that this gender-bending, cancer-causing chemical was safe.

Their primary evidence? Two studies funded by the chemical industry.

Until last week, the agency refused to reconsider their position. And that is despite the fact that their own panel of experts stated it was scientifically flawed. It also ignored more than 100 published studies by government scientists and university labs showing that the industrial chemical poses significant risks.

The FDA now admits concern about those risks, especially regarding the safety and development of fetuses, infants and young children.

But they would still rather sacrifice your health than disrupt the wheels of commerce...

According to the Washington Post, "Regulators stopped short of banning the compound or even requiring manufacturers to label products containing BPA, saying that current data are not clear enough to support a legal crackdown."

The "current data" on this substance is very clear. It's just that the industries that make and use it wield so much power and influence in Washington that the FDA cowers before them. That is why they are soft-stepping.

One FDA spokesman who wished to remain anonymous said, "You want to warn people, but you don't want to create panic." Really? If you saw a shark approaching a group of swimmers, would you worry about "creating a panic?" No, you would yell, "Shark!" What the FDA doesn't want to "create" are disruption and undue costs for their masters in industry.

What is BPA used for... and where is it found?

Bisphenol-A is a chemical that is used to harden plastics and make them shatterproof. It is also used in many soft plastics. And it is used in the lining of almost all canned goods. It is part of thousands of consumer products.

And it has been clearly shown to leach into those products. We know this from laboratory testing. And we also know it because, according to the Centers for Disease Control, 93% of the U.S. population tests positive for the chemical in our urine.

You might be interested to learn that BPA is not listed as a "food contact material" by the FDA. If it was, manufacturers would be required to disclose where and how it is used. And the FDA would have more authority to take action against it.

Instead, BPA is listed as a "food additive," even though it is not added to food intentionally. Unbelievably, that exempts manufacturers from telling the government which products contain it and in what amounts.

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BPA is an "endocrine disruptor" that mimics the hormone estrogen...

Your hormonal system is a complex network of glands and organs that send chemical messages throughout your body. These signals affect everything from your metabolism to reproduction. When they are disrupted or thrown out of balance, they can cause disease.

There are a wide range of chemicals that can mimic the effects of hormones. They can send the wrong signals at the wrong times. They can send a signal that is hundreds of times more powerful than your body might send. And they can block hormone receptors, therefore altering your metabolism.

In her book series, Your Plate, Your Fate, my wife Kelley writes:

"Adults can often recover from endocrine imbalances. But the harm to babies and children can be permanent. Their development requires specific doses of hormones at precise times. Hormonal imbalances in children and young adults can lead to permanent immune suppression, neurological damage that can lead to behavior problems, reproductive disorders and problems with sexual development."

Gender benders like BPA can cause a decline in male sperm count, trigger early puberty in girls and induce feminine characteristics in men. They have also been shown to trigger insulin resistance, stimulate tumor growth and promote the spread of cancer cells.

And they can be highly active in extremely small amounts. One study, published in Environmental Health Perspectives, showed significant health effects at levels 5,000 times below the dose identified by the EPA as the lowest level causing effects!

Industry CAN do without these chemicals...

The industrial giants that use these chemicals say that the benefits of the plastics we use and the advances in food safety as a result of these chemicals outweigh any negative repercussions. They have also said that these chemicals are indispensible... they just cannot make plastic containers and food cans without them.

However, environmentally and socially responsible companies are proving these companies to be wrong (or liars... take your pick). The truth is that we can innovate ourselves out of any corner. And a number of companies are showing the way.

Eden Foods, for example, now serves all of their canned products in BPA-free cans. And companies like Vital Choice Wild Seafood have also made the switch. So look for companies like these that do not use harmful chemicals in their containers.

Be particularly cautious of acidic foods that are stored in plastic or cans. Canned tomato sauce, for example, is known to be high in BPA. Also, do NOT ever heat foods in plastic containers. Although, researchers have found that BPA can leach into foods and beverages, even at cold temperatures, heat is definitely a catalyst. And be sure to use glass, ceramic or steel containers for food storage – not plastic.

Finally, if you are eating the right way – whole, natural foods – you should be eating and drinking very few things that come from a package, a can or a box. Just the way it should be.

To Your Health,

Jon Herring
Editorial Director
Total Health Breakthroughs

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Copyright © 2009 Fourth Avenue Health Group, LLC, located at 245 NE 4th Avenue, Delray Beach Florida 33483, is a subsidiary of Early to Rise. Total Health Breakthroughs may be republished with its links intact by non commercial entities. Total Health Breakthroughs may not be republished for commercial purposes without written permission.