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Thursday, November 14, 2013

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Friday, September 20, 2013

Thoughts on colonoscopy, homage to one of the greatest researchers, Marie Curie, and the colossal mistake the U.S. federal government is making in reducing the funding that improves life and enhances our planet day by day, discovery by discovery.

Thoughts on colonoscopy, homage to one of the greatest researchers, Marie Curie, and the colossal mistake the U.S. federal government is making in reducing the funding that improves life and enhances our planet day by day, discovery by discovery.

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant.
Author's program note. It is 5:27 a.m. here in Cambridge, where the invention of the future via research is our product, our pride, our unmitigated purpose... a place of assiduous effort, often lonely, frequently inconclusive, a place where the glory lies not just in achieving a goal but in knowing this achievement will be overtaken by others who will thereby advance truth and progress by using the fruit of every prior effort and exertion, just as those following them will advance beyond everything and everyone which came before, no matter how celebrated or useful in its time.

"If I have seen farther," Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727) famously said, "it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants." In that single phrase lies the reason why Cambridge and all its myriad educational institutions exists and why we must assist and not diminish them, for their work is vital, necessary, where the collective brain power and untiring effort move us appreciably, minute by minute, to the perfection which should always be our chief human objective and unceasing mission.

Research, improved procedures, improved outcomes, the gift of health, even the gift of life itself.

I am about to undergo a medical procedure called colonoscopy. It is the third time in the last 13 years that my colon has been scrutinized, first by sigmoidoscopy, which is a partial procedure done while the patient is fully conscious, thereby able to see the entire matter first hand; twice by a complete colonoscopy, ten years ago for the first; the second taking place at 7 a.m. tomorrow, just 24 hours from now.

I am therefore at work preparing for this procedure, each aspect the result of teams of physicians and medical researchers who have, bit by bit, improved what is done and the medical skills and tools necessary to achieve the desired result: quality and longevity of the most important thing we each have -- life itself.

Since this life is so important, the very basis for our existence on Earth, we must encourage, exhort, sustain and venerate those who advance it, in both length and utility, and we must oppose, adamantly, vigorously, energetically, unfailingly, anyone in any situation who does anything to diminish and destroy it. As the great humanitarian Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965) said, "Ehrfurcht vor dem leben", ("Reverence for life") must be at the heart of who we are and our every endeavor, particularly of the researches we undertake.

Homage to Madame Curie, (1867-1934), "haunted by dreams, invincibly eager".

This poetic description of Marie Skodowska-Curie comes from the 1943 MGM film starring Greer Garson and Walter Pidgeon (as her husband Pierre), a film whose world-famous subjects ensured world-wide interest and acclaim. Consider the date of the film. Madame Curie's native country, the homeland she loved with all the high ardor and profound devotion found in every Pole, was seething under Hitler's savage rule, his intent nothing less than erasing her land and every person therein.

Her adopted nation, la belle France, writhed under the Nazis, too; abashed, humiliated, mortified by events, mortified more by the collaborators who stained the glory of France with treachery and abiding ignominy.
In such a situation, the powers at MGM, many themselves emigrants from Europe, lucky to be alive, decided to throw down the gauntlet, to tell a tale that would rekindle hope, pride, and purpose in those dark days when the future was anything but halcyon and joyful.

And so Greer Garson, who had transfixed the world with her characterization of Mrs. Miniver (1942), a lady whose innate decency, courage, and grace reminded us what we could do, might have to do in this world at war to inch towards victory and humanity, was tapped to bring Marie Curie, titanic, brilliant, heroic, enduring, tenacious to life. The Nazis had nothing like this, either in film, or more importantly in fact.
The film, of course, awards galore, did what it was supposed to do, not least enthusing multitudes of young people, including a record number of young women, to enter the hard sciences of chemistry, physics, mathematics and all the others once reckoned the sole prerogative of men. Indeed, it is not too much to say that Marie Curie was the godmother of generations of women scientists who thrilled to her message, her serious intent, and the good work she did, the discoveries she made, the lives she changed for the better, without giving up her femininity, spouse, or family. It was an electrifying message for millions. It remains supremely relevant today and is still by no means universally accepted.

The music.

It is now time to introduce you to the music for this article, the most apt sound imaginable: the score to "Madame Currie". Composed by master Herbert Stothart, probably best known for writing "The Wizard of Oz" in 1939, the music that edged out "Tara's Theme" in "Gone with the Wind", arguably the best known movie theme ever written, for the Oscar. He had his work cut out for him for he needed a sound that was as beautiful as the science Madame Curie venerated and served, a pristine acolyte at the forge of truth and knowledge. Go to any search engine now and let the soaring sound by a composer of renown lift you... just as science and unending research lift our species... if we will but let them. Sadly, alarmingly these are now very much at risk. The little men and women of the Capitol are seeing to that, to the general desuetude and disillusion.

The fatal axe called "sequestration", the despair of scientists and researchers, their important work for the Great Republic and every citizen at risk; the risk that comes when the scientific progress we all have the right to expect is curtailed by our own failure to act and so nurture and sustain it.

It is well known that the federal government needs $1 trillion in budget cuts. What is far less well known is the devastation, the destruction, the ruination this will cause the scientific and research communities. Listen then to Dr. Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health, who called 2013 the "darkest ever" year for the agency, whose budget is at its lowest inflation-adjusted appropriations level in more than a decade with all that means for scientists laid off, scientists (including the vital supply of young researchers) not hired, bold projects unstarted, bold projects left undone, the nation at terrible risk.

Here are remarks by Steven Salzberg, the director of the Center for Computational Biology at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, a well respected biomedical researcher. "Less science is getting done," he said. "That means cures won't emerge. Five years from now, when your aunt gets cancer and you can't do anything for her, people won't stop and think, 'Jesus, if we only hadn't had the sequester!'" Does this make any sense at all, or are we so far gone as a nation that we simply cannot be bothered to save the science and research which have the potential to save us all? Que sera sera, whatever will be, will be?
Colyte, all through the night.

While the politicians diddle, dawdle and duck the tough decisions, their irresolution, cowardice and indecision thereby clouding our collective future, life goes on, not perhaps as good as it could be, but definitely better than it will be, if the sciences and their researchers are so dismissed, devalued, disdained.

And so I follow the procedural guidelines to the very letter, afraid that any departure will obscure the result, perhaps resulting in the tragedy I most wish to avoid.

The Day Of Your Test.

4-6 hours before your arrival time.
1) Drink one 8-ounce glass of Colyte every 10-15 minutes until the remaining half of the Colyte is gone. You may have to get up in the night to take this dose. You need to do this for a good preparation.
2) Immediately after drink 2 to 3 8 ounce glasses of Gatorade (preferred) or any clear liquid.
3) Continue to drink clear liquids until 3 hours before your scheduled arrive time. Do not eat any solid food.
4) Do not drink anything, including water, for 3 hours before your arrival time.

And then it was time to leave, on a voyage discovering myself, hopeful but understandably nervous notwithstanding. I must have looked pale and wan for when I got out of the car, my driver Aime Joseph hugged me and said "Courage, mon ami," something he had never done before.

Then, promptly, efficiently, professionally my Endoscopy Center team went to work. Receptionist Louise, perky and soothing at 6:30 a.m. Followed by Jack, the first nurse, friendly, focused, a man of ease putting me at mine. Then nurses Kathryn and Pat, smiling, reassuring, glad they said to have a patient as well prepared as I was, thereby assuring my regard and gratitude; finally, Dr. Lopes, brisk, amicable, explaining all as we went, master of his craft and of practiced patient care; the physician who gave me the news, all good, no cancer, no growth, no troubling polyps, good to go for another decade and a day. That's good for me, of course, but with the sequester and further cuts, will you get care as good, thorough, and prompt? It matters.

Colorectal cancer is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer in the world, but it is more common in developed countries. It is estimated that worldwide in 2008, 1.23 million new cases were clinically diagnosed and that it killed at least 608,000 people. Do what's necessary to make sure you aren't one of them.

If you are a reader 50 and above, call your physician today and schedule your colonoscopy and while you're at it, give this article to a friend. It's an act of love.

About the Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is the author of several books, ebooks and over one thousand on line articles.

