Why I let SBGA do it all!
By Nancy A. Powell, Organic Resources
We all have many nutritional choices. I once heard that one of the biggest stresses for Americans is the question, ‘What shall I eat today?’
When it comes to micro-nutrition (or supplements)…..not macro-nutrition (or regular foods such as oatmeal)….I choose to get my ‘ health assurance’ from edible micro-algae, which has it all! Naturally, my diet is full of organic fruits and veggies; however, a major part of my anti-aging diet is edible micro-algae in smoothies and bars. “If I were broke, I’d still get the algae!” That’s what I told my friend, when discussing the economy and wellness.
A few years ago, I went through a hard financial time….when I had to do without enough Super Blue Green Algae (SBGA). However, I’ve usually been so flush (thanks to this home-based business) that I could afford to eat my fill of all these algae-based products.
Let me tell you, going without this edible micro-algae is like being in purgatory. My whole outlook became more fearful, mood swings and allergies were back, and I made poor choices in my life. Thankfully, all things come that they might pass, and time heals all dis-eases in body, mind, spirit and affairs.
Eating the algae has always given me endurance, a more positive attitude, kept me healthy to deal with life, and the strength to give up handfulls of vitamin and herbal supplements.
Here’s how I came to the conclusion that Simplexity Health’s SBGA is THE best. Simplexity Health products are vastly different than the majority of vitamins or isolated supplements on the market shelves. No products contain synthetics…a huge difference.
A vitamin is allowed to be called, "natural" as long as it matches, on a molecular level, some nutrient. This means it can be wholly synthesized from non-food ingredients. A great example is vitamin C. In nature, it is always contained in a food that also has a complete complex of C vitamins, as well as rutin or bioflavinoids. In synthesized or isolated form, it is almost completely unusable by the body.
In addition, the perfect balance of vitamins and minerals is judged, in the body, in micro amounts. Adding too much of one will totally displace the ability of another, making the whole less than the separates. Mother Nature is intelligent!
At Simplexity, “whole food supplements" mean that the products contain at least a majority of whole foods, which are dried at low temperatures and minimally processed in order to retain the integrity of the micro-nutrients they contain. Simplexity does have some supplements, which contain pure extracts (such as green tea or blueberry), which are also minimally processed to concentrate them.
We believe that nature has an intelligence, and each whole food contains nutrients, which benefit and work with every other nutrient contained within that food. The whole more than the sum of its parts…especially with these superfoods.
Is it really a Superfood?
So what is a Superfood? There are lots of products out right now that say they are Superfoods. Some say they are Organic Superfoods, but you really have to read the label!
Certainly some of these products have great antioxidants, and for most people eating the Standard American Diet (SAD), it can be an improvement over what they may be eating or snacking on. It is interesting that most of them are some form of concentrated fruit or berry juices AND usually pasteurized….not a ‘live’ food and notice how high in sugar they are. (Most berries are too sour not to use a sweetener.)
Diabetes is skyrocketing in our country right now. Do we really need more sugar? You’ve probably seen products that say they are organic, and yet their ingredients show they have added "vitamins" and in perfect 100% RDA amounts! So with this looseness in labeling…read the labels. If the label does not specify ‘whole food’ or mention additives, the product may still be synthesized in some way. Organic may not be truly organic.
To quote my mentor and holistic nurse, Katharine Clark: Super Blue green algae has more chlorophyll than wheat grass juice, more iron than spinach, more betacarotene than carrots, more ormus than almost anything, more protein than eggs, and the vast array of minerals and trace minerals are totally bio-available to your body.
I like to say when there is a choice, choose green and anti-oxidant rich foods. When you want Organic Energy without excess calories…eat our Superfood. SBGA (Aphanizomenon flos-aquae) has the essential amino-acid ratio that your body is looking for! So your body doesn't have to stress putting it together!
SBGA is rich in minerals and micro-nutrients, with the almost identical EFA profile as breast milk; that's good food! It’s over 95% assimilable…high for a protein-rich food.
To quote Richard France, author of The Energetics of Food: Upper Klamath Lake is nature's last pure ecological niche for the production of an ancient strand of blue-green algae known as Super Blue Green Algae - a forgotten food so potentially powerful that it can dramatically shift the health and consciousness of all those who partake of its life giving properties!
