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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

world renowned with over 190-research papers

Message from Viktoras:

Wishing you the wonders of this year. I have just celebrated my 68 birthday on the 23rd of February. It is also a very special time, since my wife and I are starting a semi retirement in our retreat center.

All this has been possible because of 23 years ago I joined CellTech which is now under new ownership and management as, which provided the fuel to stay young and the income to use in our lives and help others to heal their bodies.

I intend to be doing workshops and lectures, at a minimal of 3 months of the year. Hopefully you will participate in one of these events.

I have been getting the most miraculous results, by combining the Enzyme E12 with Stemplex.

I take E12 with meals as well as between meals. The current research, indicates that the surest and fastest wy to clean up the blood vessels is to take enzymes between meals, as well as to take them with meals to assure complete digestion and freedom from incompletely metabolized food toxemia. The inner cleanliness, might mean that the blood vessel pathways that transport the StemPlex has a non obstructed path (without stickiness) to deliver much more of the goodness of Stemplex generated stem cells and the anti-oxidant influence, to transform ones body.

I just lectured at the During the Q/A one of men, said, " I have no questions, but a comment." He said, "I saw Viktoras lecture at 22 years ago, and today he looks younger and more brilliant. His lifestyle must be working" I find often, women compliment me on my youthful hair. I have also been complimented on the youthful skin. As well as, on many occasions, I was greeted as "May I help you Miss" or' Excuse me Miss" … It is more than my long hair. When I speak up, they apologize, to which I commented, "Thank you for the compliment, Women are almost always more attractive than men."

Since starting the regime of E12 with Simplex, not only the skin improved, but also my hair has gotten to be thicker, my white of the eyes are pure white. I noticed a dramatic increase in energy and I feel sharper, especially on stage.

TO CELEBRATE MY 68th BIRTHDAY, I invite you to try the Stemplex with enzymes E12.

Love in Service


Here are a few good reasons why you should use Enzyme E12 with and between meals

"Biology will be to the 21st Century what physics and
chemistry were to this century...The main area of interest
[will be] the production of enzymes, or living catalysts, which
[will] act in the same way as chemical catalysts
Megatrends," Ten New Directions, John Naisbitt 1992

"Enzyme is the most promising word in research today...Today,
many researchers are convinced that virtually all disease can be
traced to missing or faulty enzymes."
Today's Health, American Medical Association, '62

"In the near future substantial developments in pharmacology and
therapeutics can be expected of enzymes"
Kirk and Othmer,
Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Biochemical Pharmacology -
"Bible" of the pharmacologists. (1994)

"What does Dr. Garry Gordon, noted medical doctor have to say:
"With systemic ('high in protease, like Enzymes E12*') oral enzymes ('taken with meals and between meals'), I can save the life of virtually every one of my heart patients. For thirty years, I have specialized in keeping people with the serious and often seemingly hopeless heart problems alive. In fact, I say if you die of a heart attack or stroke your doctor isn't doing his job because he didn't tell you about enzymes." AC Loes, MW., Steinman, D, The Aspirin Alternative, "Escape the Toxicity of NSAIDs, Freedom Press, June 1999, ISBN 1-893910-04-0

* - comments inserted by Viktoras

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