Republished with author's permission

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

My Top 55 Lean-Body Foods to Build Lean Muscle and Lose Body Fat

My Top 55 Lean-Body Foods to Build Lean Muscle and Lose Body Fat

In most of my Lean-Body Secrets Newsletters, I like to provide a healthy snack or meal recipe that not only is delicious and healthy, but also helps to get you closer to that hard-body appearance that everyone is looking for, while also more importantly, improving your health for life. In this article, I'd like to give you healthy food ideas in a different way. This time, I figured I'd just give you some ideas of what I stock my fridge and cabinets with.

Remember, if you don't have junk around the house, you're less likely to eat junk! If all you have is healthy nutritious foods around the house, you're forced to make smart choices. Basically, it all starts with making smart choices and avoiding temptations when you make your grocery store trip. Now these are just some of my personal preferences, but perhaps they will give you some good ideas that you'll enjoy.

Some of these will be obvious healthy choices, such as fruits and veggies... however, others on this page I think will surprise you!

Alright, so let's start with the fridge. Each week, I try to make sure I'm loaded up with lots of varieties of fresh vegetables. During the growing season, I only get local produce, but obviously in winter, I have to resort to the produce at the grocery store. Most of the time, I make sure I have plenty of vegetables like onions, zucchini, spinach, fresh mushrooms, red peppers, broccoli, etc. to use in my morning eggs. I also like to chop up some lean chicken or turkey sausage (make sure to look for nitrate & nitrite free) or grass-fed bison sausage into the eggs, along with some swiss, jack, or goat cheeses (preferably raw grass-fed cheeses when I can find them).

By the way I'm talking about whole eggs, NOT egg whites. Always remember that the yolk is the most nutritious and nutrient dense part of the egg, so only eating egg whites is like throwing away the best part... and no, it's NOT bad for you because of the cholesterol... whole eggs actually raise your GOOD cholesterol. Try to get free range organic eggs for the best quality. Here's an entire article I did on the topic of whole eggs vs egg whites.

Coconut milk is another staple in my fridge. I like to use it to mix in with smoothies, oatmeal, or yogurt for a rich, creamy taste. Not only does coconut milk add a rich, creamy taste to lots of dishes, but it's also full of healthy saturated fats. Yes, you heard me right... I said healthy saturated fats! ...Healthy saturated fats such as medium chain triglycerides (MCTs), specifically an MCT called lauric acid, which is vitally important for your immune system.

If the idea of healthy saturated fats is foreign to you, check out my article about why saturated fat is not as bad as you think.

Back to the fridge, some other staples:

Walnuts, pecans, almonds - delicious and great sources of healthy fats. Try to get raw nuts if possible as the roasting process can oxidize some of the polyunsaturated fats in some types of nuts making those damaged fats slightly more inflammatory. Overall, nuts are still healthy even if they are roasted, but raw nuts are optimal.
Cottage cheese, ricotta cheese, and yogurt (grass-fed and organic if possible) - I like to mix cottage or ricotta cheese and yogurt together with chopped nuts and berries for a great mid-morning or mid-afternoon meal.
Chia seeds and/or hemp seeds - I add these highly nutritious seeds to yogurt, smoothies, or salads for a great nutty taste and loads of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins and minerals. Don't use pre-ground versions of these seeds as the omega-3 polyunsaturated fats are highly unstable and prone to oxidation, creating high levels of free radicals if you use pre-ground seeds. No grinding is necessary to properly digest these seeds.
Whole eggs - one of natures richest sources of nutrients (and remember, they increase your GOOD cholesterol so stop fearing them).
Salsa - I try to get creative and try some of the exotic varieties of salsas.
Avocados - love a great source of healthy fats, fiber, and other nutrients. Try adding them to wraps, salads, or sandwiches.
Butter - don't believe the naysayers; butter adds great flavor to anything and CAN be part of a healthy diet... just keep the quantity small because it is calorie dense... and NEVER use margarine, unless you want to assure yourself a heart attack. Most important -- choose organic butter only, since pesticides and other harmful chemicals accumulate in the fat of the milk which is used for butter, so choosing organic helps avoid this problem. Also, choose grass-fed (pastured) butter if you can find it as it will contain higher levels of healthful omega-3 fats and the fat-burning conjugated linoleic acid (CLA).
Nut butters - Plain old peanut butter has gotten a little old for me, so I get creative and mix together almond butter with pecan butter, or even cashew butter with macadamia butter...delicious and unbeatable nutrition! Using a variety of nut butters gives you a broader range of vitamins and minerals and other micronutrients, and gives you variety instead of boring old peanut butter all the time.
Leaf lettuce and spinach along with shredded carrots - for salads with dinner.
Home-made salad dressing - using balsamic vinegar, spices, extra virgin olive oil, and Udo's Choice oil blend. This is much better than store bought salad dressing which mostly use highly refined canola or soybean oil (canola and soybean oil are both very inflammatory in the body). Here's an article showing why to NEVER use store-bought salad dressings.
Sprouted grain bread for occasional use -- My personal belief from years of nutrition research is that we're not really meant to consume the massive quantities of grains (not even whole grains) that we do in this day and age... a small amount may be okay, but our digestive systems are still primarily adapted to a hunter/gatherer type of diet with only a very small amount of grains, therefore I try to only have breads and other grain-based foods on cheat days.
Rice bran - If we're going to have some grain-based food, we might as well have the most nutrient dense part, and rice bran is one of those parts, since it includes the germ of brown rice too. Rice bran is loaded with vitamins and minerals but without the large amount of starch calories that rice has... and it actually adds a nice little nutty, crunchy taste to yogurt or smoothies, or can be added when baking to add nutrients and fiber to the recipe.
How to lose belly fat ( Clic Here For More Information )

Some of the staples in the freezer:

Frozen berries - during the local growing season, I only get fresh berries, but during the other 10 months of the year, I always keep a supply of frozen blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, cherries, etc. to add to high fiber cereal, oatmeal, cottage cheese, yogurt, or smoothies. I also get frozen goji berries sometimes for a little "exotic" variety.
Frozen fish - I like to try a couple different kinds of fish each week. There are so many varieties out there, you never have to get bored. Just make sure to ALWAYS choose wild fish instead of farmed versions, as the omega-3 to omega-6 balance is MUCH healthier in wild fish. Also, as this article shows, there are some possible other health issues with farmed fish.
Frozen chicken breasts - very convenient for a quick addition to wraps or chicken sandwiches for quick meals.
Grass-fed steaks, burgers, and ground beef: Grass-fed meats have been shown to have as high as, or even higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids than salmon (without the mercury). Also, grass-fed meats have much higher levels of fat-burning and muscle-building conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) compared to typical grain-fed beef that you'll find at your grocery store. I recently found an excellent on-line store where I buy all of my grass-fed meats now (they even deliver right to your door in a sealed cooler) -
Frozen buffalo, ostrich, venison, and other "exotic" lean meats - Yeah, I know...I'm weird, but I can tell you that these are some of the healthiest meats around, and if you're serious about a lean healthy body, these types of meats are much better for you than the mass produced, hormone-pumped beef, chicken, and pork that's sold at most grocery stores.
Frozen veggies - again, when the growing season is over and I can no longer get local fresh produce, frozen veggies are the best option, since they often have higher nutrient contents compared to the fresh produce that has been shipped thousands of miles, sitting around for weeks before making it to your dinner table.