AFA from Simplexity
Not All Blue Green Algae Are Created Equal: Spirulina & Chlorella
Compare the lush and natural setting of Upper Klamath Lake to the concrete, controlled growth ponds that produce Chlorella and Spirulina. The water that is used to grow Chlorella and Spirulina will have far less minerals than the water in Upper Klamath Lake.
This means the algae farmers have to add chemicals to the water. If their water is chlorinated, then there is an excess of chlorine and its byproducts in the algae. If their chemicals contain pollutants, then the algae is polluted. It’s that simple.
In most agricultural situations today, one or all of the following harmful conditions exist:
1) The surrounding air is polluted with toxic substances from industry and automobiles.
2) The mineral content of the soil has been drastically reduced by overproduction. Chemical fertilizers, DDT (even though now banned) and other pesticides, plus other toxic substances have been added to the soil over a period of years and may cause the levels of toxic substances in the crops to reach unacceptable levels. (Any toxins are unacceptable because they can lead to ill health and disease.)
3) The ground water that flows through the roots, contains harmful organic waste from sewage, industry and domestic sources.
This is what is wrong with today’s vegetables. They once contained all the minerals needed for life. They now contain DDT and other pesticides and herbicides (many of which are currently banned.)
A quantitative analysis of Spirulina and wild crafted blue green algae (SBGA) reveals that their vitamin content are similar, but with important differences. The vitamin B complex group is higher in wild-crafted blue green algae. This is especially true of B6 and B12, which are necessary for blood production.
In metabolic studies of the two types of algae, it was observed that in the wild-crafted blue green algae, total protein content is higher than Spirulina. Spirulina also has three times the sodium of wild-crafted blue green algae. In addition, certain combinations in SBGA facilitate bio-availability. For example, the content of vitamin C is lower in Spirulina but higher in wild-crafted blue green algae. The element iron needs the synergistic effect of vitamin C to be properly assimilated in our bodies. Which would you rather eat?
Opto-cyrstallization patterns are formed by putting plant juice extracts on a slide of copper chloride. Of the three types of blue green algae (Spriulina, Chlorella and AFA (Aphanizomenon flos-aquae) tested, only Simplexity Health’s AFA reveals the more
complex pattern, indicating greater vibrational fields, greater free energy and generative forces, a higher consciousness, and a higher stage of evolution.
There are also striking differences in the mineral composition and concentration of SBGA. Perhaps this is because it grows in a unique ecological niche, one with thirty-five feet of rich colloidal mineral sediment, laid down during ancient glacial periods.
Artificially-cultivated algae are not borne of nature’s synergy and strength but produced synthetically. Wild-crafted blue green algae contains a greater mineral content and higher concentration ratio than Spirulina or Chlorella. The assimilation process is also faster in wild-crafted blue green algae, than the other algae, which may be due to its broad spectrum of chelated minerals. Chlorella, though very high in chlorophyll, has a cellulose cell wall which may or may not be mechanically broken down, and many people find it difficult to digest.
Plant-based enzymes the best for digestion!
Of all the enzymes available today, plant-based enzymes are preferred by enzyme nutritionists because of their ability to function optimally at body temperature with all four food groups: protein, fat, carbohydrate, and fiber. In addition, plant-based enzymes function in both acid and alkaline conditions in the stomach (pH ranging from 2 to 12.) Simplexity’s enzymes are plant-based enzymes and/or plant-based enzymes mixed with bromelain and papain.
Enzymes need mineral co-factors to work in the body. Unfortunately, virtually all of the enzymes sold in the marketplace today, are not micro-blended with minerals. (Those that are don’t work as well as because only a few minerals are added.) Those other enzyme products, the ‘borrow’ minerals from your food, and the body’s store of metabolic enzymes will be necessary to complete the digestive process….often taking longer.
Simplexity’s enzymes already have their own co-factors in wild-crafted blue-green algae as a whole food with its 40+ spectrum of minerals, thus contributing to the body’s nutrition and digestion of foods in a superior way.
Not all friendly bacteria are alike!