Alright, now the staples in my cabinets:

Various antioxidant-rich teas - green, oolong, white, rooibos (red tea) are some of the healthiest. One of my newest favorite teas is yerba mate, which is a south american tea that is loaded with antioxidants and other nutrients. I've found some delicious yerba mate mixes such as chocolate yerba mate, mint mate, raspberry mate, etc.
Oat bran and steel cut oats - higher fiber than those little packs of instant oats, which are typically loaded with sugar. If I'm trying to reduce body fat and get extra lean, I make most of my breakfasts based on eggs and veggies and bison sausage, but if I'm on a muscle building phase, I increase carbohydrate intake and use more oat bran and oatmeal.
The only healthy oils I have in my cabinets are virgin coconut oil and extra virgin olive oil. Macadamia oil may also be a reasonable choice as long as it's not "refined". But other than that, all "vegetable oils" (which is usually soy and corn oil) are total junk and very inflammatory. Never use soy or corn oils! Also, always avoid canola oil, as there is nothing healthy about canola oil, despite the deceptive marketing claims by the canola oil industry.
Cans of coconut milk (loaded with healthy saturated MCT fats) - to be transferred to a container in the fridge after opening.
Brown rice and other higher fiber rice - NEVER white rice
Tomato sauces - delicious, and as I'm sure you've heard a million times, they are a great source of lycopene. Just watch out for the brands that are loaded with nasty high fructose corn syrup. You also want to make sure that the tomato sauce is made with olive oil instead of unhealthy soybean oil or canola oils. Also get tomato sauces in glass jars instead of cans, as canned tomatoes are notoriously high in the dangerous chemical, bisphenol-A (BPA) due to the acidic leaching of BPA from the can lining.
Stevia - a natural non-caloric sweetener, which is an excellent alternative to the nasty chemical-laden artificial sweeteners like aspartame, saccharine, and sucralose.
Raw honey - better than processed honey... higher quantities of beneficial nutrients and enzymes. Honey has even been proven in studies to improve glucose metabolism (your efficiency in processing carbohydrates). I use a small teaspoon every morning in my teas. Yes, I know that even honey is pure sugar, but at least it has some nutritional benefits... and let's be real, a teaspoon of healthier raw honey is only 5 grams of carbs... certainly nothing to worry about, and a better choice than refined sugar.
Organic REAL maple syrup - none of that high fructose corn syrup Aunt Jemima crap...only real maple syrup can be considered real food. The only time I really use this (because of the high sugar load) is added to my post-workout smoothies to sweeten things up and also elicit an insulin surge to push nutrients into your muscles to aid muscle recovery.
Organic unsweetened cocoa powder - I like to mix this into my smoothies for an extra jolt of antioxidants or make my own low-sugar hot cocoa by mixing cocoa powder into hot milk with stevia and a couple melted dark chocolate chunks (delicious!).
Cans of black or kidney beans - I like to add a couple scoops to my Mexican dishes for the fiber and high nutrition content. Also, beans are surprisingly one of the best sources of youth enhancing antioxidants! Did you know that black beans and kidney beans have more antioxidants than's true!
Dark chocolate (as dark as possible - ideally more than 70-75% cocoa content) - This is one of my treats that satisfies my sweet tooth, plus provides loads of antioxidants at the same time. It's still calorie dense, so I keep it to just 1-2 small squares after a meal... but that is enough to do the trick, so I don't feel like I need to go out and get cake and ice cream to satisfy my dessert urges.

Lastly, another thing that's hard to go wrong with is a good variety of fresh fruits and berries. The staples such as bananas, apples, oranges, pears, peaches are good, but I like to also be a little more adventurous and include things like yellow (aka - mexican or champagne) mangoes, pomegranates, kumquats, papaya, star fruit, pineapples, and others. Also, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, black raspberries (the highest fiber berry) and cherries are some of the most nutrient and antioxidant-dense fruits you can eat.

Well, I hope you enjoyed this special look into my favorite lean body meals and how I stock my cabinets and fridge. Your tastes are probably quite different than mine, but hopefully this gave you some good ideas you can use next time you're at the grocery store looking to stock up a healthy and delicious pile of groceries.

Which 5 foods that kill belly fat ( Clic Here For More Information )

Learn to Manage Stress for Better Vision

Learn to Manage Stress for Better Vision
The biggest reason for eye issues is stress; whether or not internal or external. The eyes area unit filled with little muscles that facilitate move them around and lengthen or shorted the lenses. A life filled with stress and strain on the eyes will cause some serious issues later in life. the most effective thanks to stop future eye ailments is to be told to manage stress these days.

The idea of managing stress is way simple to mention then to try and do. whereas some individuals area unit professionals at stress management; people will solely take a bit bit before they begin screaming and family planning their hair. Stress happens every and each day therefore learning the way to best modify the strain is a very important and necessary step.

The first step in managing stress is discovering what it's that's stressing you out. If you've got no plan what's inflicting stress, it's extremely exhausting to search out solutions to the issues. for pretty much each drawback there's an answer. If you're continually late, begin setting the clocks ahead 10-15 minutes. If your to try and do list is overwhelming, cut out the items that don't seem to be high priority and modify them at a later date. If traffic gets you going, take a brand new route to figure that's less crowded .

Work is nearly continually the quantity one agent in people’s lives. the majority feel weak with the number of labor they continually have, however ne'er raise facilitate and continually strive against additional. Learn to mention no. spoken communication no isn’t planning to get your fired; it tells your boss you're responsive to your limits and you've got simply reached them. it's higher to complete 5 wonderful comes, then seven or eight mediocre ones. If the work load is just too a lot of, ask your boss or co-workers and allow them to grasp you wish facilitate.

Simple relaxation techniques will facilitate scale back the strain in your live. Take deep breaths. shut your eyes for a couple of moments and permit them to relax. surf ANd removed from the pc a 3 or fourfold an hour. an excessive amount of strain or stress on the eyes can solely cause vision issues later.

Improving Eyesight Naturally ( Click Here For More Information )


Monday, September 9, 2013

Solidarity with Arianna Huffington and her timely views on user generated content and online 'trolls', the people who use anonymous comments to denigrate, destroy, defame and demoralize. Stand up and be counted as we make the Internet a far, far better place.

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant.

 Author's program note. Over the course of the last three years, I have written  over 1000 articles of what I call "cultural commentary," that is on any subject  relating to mankind, our acts, thoughts, behaviors, works, triumphs, and tragedies.  These articles are read by over 1,000,000 people each month who visit me at

 The subjects are timely, the research precise and thorough, the conclusions my  own... and always, always signed, never anonymous or signed with a nom de  guerre or "handle".

 Most readers are supportive, even lavish and fulsome about what I write, how  I write it and the essential fairness of my approach, the attempt to understand  different people's often astonishingly disparate (and fiercely antagonistic) points  of view. However, I adhere to severe standards.

 I must be fair, scrupulous, true to my subject and true to myself, not just a man  with an opinion but a man honorable about the facts at hand, even where I disagree  with them. I say anyone can have an opinion about anything, but commentary,  about any aspect of man and man's affairs, must be based on, sustained and  bolstered by rigorous fact and cool deliberation.

 Even so, there are readers who find my conclusions, however factual, however well  presented and unarguable they may be, disagreeable, enraging, infuriating, controversial,  irritating, and, because irrefutable, the more annoying and aggravating; sometimes rising  to the unhelpful level where reason and a reasonable response give way before the bitter  expletives of grammatically challenged and misspelled choler, anger, and  vulgarity; the  noxious tools of those who do not aim for respectful understanding or peaceful persuasion  but rather maximum hurt, as sharp and painful as possible, all covered by the cloak  of secrecy and anonymity; offering near total protection to the insidious perpetrators  who make the most destructive use of it. 

 Here is where the trolls reside... in the dark bowels of the 'net... a place where there is  no light, no harmony, no respect, no courtesy, no truth, no justice, the dangerous,  destructive and pernicious place where intentional man made mayhem and violence  of thought and action are the order of the day, every day.

 It is these people, the dregs of our species, capable of any outrage, any violation,  cruel for the sake of cruelty, inflicting random pain their constant study and endeavor,  their putrid minds taking joy from every wanton act good people abhor.

 It is time to curb and curtail these diseased creatures and their dark usages, for they  are the persistent, irrepressible enemies of civilization, carrying their malignant views  to the wide world via the Internet, a technology they purport to love but which their  disgusting behaviors, ignoble, unfettered, cowardly, abhorrent without any redeeming  social value, threaten. There is evil in these people who stand against everything that  makes a community work, whether online or off.

 "The March of the Trolls" ("Trolltog").

 Edvard Grieg (1843-1907 has captured the atmosphere in which these outrageous  trolls live and contrive their deadly works. The piece is "Trolltog", one of the 66 short  compositions for solo piano he wrote between 1867 and 1901 under the name  "Lyric Pieces". "Trolltog" is one of the most well known, short, brilliant, a work of  eerie perfection. You will find it in any search engine. Go now and listen. Grieg's  work is so evocative and precise you will not merely see the trolls at their outrageous  capers but even smell their acrid stench and rancid perspiration. Thus the stink rises  as they disport themselves, regaling each other with past outrages while bragging  about outrages yet to come, each designed to be more outrageous, more  offensive than the last.

 "May I hack him on the fingers?/ May I tug him by the hair?/  Hu, hey, let me bite him in the haunches!/Shall he be boiled into broth and  bree to me/ Shall he roast on a spit or be browned in a stewpan?/  Ice to your blood, friends!"

 Yes, Grieg captured the precise environment where evil in all its manifestations  can ferment until its irresponsible perpetrators decide it is ready to provoke maximum  pain and bitter outrage. They then release it... safe in the knowledge it can always be  delivered anonymously, their work certain to create pain... their part unknown, a  totally contemptible, irresponsible act; a crime against humanity; perpetrated against  all of us on the Internet which was invented to bring the world together, not empower  yet another means of keeping us divided and at odds, when instead we should all  be working for mutual understanding, respect, civility and the maximum unity possible.

 What Arianna Huffington has proposed.

 Here is how she opened her remarks at a recent conference in Boston, a city  well acquainted with the benefits and drawbacks of the Internet:

 "Trolls have become more and more aggressive and uglier. I feel that freedom of  expression is given to people who stand up for what they're saying and not hiding  behind anonymity." Such people have no desire to advance the discussion and  understanding about important aspects of any problem; their goal is nothing short  of destroying the necessary rules, procedures, protocols and recognized usages  for the useful dissemination of information.

 They hurt because they can hurt... the hurt helping no one, not even the offenders  themselves. They don't want to be part of a constructive dialog; rather, they aim to  destroy the environment in which such dialog can occur and the benefits that result  from sharing and cooperation.

 Huffington has announced that starting this month, readers of the Huffington Post  will no longer be able to post comments anonymously. They can still use their  handles, but they must register their real identities with Facebook before they can  comment. By thus forcing commenters to identify themselves, even if only behind  the scenes, Huffington hopes at least some of the most offensive comments will  be eradicated along with the bullying that has proliferated online; bullying which  would never be tolerated anywhere else, in any civic forum, where people might well  differ, but not to the extent of demonizing them, their unacceptable comments  worsened by shocking language and unadulterated anti-social thoughts, views and  actions.

 Is this the only constructive action that could be implemented now to advance the  solution to this worsening problem? Certainly not, nor does even Huffington say  so. But we must start somewhere, and for this we must thank Huffington, who has  always been a frank and informed voice on the benefits and drawbacks of the 'net,  and what must be done to effect improvements instead of giving way to despair and  a pervasive sense of "What can I do?" What indeed...

 How about an international conference on wiping out the trolls and eradicating  their baleful ways? There are plenty of online billionaires who could lend their  names and a few bucks to kick things off. Let's hear what the best and the  brightest have to say. It could only be instructive. Then let's mount a determined  Web wide cleansing operation. After all, as Edmund Burke said in 1770, "All that is  necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing". Let us be those good  men and women, each and every one of us.

 The issue of "free speech".

 The trolls, of course, will not go gentle into their good night. They will howl with  outrage and leave a trail of sulphur and the rawest and most malodorous  sewage.  That, after all, is their way and that will only change as we pick up the rocks under  which they exist and force them into the most radiant sunshine.

 As they are identified, they will scream bloody murder that they are being victimized,  that their intentions have been misreported and misunderstood and, above all else  that their right to free speech has been thwarted, trampled, twisted. For this moment,  we need one of the greatest of American jurists, a man of Harvard, of Cambridge,  and, above all, of common sense. We need Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., Associate  Justice of the Supreme Court, 1902-1932, his proud sobriquet, "The Great Dissenter".

 In March, 1919 in the case of Schenck v. United States Justice Holmes spoke to the  issue of what constituted "free speech" and what restrictions, if any, might be allowable.  His common sense opinion entered the language: "The most stringent protection of  free speech would not protect a man falsely shouting fire in a theatre and causing a  panic." Moreover, "The character of every act depends upon the circumstances in which  it is done." By this standard anonymous defamatory messages where the subject can  get away with any amount of distress, yet be held responsible for not a single word,  cannot be called "free speech" but rather unaccountable license, proof unnecessary,  nothing attributed, whatever the subject and degree of rancor and accusation. "Free  speech" is not the question; responsible speech is.

 Thus consider this. Change the word "trolls" in this article to "Nazis", and you will  clearly see what must be done, what you must do. You would be outraged if Nazis  did what the trolls do. You would demand thorough immediate action.

 Thus, we must protect the maximum amount of responsible speech and destroy all  vestiges of hate speech and of those who use the 'net to deliver their anti-social views  and opinions; views and opinions safe-guarded by our sloth and the feeling that there  is nothing that can be done to improve matters. But there is and the ancient Greek story  of Pandora's box shows us the way.

 In classical Greek mythology, Pandora was the first woman on Earth. Zeus ordered  Hephaestus, the god of craftsmanship, to create her. In due course, Zeus presented  Pandora to Epimetheus. She came with a beautiful container and instructions not  to open it for any reason. But of course she did, thereby freeing every evil, allowing  each to proliferate.

 This box, filled with malignities, is the Internet, where we may all find every evil any  time we go online. However, there is one last thing in the box, the thing that makes all  the difference. There is hope... hope that we may yet cleanse the menace and restore  its utility and integrity. That is what Arianna Huffington has done... and what each  of us must do. That is the power of hope, a power that can change the world if  we will but do what is so clear and necessary.

About the Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is the author of over a dozen print publications, several ebooks and over one thousand online articles. Republished with author's permission by Glen Brink:

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LABEL LIE: Why your beef may NOT be grass-fed at all

LABEL LIE: Why your beef may NOT be grass-fed at all

Creator and Author of the reality concerning Fat Burning Foods

You probably already apprehend that grass-fed beef has nothing to try and do with its feedlot-raised, grain-fed cousin-german that’s oversubscribed in supermarkets on the biological process facet.

In fact, grass-fed beef contains a pair of to four times a lot of omega-3(essential fatty acids), four times a lot of A and E, a lotmore conjugated linoleic acid/CLA (a natural fat burner), andless fat and calories per pound than regular grain-fed beefyou patronize the grocery store.

Grass-fed animals ar significantly healthier than grain-fed ones, which implies that farmers don’t got to use a part of the fifteen million pounds of antibiotics used on grain-fed oxen simply to stop them from obtaining sick.

Obviously, shopping for quality meat becomes a good plan to enhance your own health and support native farms that care concerning animals.

So what label claim does one explore for at your native Whole Foods to seek out grass-fed beef?

Turns out it’s extremely not that clear.

In the last number of years, the labeling rules have modified quite heap within the beef trade. however after all, only a few customers apprehend that.

Nowadays, makers ar ready to sell grass-fed beef that has been “grain-finished” as 100 percent grass-fed beef.

The problem is: some farmers can feed their oxen grass for many of their lifetime, however “finish”them with grains within the last months before causing them to the shambles.

Because the last ninety to a hundred and sixty days of diet confirm what quantity nutrition your huge,juicy cut can contain, this method removes any advantages the initial grass diet mighthave had.

The bottom line: your beef has to be each grass-fed and grass-finished to contain all the nutrition it’s alleged to.

But as a result of those claims ar still not regulated by the Agriculture, your best insurance is to develop a relationship with a farmer that raises beef the proper manner.

This will offer you confidence that you’re shopping for the proper kind.

In the meantime, if you'd like to learn more SHOCKING truths about “healthy” foods in your pantry, my buddy Nick Pineault gives you some awesome tips here:

Learn the Truth About Fat Burning Foods ( Click Here )

Know Exactly Who You’re Dating

Know Exactly Who You’re Dating

Do you know who you’re dating? Sure, you may know their name, hobbies, and likes/dislikes; but do you know their actual background? Though you’d hate to think so, the person that you are considering dating or presently dating could have a criminal background-and the more you know about them, prior to falling head over heels for them or even spending time with them-the better.

Perhaps, the person you’re interested in, winking at, or presently dating seems like a quality individual: good job, loving family, and a number of wholesome hobby and interests. This said, an identity is something that can easily be created-and created to hide negative history, sometimes for your own particular perspective. Even if this person does turn out to be safe and on the up and up, why not make sure-before offering them your love and life? This person should be checked for a negative background.