Not all friendly bacteria strains are alike, and many strains are either ineffective or unstable. For example, one of the most reliable strains of acidophilus is DDS-1, which is known to be a superior strain and extensively researched, offering many nutritional and therapeutic benefits. Simplexity Health uses the DDS-1 strain of acidophilus in their probiotic products.
Dr. Khem Shahani, creator of the Simplexity Spectrabiotic product, was a leading researcher in the field of gastrointestinal bacteria and professor of food science and technology at the University of Nebraska. He explained that what makes Spectrabiotic especially extraordinary is the inclusion of wild-crafted blue green algae. He said: “The excellent nutritional pattern of the algae is advantageous to the beneficial bacteria, and this additional ingredient definitely sets the Spectrabiotic apart from other probiotic products. This company has a unique product which cannot be duplicated by anybody else.”
Not all CoQ10 brands are created equal.
CoQ10 is sold as powder or liquid suspended in an oil base. Research has shown that powder is not absorbed as well by the body as liquid CoQ10 suspended in an oil base. CoQ10 is fat soluble, which means it requires fat to be absorbed. Organic flax seed oil is one of the best sources of essential fatty acids and works well if mixed with CoQ10 for better absorption and utilization by the body. Karl Folkers, the researcher responsible for many of the studies on CoQ10 has recommended that it be dissolved in oil, and studies show an increase of up to 100 percent in absorption when it is taken this way.
Simplexity’s CoQ10 supplement is emulsified in organic, cold-pressed flax seed oil and combined with four organic essential oils: fennel, ginger, cinnamon and rosemary. These oils, in very small amounts, help the digestive system better utilize the CoQ10. The other ingredients include wild-crafted blue green algae, and an amazing array of carotenoids (nutritional pigments), which are known for their antioxidant effects.
What about scientific research?
Why do we hear so much about these `new` supplements with lots of scientific research? These products are widely promoted (lots of advertising dollars behind them) and the scientific jargon seems to assure many people that they can be helpful....and many times they are. Promoters will assure you that these supplements are listed in the PDR (Physicians Desk Reference.)
Well.....fruits and vegetables are NOT listed in the PDR, likewise neither is the SBGA. Whole foods are not glamorous or as profitable as some medications and supplements. As more people see the benefits of simplifying their lives, they look for `The Natural Way.`
Some people’s logic is that, since one cannot find whole foods anymore, why not eat the isolated parts that we need? Hence, the popularity of vitamin and mineral supplements for a generation of pill poppers that thinks that yellow urine is normal. If you eat food... whole food... and don't take chemical vitamins, your urine will not be a bright yellow color. Yes, that’s what happens when vitamins are not absorbed….they are excreted.
Dr. J. Stickland compared SBGA to vitamins and reports: I took the Simplexity SBGA and measured blood levels of B12, waited and then measured urine levels of B12. We did the same thing with a couple of organic vitamin/mineral supplements from the health food stores and did the same thing again with chemically derived Centrum. In comparing the levels of B12, I found the Simplexity Super Blue Green algae staying at the 97% assimilation background. The urine values were very low after taking the Super Blue Green Algae, which told me that the body maintains a vast majority of the B12 that was within the Super Blue Green Algae.
Then when I took the 'other' Blue Green Algae that was harvested from Klamath Lake.... what I found was about a 50% assimilation factor so that meant that about half of the B12 showed up in the urine. Then, with the organic vitamin mineral supplements, that was really variable...that could as low as 10% and could be as high as 50%. But never higher than 50%.
I am quite convinced that the Simplexity Super Blue Green Algae is the only way to go at this point. Now, with the other brands of the Klamath Lake blue green algae, the amino acids and proteins have been destroyed and by doing so you’re disrupting that bond that attaches those vitamins and minerals to them...that's why you’re getting a different assimilation factor.
Many of us enjoy reading how science has broken down the `whys` of how things work. Let’s just not forget to put everything back together again....to the whole picture...and see what the whole food does for you. A completed puzzle of a horse makes an interesting picture, but it lacks a lot compared to the real thing.
So, that’s why I choose the simple, organic whole-food that does more than I even can comprehend.....Simplexity’s Super Blue Green Algae. I let SBGA do it all!