Perhaps, on the other hand, the object of your friendship and/or affections seems a little shady-not offering a lot of information of past relationships, career goals, or letting you see their home, family, or where they work. What more warning signs do you want? They could be cheating on their spouse, have committed some sort of criminal activity, or have some other devious behavior in their past. This person should be checked for a negative background.

The point in the matter, is that the man or woman that you are dating that fits into character profile one and the individual that fits into character profile two; are really no different-except one knows how to hide their past better than the other-and some of them, some, have information to hide.

Ok. So, how do you go about finding this information? Simple. With a background check that offers up to date and comprehensive information on the individual of your choice. And it’s much easier than you may think. It used to be that background checks took days-to sort and reference through various resources for background information. Today, it is instantaneous, and all you need is a full name. Moreover, it’s confidential-so the person that you are dating will never know that you checked up on them.

You may well be wondering, what kinds of specific information you can find in a background check for your dates. Our service at backgroundcheck360 offers you the ability to locate all the comprehensive background information you may ever want or need on an individual in one easy search. More specifically, the complete report at backgroundcheck360 offers detailed accounts of:
Personal records
Criminal history
Court records
Property records
Any and all of these types of history information is vital to anyone beginning to date or thinking about dating another individual; and wants to see the relationship evolve-without calamity. Having access to this kind of background search allows you the ability to inform yourself on who you are letting into your life. You have no excuse: the only result is to either reassure or safeguard yourself. Plug in their name today, for quick and accurate background information.

Free Employee Background Check Services ( Click Here )

Infertility treatments

Infertility treatments

Infertility could be a world public health concern and affects roughly 100 percent - V-J Day of couples worldwide. This condition could stem from various anomalies within the body, starting from infections and cysts within the ovaries and generative tract, to the disproportionate secretion of hormones by the glands. sterility treatments square measure several, and square measure of varied sorts. the simplest thanks to tackle it's to spot the precise reason behind this condition and so alleviate it.

Available sterility treatments include:

. Treating APA's. APA's cause blood clots and forestall implantation. an occasional dose aspirin therapy works wonders once treating APA's within the blood. For hand tool cases, anticoagulants square measure wont to skinny out the blood and improve blood circulation within the womb.

. Removing natural killer cells. Natural killer cells gift in excess begin to attack the embryo. associate endovenous treatment of human gamma globulin, intralipid infusions and steroids square measure typically utilized in this case.


 Treating Antinuclear Antibodies (AA's). Abundance of antinuclear antibodies within the body is treated with steroids, intake of herbs that increase circulation, intake of antioxidants, Zn supplements, base-forming generating food and reducing the amount of stress. reconciliation the responses of the system is that the key to treating AA's.

. Treating antisperm antibodies. To suppress the reactions within the body caused by antisperm antibodies interacting with the spermatozoon, low doses of steroids square measure typically created use of.

. Treating age connected sterility. Since age could be a potential threat to feminine fertility, sterility treatments involving care of the kidneys and therefore the spleen can facilitate a girl keep the age connected issues of gestation trapped.

. Treating infections that hinder gestation. Antibiotic treatments to exterminate the harmful bacterium from the body square measure counseled by most doctors United Nations agency conduct IVF's. nutrient food and immune enhancing supplements square measure wont to forestall harmful bacterium from growing within the body. once detected in one partner, antibiotic treatments for harmful bacterium should be administered in each partners since they're doubtless to possess infected one another throughout intercourse.

. Treating the high gonadotropin levels within the body. Normally, to treat the elevated levels of gonadotropin within the body, natural remedies square measure urged. These natural remedies embody the intake of B-complex vitamin, Zn and atomic number 12 supplements, exercising, staying far from alcohol, and lowering the amount of stress. The intake of rebalancing hormones like Chasteberry, etc. is additionally useful. vitality moving herbs are quite useful in these cases.

. Treating leutal section defects. just in case of managing leutal section defects, fertility medicine like fertility drug, etc. square measure prescribed for reinforcing the amount of progestogen, that change gestation. However, medicines like these square measure certain to have aspect effects, and to avoid these aforementioned aspect effects, it's forever helpful to elect natural strategies of treatment. ancient Chinese drugs offers smart facilitate in these cases.

. Treating anatomical structure blockages. laparotomy is performed to get rid of little areas of blockage, but if that fails, In Vitro Fertilization is associate choice.

. Treating spermatozoon issues. Fertility medicine square measure accessible that enhance spermatozoon production, and improve motility. Since spermatozoon motility is one in all the most important factors moving gestation, treatments in males square measure incomplete while not trying into this.

Infertility treatments square measure potential with the total new vary of medicines that's accessible to the general public recently, however it should even be unbroken in mind that these treatments will be painful, typically return while not harmful aspect effects and therefore the results square measure off from secured. On the opposite hand, following the holistic approach with a healthy diet, regular exercise, abstinence from alcohol, vasoconstrictive and different medicine, stress management, stylostixis etc. will virtually guarantee positive and quick results.

Natural ways To Get Pregnant ( Clic Here For More Information )


Sunday, September 8, 2013

What Causes Tinnitus

What Causes Tinnitus?

First the good news - we know what causes tinnitus. And now the bad news - conventional medical science cannot cure it. Not permanently at least. Sure enough, your doctor would suggest a few remedies, and it may seem to you that the noises you hear are going down. As a result, you begin to relax believing that a pesky problem has been resolved. But suddenly the sounds return again. This is a very common problem actually.

So let us turn to the causes instead, and see whether we can try to solve the issue from this end.

Tinnitus Cure Secrets ( Click Here For More Information )

Here Are Some of the Most Common Causes of Tinnitus

Exposure to noise - Did your mom always tell you in your younger days to turn down the volume? She was right. Exposure to loud noise can give you tinnitus. In fact, rock musicians, and those who work with them, or in night clubs often have it. Those who work in construction sites also have tinnitus. So turn down that volume while you still can.

You could begin to hear all kinds of noises if you have been exposed to just a single high-pitched noise. Or it could be due to a continuous attack of loud noises close to your ear.

This is what happens.

Prolonged exposure to noise can damage the Cochlea and cause tinnitus. So if you cannot simply stay away from all that noise, at least get some protection. Use an ear plug when you can.

Head injury - Take care of your head because a severe blow or a slight bang could make you hear the tinnitus noises. The head is of course one of the most sensitive parts of the human body. But some people cannot live without an injury, such as those who are into sports - boxers and football players. That's why athletes are more prone to a tinnitus attack. Even a dental surgery could make you hear them.

Ear infections and other ear problems - An ear infection, and even sinus can lead to tinnitus as well. When there is an allergy or a sinus infection, the mucous thickens within the inner ear, and this causes more pressure. The extra pressure can lead to tinnitus. Meniere's disease, where the fluid level goes up inside the middle ear is another reason. It could even cause hearing loss.

Prescription medications - Conventional drugs often cause side effects, and tinnitus is one of them. Actually, all kinds of drugs have been blamed for instigating this condition. Such as antibiotics like Aminoglycosides, Erythromycin and Vancomycin, Aspirin or medicines containing it. Anti inflammatory drugs like Advil, Aleve, Anaprox, Clinoril, Feldene, Indocin, Lodine and Motrin have also been blamed. Sometimes people heard noises after taking chemotherapy agents such as Cisplatin, Nitrogen Mustard and Vincristine. And some others have even blamed quinine and loop diuretics for this.

Stress - You must already know that excessive stress is not good for your health. It could result in all kinds of medical problems, and some of them can also be fatal. Stress can cause tinnitus too. A lot of it is damaging for your immunity, and this can lead to a misfire in the sound/brain waves. This adversely affects your nervous system, and makes you hear the noises.

Depression - Some people believe that depression causes tinnitus. And there are those who say that tinnitus causes depression. But most of them agree that there is a relation between these two. And anyway, if your tinnitus is bothering you endlessly, it can make you depressed. Naturally this will further complicate matters.

Take on these causes to achieve a permanent relief from tinnitus. Just tackling the symptoms will never work. After all, if the causes remain, the symptoms are bound to return.

The only way you could ever get rid of your tinnitus for good is by following the holistic approach to healing. By using a multidimensional treatment for tinnitus, we are tackling all tinnitus causative factors and eliminating these triggering elements from the root. This is the only path for permanent freedom from tinnitus.

Tinnitus Treatment Naturally ( Click Here For More Information )


Acne Diet Link Exposed: Is There an Acne Cure Diet that Works

Acne Diet Link Exposed: Is There an Acne Cure Diet that Works?

Acne Diet and The Money Factor: You Can't Sell a Healthy Diet

Ask any medical doctor if there is a connection between diet and acne and almost all of them will claim there is none. Quoting from the Journal of the American Medical Association: "Diet plays no role in acne treatment in most patients…even large amounts of certain foods have not clinically exacerbated acne".

With years of medical education and clinical experience behind these claims, how can we the simple folks who suffer from acne challenge these statements and think otherwise? The answer is: doubt. Doubt, if its stays in the borders of reason, can open many doors otherwise will stay forever shut. Believe it or not, doubt can change reality. Doubt can cure your acne and doubt can even save your life.

Fact is, countless of acne sufferers have reported that their acne seemed to get worse when they consumed certain foods and saw dramatic positive change over their acne condition when they eliminated the same foods from their diet and when certain foods with specific nutritional value were incorporated into their diet.

So why do dermatologists so stubbornly insist that diet does not cause acne? The answer: you can't make a profit promoting a healthy diet. At least not as much money as you could make by selling drugs and over the counters. There is a huge pressure upon doctors coming from the drug and pharmaceutical companies to prescribe expensive medications and lotions that create dependency. The truth is, that your doctor is in a way, a hostage by the trillion dollar drug companies. Did you know that the drug companies, who have no interest in producing something that they cannot control financially, sponsor most medical schools?

The right diet, although not a solution by itself, can, in many cases, dramatically reduce inflammation and even completely clear one's acne (if you're one of the lucky ones who's acne is triggered by allergic response to food). Promoting a clear skin diet simply means less profits for the drug and pharmaceutical companies.

The truth is that conventional medications will never cure your acne, simply because they are pre-designed NOT to fix the internal cause of acne. They are pre-designed to deal with the external symptoms of a disease as they create more and more dependency and more dependency means making more money all at our expense and ignorance.

The Theory That Diet Doesn’t Cause Acne Is A Myth

The dogmatic theory that diet does not cause acne and that acne is merely an incurable genetic disorder was based upon two dated researches published in 1969 and 1971 that were aimed at studying the connection between diet and acne.

These studies were the foundation of the ‘acne symptoms treatment strategy’, meaning, because acne is a genetic disease that cannot be prevented, the only way to deal with acne would be to tackle its symptoms (bacteria, inflammation, puss, redness, greasiness), by applying creams, antibiotics, taking prescription drugs and over the counters.

Surprisingly enough, years after the above studies were published, clinical trials and in depth researches experimenting the acne diet link have found that the studies from 1969 and 1971 had came to the wrong conclusions and were in fact seriously flawed.

Recent studies have clearly found a significant connection between diet and acne. It appears that the wrong diet is now thought to be one of the leading acne contributing factors that can negatively affect hormonal regulation and the natural process of toxic elimination, which can seriously aggravate one’s existing acne.

How To Cure Acne Naturally And Fast ( Click Here )

Diet Shapes Who You Are (Including Your Acne)

In the same way that crashing waves shape beach cliffs and just like the wind shapes the canyon walls, slowly and methodically over time, so does eating shapes and effects our physic, our internal system, our physical and mental being, from the organ down to the cellular level.

The idea that an object foreign to our body that is inserted by the food that we eat, has no effect on us, or has no impact on chronic conditions such as acne is absurd. Diet is the primary thing that affects and shapes who we are.

Diet has cumulative effect on our bodies, and that includes our skin condition and acne, which is a manifestation of a chronic internal problem slowly shaped and built by the wrong daily dietary choices over the years.

Acne Diet and The Kitavan Islanders

While in the U.S, more than 80% of teenagers between 16 and 18 have acne and more than 17 million Americans suffer from some form of acne, there is an interesting evidence that native people that live and eat in traditional ways, have significantly lower to no occurrences of acne.

In 2002, Dr. Cordain and his colleagues published a landmark study that examined 300 people living in the Kitavan Islands off the coast of Papua New Guinea that showed that none of the islanders had even one blemish on his or her face. Similar to the Kitavans, no case of acne had been observed when the same experiment had been conducted upon the South American Indians called the Ache, living in a remote jungle in eastern Paraguay.

The natives of Kitavan and the South American Indians had no access to the latest over the counters, topical creams or conventional acne medications and they had no dermatologist to consult with. The only vast difference between them and American or European citizens is their diet.

Acne Diet and Sugar: The Sweet Poison

Aside from the fact that sugar is a 100% pure chemical with zero nutritional value, recent studies have clearly shown a connection between the consumption of sugar and the aggravation of acne.

When you consume any form of refined carbohydrates (white sugar, white flour, white rice) here's what happens: right after you insert that 'sweet poison' into your body, it rapidly spikes up your blood sugar levels. Your body needs to bring those levels down so it secrets a surge of insulin, other male hormones and an insulin-like growth factor called IGF-1. The excretion of these hormones overwhelms your liver and your internal system in general. The excess of male hormones encourages the skin to excrete large amounts of sebum oil: The greasy substance that encourages the p.acne bacteria to grow, resulting in the aggravation of your acne.

Acne Diet and Dairy Products: Got Milk? Got Acne

If you thought sugar can aggravate your acne, here's another major nutritional player in the formation of acne: behold the miracles of milk. Milk (all dairy products included) is the most harmful, mucus forming, allergenic and acne aggravating food you can find. Surprised? I thought so. After years of constant brainwashing by the media, who can blame us for thinking milk is good for strong bones and healthy teeth? The truth is: every sip of milk contains 59 different raging hormones, (which trigger the hyper-production of sebum oil resulting in more acne), saturated animal fat, steroid hormones, dead white blood cells, and cow pus in abundance!

Did you know that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) allows 750 million pus cells in every liter of milk (about two pounds) produced in America? Think about it, the next time you pop a pimple.

Scientific studies already point the finger at milk as one of the worst acne aggravating foods: "As pointed out by Dr. Jerome Fisher, 'About 80 percent of cows that are giving milk are pregnant and are throwing off hormones continuously.' Progesterone breaks down into androgens, which have been implicated as a factor in the development of acne...Dr. Fisher observed that his teenage acne patients improved as soon as the milk drinking stopped."

If there's one element you should remove from your diet in the quest for clear skin make it this one. Not only will you see an immediate improvement over your acne, you'll feel a huge weight has been lifted from your body. If you worry about calcium intake, don’t! Milk being acidic forming food creates a leeching effect where calcium is taken from your bones to balance the acidity. Milk actually deprives your body from its calcium resources. Green leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds are not only excellent sources of calcium they also have the powers to help you fight your acne symptoms.

Diet Is Only One of The Factors That Cause Acne

Dairy products and sugar are not the only acne aggravating foods. The two above cannot sum up the list of western made acne triggering foods. There are several other foods you should clearly stay away from if you ever wish to clear your acne. The good new is that there are tons of other foods such as essential fatty acids that are not only excellent for your skin, they can actually help you clear your acne, by re-balancing your body and promoting to an acne-free environment.

The right nutrition plays an important part in the complex process of acne formation. When doctors claim there is no link between diet and acne because certain individuals can eat specific foods and get acne while others eat the same foods and don't, these doctors have failed to realize that there are several factors involved in the formation and aggravation of acne and diet is only ONE of them.

The Final Verdict On The Acne Diet Connection: How To Finally Overcome Your Acne Challenge

Acne is a complex condition that is triggered by several underlying factors. The only way to neutralize your acne condition is to tackle all these acne-contributing factors-holistically. Since the wrong diet is only one of these acne-triggering factors, in most cases no special diet can cure acne.

There is a however, a tight connection between diet and acne formation. Dietary factors can trigger and aggravate your existing acne. Avoiding the wrong foods such as milk, sugar and hydrogenated oils, and eating cleansing and hormonal balancing foods such as green leafy vegetables and essential fatty acids, can help your skin heal itself from the inside out and dramatically reduce your acne symptoms.

There are also several important dietary principals that you must understand and follow if you ever want to cure your acne for good.

Taking responsibility over your body and adhering to these dietary principals along with taking the necessary steps to tackle all acne contributing factors, holistically, will not only cure your acne permanently and give you the flawless acne free skin you deserve, following these principals will also significantly improve your overall health, mental well-being, look and feel.

Natural Cure For Acne ( Click Here )


What Causes the Mental Strain In Your Life

What Causes the Mental Strain In Your Life?

Mental strain is the main cause of eyesight problems and ailments. If strain can be eliminated from the eyes, eye sight will improve naturally. Teaching the eyes to relax is an important factor in getting rid of vision problems. Unfortunately, outside stressors and strain cannot always be controlled. The only thing we can control is our reaction to outside sources, but those outside factors can really do a number on our eyes.

There are a number of things each day that can cause us stress. Some are within our power to chance, but most are not. Financial problems, heartache, family problems, death, illness, or weather are some of the stressful factors we face in our lives. We may be able to chance a financial situation, heartache, or a family issue, but it’s hard to control the weather or a death.

One thing you always have control of is thought patterns. If negative thoughts are keeping your down, you are the only one who can change that pattern of thought. Dealing with your negative thoughts can actually solve many of the problems we once though were out of our control. Thinking more positive will cause less strain in the family and eliminate those problems. Positive outlook on life can make you feel better and leave you less susceptible to disease and illness.

It is human nature to look for outside sources and reasons for our own negative behavior. We tend to blame other people or the weather or the traffic for our negative thoughts. Although, these outside sources can initially make us angry or frustrated, we are the ones who decide to stay in the negative mind set. Negativity causes stress and strain in our lives and causes excess strain on the eyes.

Take charge of your thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Take time to figure out why you are feeling so negative. What is it that is it keeping you upset or frustrated? What steps can you take to fix those problems and emotions? Once you figure out what is causing the emotions, fix it. Don’t wait for others to come and fix it for you, you will be waiting a long time.

Strain and stress is the main cause of eye ailments. Concentrate on positive thinking to increase health and reduce eye strain.

The Bates Method For Better Eyesight Without Glasses ( Click Here For More Information )

Candida Yeast Infection And The Metal Toxicity Connection

Candida Yeast Infection And The Metal Toxicity Connection

The intense existence of harmful chemicals and toxic metals in our environment, in the medicines that we take, in the food that we eat and even in our dental fillings, creates a huge challenge for our body to effectively rid itself from these toxins resulting in a vicious cycle that manifests itself in a variety of symptoms and health problems, among them is candida albicans overgrowth that causes the symptoms of yeast infection to appear.

Chemical and toxic metal build up inside the body can also lead to hormonal imbalance, genetic alterations, immune system failure, poor elimination, slower healing process, skin problems, allergies and nerve and brain damage.

The presence of heavy metals in the body (led, silver, mercury) coming from food, the air that we breath, medicines and dental fillings (contain 50% amalgam), create an acidic and anaerobic (lacks oxygen) environment I that encourages candida yeast overgrowth.

When there is toxic metal overload in the intestine, the intestinal lining produces extra mucus to block metals from being absorbed into the blood stream. The problem is that this mucus creates an environment, which lacks oxygen, thus encourages bacteria and fungi like organisms such as candida yeast to grow out of control.

Moreover, candida binds to heavy metals (even in your amalgam fillings) and overgrows as the body performs a desperate attempt to protect itself against heavy metal poisoning.

A deep metal detoxification combined with the gradual removal of amalgam dental filling and replacing them with safer white fillings is one of the most important and fundamentals steps in battling candida yeast infection and restoring the body back into balance.

How To Cure Yeast Infection ( Treatment Here )

Friday, September 6, 2013

The TRUTH about Potatoes, Glycemic Index, and White Foods - Friend or Foe for Fat Loss

The TRUTH about Potatoes, Glycemic Index, and "White Foods" - Friend or Foe for Fat Loss?

I'd like to start a little discussion today about carbohydrates... and in particular, "white foods" as well as potatoes. One reason I wanted to mention this is because so many health and fitness professionals trash talk potatoes about being a bad carbohydrate choice because of the high glycemic index. Some even say such ridiculous things as "avoid any and all white carbohydrates".

Ok, now while I certainly agree that white bread and refined white sugar are two of the worst things we can be feeding our bodies, I definately don't agree with avoiding any and all "white carbohydrates". Now I know all of the buzz lately has been about colorful foods and the protective antioxidants that they contain. They tell you to focus on colors and stay away from white.

"White Foods" aren't necessarily always the enemy

It's true that colorful foods are great, but it is a big mistake to specifically avoid white foods! There are plenty of white foods that have specific nutrients that are hard to find elsewhere. Let's look at a few examples...

Onions & Garlic

What about onions and garlic? They are both white and they are chock full of protective phytonutrients, vitamins, and trace minerals that aren't easy to find elsewhere in a normal diet... such nutrients as allicin, quercetin (an important flavonoid), chromium, and other unique anti-inflammatory nutrients.

In fact, onions are so powerful for our health, that one study of centenarians (people that live to over 100 years old) identified that a common thread of these amazingly healthy individuals was that they ate a lot of onions throughout their lives. And we also know that garlic is one of the most powerful substances for a strong immune system, among other qualities.


Another example of something white that is great for you is cauliflower. Cauliflower is loaded with vitamin C, fiber, minerals, and special compounds such as glucosinolates and thiocyanates, which are specifically abundant in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage. And a little-known fact is that some of the compounds in cruciferous vegetables help to combat other estrogenic compounds in our food supply and environment and can help prevent excess belly fat. So eat up on that cauliflower!


How To lose belly fat and get six pack abs ( Clic Here For More Information )

Not many people realize this, but surprisingly, even white mushrooms have high levels of unique nutrients and antioxidants. White mushrooms are high in a couple types of antioxidants called polyphenols and ergothioneine. And some types of mushrooms, such as portobella mushrooms, are surprisingly good sources of Vitamin D.


Now that also leads us to another example - white potatoes (which by the way, can also be found in red, yellow, purple varieties, etc). Many health professionals claim that potatoes are a bad carbohydrate because they are thought to have a high glycemic index. First of all, if you've read my Truth about Six Pack Abs ebook, then you understand that glycemic index is not necessarily the most important factor in choosing your carbohydrates.

While a generalization can be made that most low glycemic index carbohydrate choices will help you lose body fat easier than high glycemic index choices, it is not all that it's cracked up to be. There are many other factors that determine how your body will react-to and process the carbohydrates you ingest, such as glycemic load and also how you combine the high GI food with other foods.

For example, using glycemic load as an example... it is known that watermelon has a high glycemic index. However, the glycemic load of a normal serving of watermelon is just way too low for your body to start packing on body fat just because you ate a high glycemic index fruit. You would have to eat such an enormous quantity of watermelon just to get enough grams of carbohydrates to have any negative glycemic effect, that it is just non-sensical.

Not to mention that watermelon is also a great source of vitamins, minerals, and lycopene. There's just no reason to avoid it simply because it has a high GI. My point is... candy bars, cupcakes, and donuts make you fat... NOT watermelons, carrots or potatoes... French fries excluded of course.

Also, as i mentioned, food combinations are important in how your body processes the carbohydrates and the associated blood sugar and insulin response you receive. For example, if you mix a high glycemic index carbohydrate with an extra source of fiber, healthy fats, or even certain proteins, many times the blood sugar and glycemic response will be slowed down considerably by the way you combined the food. Again, I talk in detail about this entire topic in my Truth about Six Pack Abs book

Alright, so back to my point that white potatoes are actually a healthy carbohydrate as long as you eat them in the right form... with the entire skin, and please don't ruin them by deep frying them into french fries either! French fries are one of the most evil things ever invented for your health, but only because we ruin them by soaking them in a scorching bath of trans fats in the deep fryer from the hydrogenated oils that are typically used.

Keep in mind that potatoes contain so many vitamins and minerals that the list is way too long to even try. Also, as long as you eat the skins, you get a decent shot of fiber too.

Will 7-9 potatoes per day make you fatter?

On the topic of potatoes not being so bad after all, I don't remember where I saw this referenced, but I recently saw a particular study that had participants eat something like 7-9 whole potatoes per day for several weeks.

At the conclusion of the study, the potato eaters had actually consistently lost weight! I'd venture a guess that the reason the people lost weight is that they were probably so full from eating all of those damn potatoes, that they actually consumed less calories than normal! An average sized potato only has about 100-120 calories, and I can surely imagine you'd be full constantly from eating 7-9 potatoes each day.

Of course, this does NOT mean that french fries are ok to eat! Those will only make you fat, and the trans fat will lead to an early death. Seriously... fries are one of the most deadly foods in our food supply. Plus, deep fried potatoes build up dangerous acrylamides from the frying oil reacting with the starch, and these compounds are carcinogenic.

Anyway, back to the 7-9 whole potatoes per day... Now I would never recommend going to those extremes, but my point is that an occasional potato is not going to hurt your efforts to get lean, especially if you combine it with some other fibrous vegetables and maybe a healthy fat and some protein. On that note, I have one of my favorite recipes for you, using potatoes.

Geary's Lean-Body Potato Side Dish

Desired quantity of baby potatoes (I like to use this mixture I found recently at a health food store... it is a mixture of white, red, yellow, and purple baby potatoes)
1 red pepper
1 green pepper
1 yellow pepper
1 or 2 onions
a couple cloves of garlic, finely chopped (or mashed garlic from a jar, organic preferably)
1 or 2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil and/or virgin coconut oil
a little salt and pepper to taste (I like using a sea salt instead of normal commercial salt)

Cut the baby potatoes into slightly smaller pieces and place in a steamer until soft all the way through. Slice up the peppers and onions into strips and add with the chopped garlic into a pan with the olive oil. Cook the peppers, onions, and garlic until tender, and then add the steamed baby potatoes. Stir it all together and serve. This is a delicious and healthy side dish that goes great with chicken or red meat.

I hope you've enjoyed this little topic today about potatoes, healthy carbohydrates, glycemic index, and my killer healthy potato recipe idea!

See What 5 foods to kill belly fat ( Clic Here For More Information )

Get the Body of Your Dreams with Fat Loss Factor Principles

Get the Body of Your Dreams with Fat Loss Factor Principles

Fat Loss Factor contains guidelines for a quick healthy lifestyle plan that can help anyone in any physical condition to lose unwanted belly fat. From the first principle of preparing for success to the last one, FLF implements a lifestyle of fitness, eating right for your body, and the mental attitude that it takes to reach your goal weight. The book is chock full of practical, down to earth advice.

Fat Loss Factor starts by measuring your basic statistics including weight, and body fat percentage. You are also asked to get photographs of yourself at the start so you can monitor your progress through the program. You’re advised to check your clothing at the beginning too, because you’ll likely find it to fit more loosely as you apply the principles of the program. Waist measurements are important too: women should ideally be around thirty two inches while a thirty five inch waist is ideal for men.

The program doesn’t take a miracle approach to get what it promises: a lean, healthy body that you can be proud of. These goals are reached through the consistent practice of proven principles of fitness and health. For example, the book stipulates early on that a change in eating habits is essential to your physical goals. Eating healthy foods that promote fat loss, metabolism, and energy is equally important to following the exercise regimen prescribed in the book.

Once your body is cleansed and fueled by natural foods, you are introduced into some basic fat loss principles for exercise. According to the book, building muscle is essential to burning fat. That’s right, you won’t need any diet pills or other trendy supplements to get the body you want. The book explains how muscle tissue burns more calories than fat tissue, giving you the ability to burn fat even when you’re not working out. By working in sets and supersets, Fat Loss Factor guides you through basic exercises that will build the muscle you need without bulking up.

By the time you reach the fourth principle of fat loss, you will find out that traditional cardiovascular routines are not what you want to do for your exercise. Citing scientific research from around the world, Fat Loss Factor urges exercising in bursts or what is called burst training. By alternating between high intensity and low intensity intervals, your body burns more fat and your workout is much shorter!

Readers will find Fat Loss Factor an entertaining and informative read that will motivate them to avoid weight loss and fitness gadgets and gimmicks and steer them toward practical fat loss methods that work.

Fat Loss Factor Best System To Lose Fast ( Start Now ) Review 2 Review 2

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What do you do if you decide to build a new shed for your backyard?

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TedsWoodworking 16,000 Woodworking Plans Review 2

TedsWoodworking 16,000 Woodworking Plans Review 2

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Here is a review of TedsWoodworking which offers 16,000 plans.

What is Ted's Woodworking?

With Ted's Woodworking there are literally thousands of organized woodworking projects in a members area and all you have to do is get them off your computer any time you want. There are thousands of plans so decide which one you are going to tackle next. The choice is yours to make so just click on the proper button for the specific project and then they are right there for you to pick one. The diagrams and instructions will be right there in the computer for you to access at any time or if you prefer you can print them out.

Woodworking Projects - Easy to follow

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The inexperienced woodworker and the very experienced person will be able to do these projects without any difficulty as Ted's Woodworking plans are designed so that anyone will be able to follow the directions and have no problems understanding them.

Each and every one of the thousands woodworking plans and projects which are available in Ted's Woodworking are so well written so that even if you've never tried Woodworking before, or if you have 2 left hands, you would find woodworking a breeze.

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Take action now because the offer for this is ENDING very soon. Ted will be selling all the plans and bonus independently in the future for $47-$97 EACH in the weeks and months ahead. Lock yourself in for a deep discount now!

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The Real Cause of Infertility

The Real Cause of Infertility

Infertility can be defined in two ways: as inability to conceive after a year of regular sexual intercourse without contraception, or as repeated ectopic pregnancies, miscarriages or perinatal loss. Male and female specific factors account for about 30% of the infertility causes (individually);the combination of male and female causation leads to an additional 20% and the remaining 20% are caused by uncertain origins.

When one is dealing with infertility, as much as it is important to strictly follow the rules of the treatment, it is equally important to make sure that you have the correct diagnosis of the root cause of your condition. In this article you will find a broad outline, enumerating the various probable causes of infertility.

Why it is important to determine the causes.

Infertility may be caused due to a multitude of factors at a time, or it may be the result of perhaps the deviation of a certain single factor from its premeditated path. Since misdiagnosis can often lead to further fertility complications, the very first step of treating and curing infertility depends largely on indentifying the root cause right in the beginning of treatment.

The broad causes of infertility in females may be listed as follows:

. Anovulation: In females, ovulatory problems are the most common causes of infertility. The failure to ovulate may be due to a number of factors:

o Hormonal imbalance is the most frequent cause of anovulation; when the ovaries produce immature eggs, pregnancy becomes impossible.

o Women with polycystic ovaries suffer from a decreased secretion of FSH and increased secretion of LH and testosterone; therefore polycystic ovarian syndrome may lead to anovulation in women.

o Approximately 20% of the cases of infertility occur due to the malfunctioning of the hypothalamus, the gland which controls hormonal stimuli, resulting in immature eggs. The pituitary gland is responsible for the regulation of LH and FSH, and its malfunctioning produces immature eggs.

o Damage to the ovaries caused by previous surgeries, ovarian cysts, tumors and infections may lead to production of immature eggs as well.

o Premature menopause and follicular problems are also responsible for anovulation.

. Improper functioning of fallopian tubes: Viral and bacterial infections of the fallopian tubes are the primary cause of their malfunction.

Appendicitis and colitis are abdominal problems which lead to blockage of the fallopian tubes. Tubal damages may also be caused by previous surgeries, which render the tubes incapable of passing eggs. Ectopic pregnancy, which occurs within the tube, is a potential threat to life that also causes tubal damage. Congenital tubal defects are rare, but not impossible to come across as causes of infertility.

. Use of drugs: Smoking, drinking and using other drugs have been known to decrease the chances of getting pregnant.

. Problems in the Immune system: This problem includes autoimmune reactions in the body and the creation of antisperm antibodies which exterminate sperms. Natural killer cells, which when present in excess, can damage the embryo in the uterus. The antinuclear antibodies cause inflammation of the uterus when present in excess. The presence of antisperm antibodies in the female's body kills off the sperms before they can fertilize the egg.

Although the causes of infertility are many, they are fairly easy to overcome, especially when diagnosed in the early stages. Using a holistic approach, comprising of the prescribed medicines, following a healthy diet, regular exercise, abstinence from alcohol, nicotine and other drugs, stress management, acupuncture etc. guarantees positive results. Due to the complex and multifactoral nature of infertility, the problem can be solved permanently only by dealing with it in the holistic way, which tackles all the root causes of this condition rather than focusing on specific triggering elements.

Natural Ways To Get Pregnant Faster ( Clic Here For More Information )